Friday, September 4, 2020
Free Essays on An Examination Of The Justice System In America
The death penalty has been a type of â€Å"disciplining†since 1750 B.C., when it was a piece of the code of Hammarabi. The good book itself, additionally endorses passing as a punishment for any of thirty wrongdoings submitted. The wrongdoings ran from any among murder and sex. In the eighteenth century in excess of 200 capital violations were perceived, and therefore more than one thousand individuals a year were confronted with the sentence of death. While Capital Punishment has been one of the most dreaded things within recent memory, it is as yet being addressed on the off chance that it is unlawful. The Death Penalty is being authorized in excess of 100 nations on the planet and is normally utilized in politically related cases. In spite of the fact that it has been the situation in numerous nations all through the world it has been said that the Death Penalty is merciless and uncommon discipline which is an immediate infringement to the Bill of Rights. The death penalty is a sure duplicate of the most punctual long periods of subjection, when you had no rights or any unique sentiment, and like at that point, executions have no spot in our socialized society. The Death Penalty, during its time of presence, has consistently been against the perspectives on the individuals, either on account of its ruthlessness or in light of its absence of viability. The Death Penalty has been contradicted by the individuals since the start of it's period, which was around 1976, when the United States Supreme Court pronounced that capital punishment was not against the Constitution. Be that as it may, whenever read straightforwardly the Eight Amendment of the U.S. Constitution restricts brutal and surprising disciplines and that as well as feel that Capital Punishment guarantees Americans balance for all. At the point when Capital Punishment is placed into a case and the individual has been executed it is highly unlikely to return from that on the off chance that they are later found to have been guiltless. On the off chance that an individual is condemned to existence without the chance for further appeal and is later seen as blameless, that individual can even now be discharged, yet on the off chance that the individual... Free Essays on An Examination Of The Justice System In America Free Essays on An Examination Of The Justice System In America The death penalty has been a type of â€Å"disciplining†since 1750 B.C., when it was a piece of the code of Hammarabi. The book of scriptures itself, likewise recommends demise as a punishment for any of thirty violations submitted. The wrongdoings went from any among murder and sex. In the eighteenth century in excess of 200 capital violations were perceived, and therefore more than one thousand individuals a year were confronted with the sentence of death. While Capital Punishment has been one of the most dreaded things within recent memory, it is as yet being addressed on the off chance that it is unlawful. The Death Penalty is being implemented in excess of 100 nations on the planet and is normally utilized in politically related cases. In spite of the fact that it has been the situation in numerous nations all through the world it has been said that the Death Penalty is brutal and surprising discipline which is an immediate infringement to the Bill of Rights. The death penalty is a sure duplicate of the most punctual long periods of subjugation, when you had no rights or any extraordinary feeling, and like at that point, executions have no spot in our socialized society. The Death Penalty, during its time of presence, has consistently been against the perspectives on the individuals, either as a result of its fierceness or in light of its absence of adequacy. The Death Penalty has been restricted by the individuals since the start o f it's time, which was around 1976, when the United States Supreme Court announced that capital punishment was not against the Constitution. In any case, whenever read straightforwardly the Eight Amendment of the U.S. Constitution restricts savage and strange disciplines and that as well as feel that Capital Punishment guarantees Americans fairness for all. At the point when Capital Punishment is placed into a case and the individual has been slaughtered it is extremely unlikely to return from that in the event that they are later found to have been blameless. On the off chance that an individual is condemned to existence without the chance for further appeal and is later seen as guiltless, that individual can at present be discharged, however on the off chance that the individual...
Monday, August 24, 2020
To Kill A Mocking Bird Essays (937 words) - To Kill A Mockingbird
To Kill A Mocking Bird To Kill A Mocking Bird manages numerous base and fundamental exercises in human instinct. The book uncovered numerous issues that influence a great many people for the duration of their lives. Scout, the primary character was one of the most influenced by these exercises. During the book she was presented to numerous significant encounters, which no uncertainty will leave an enduring impression. In the three years that the book occurred, she may have taken in the most significant things she will learn over as long as she can remember. One individual that influenced Scouts life was Boo Radley. He brought marvel, dread and afterward at long last help to her heart. From the start kids thought he was underhanded. There were bits of gossip that while he cut out the paper for his piece book he drove the scissors into his parent's leg.(pg11) He had attempted to murder them. Despite the fact that this may have been only talk the children were scared of the Radleys. They portrayed him frequently as a beast six-and-a-half feet tall with bloodstained hands. He was said to eat crude squirrels and any felines he could catch.(pg12) During the remainder of the book Scout and friends attempted to meet Arthur (Boo) and get over their dread of him. They didn't succeed. Be that as it may, he indicated fondness for them by leaving them endowments in a tree. At long last toward the finish of the book he demonstrates he is a decent individual by sparing Scout and Jem's lives. In this occasion Scout may have discovered that to contraril y prejudge somebody isn't right. She additionally learned sympathy. Scout additionally found out about the offensiveness of life. About death and torment. This exercise happened while her sibling needed to peruse to a debilitated and dieing old woman. This current woman's name was Mrs. Dubose. She had been a morphine someone who is addicted and had chosen to go clean till her demise. To kick the bucket as a free ladies, to bite the dust realizing she had won. Scout portrays her as a revolting woman and during their perusing meetings she would have a fit fits. Her head moved side to side. She would slobber. Her mouth appeared to have it's very own private presence. (pg.107) After many perusing meetings with her having a fit each time, she passed on one day. Presumably the most notable individual in Scout's life was the person who had set the best models for her. This was Atticus. He showed Scout how to manage individuals. One of his lessons was to be the greater individual. At the point when Bob Ewell spit in Atticus' face and compromised his life, he didn't do anything and left. All he needed to state later was,I wish Bob Ewell wouldn't bite tobacco.(pg.217) Atticus responds with his cerebrum not feelings. He urges Scout to do likewise. Another attribute that he educates is regard. Regard for individuals who are unique. Individuals, for example, Boo Radley. The children had been showcasing a play which included Boo's scissor episode. They likewise attempted to give a letter to him, so he would come out to meet them. Atticus got some answers concerning the two occurrences. They were taken care of and advised to, quit tormenting that man. He at that point revealed to them that, what Mr.Radley did was his own business.(pg.49) Atticus likewise deserved admiration for dark individuals. He once disclosed to Jem that if a white man swindles a dark man, regardless of what his identity is, the manner by which rich he is, or how fine a family he originates from, that man is trash.(pg.220) At the preliminary he likewise clarified that there are terrible and acceptable dark men as there are acceptable and awful white men.(pg.204) Two additional models that helped Scout out. The main was a significant model set by Atticus. He had been advised to guard Tom Robinson. The case was an act of futility since he was beat before he started, and it would carry hardship to himself and his family. He knew this, however didn't surrender. It was the proper activity. As he told his sibling, do you figure I could confront my kids otherwise(pg.88) Scout heard this discussion and comprehended it in later years. Again showing this gives her a significant model; Stick to what you have confidence in. An exercise in
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Literacy Narrative, A Discourse Community Analysis, And A Writing Research Essay Example For Students
The Literacy Narrative, A Discourse Community Analysis, And A Writing Research Essay In my English 1010 class, I have figured out how to do various things through composing articles. I have composed a Literacy Narrative, a Discourse Community Analysis, and a Writing Research paper. Initially, I have figured out how to distinguish how an author’s reason, crowd, sort, and setting decide viable composition. The motivation behind the proficiency story was to assist me with understanding myself better as an essayist (Jones 1). My educator was the target group of the account. The class of the story was verifiable by reason for it being about my experience as an author. The setting of composing made my composing all the more intriguing and increasingly compelling. Realizing those components causes you to make composing that is increasingly successful because of you having to comprehend what you have to expound on and who is getting your composition. I showed these aptitudes by really expounding on my encounters with perusing and composing through my life. As appeared in the accompanying sentence from my education account I shared how fun and energizing it was the point at which my second-grade class got the chance to compose a book, A Book of Future Astronauts, â€Å"Everyone in the class was genuinely eager to compose our own book,†(Writing is Good). I demonstrated that I achieved the objective of realizing how to find, create, and clarify thoughts through creative cycles that incorporate producing, arranging, reexamining, altering, and editing numerous drafts of a book in my talk network examination. We will compose a custom article on The Literacy Narrative, A Discourse Community Analysis, And A Writing Research explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now The investigation was on my congregation, St. Luke Church of†¦
Sasmsung Poter 5 Forces Free Essays
CHM1022 Lab Report 1 Rate Law of an Iodine Clock Reaction Name: Sashini Naomi Wijesekera Student ID: 23877847 Lab Partner: Zahiya Imam Lab Session: Monday 9. 00am Aim The point of the investigation is to decide the elements that influence the pace of a response, by playing out the iodine clock response and rehashing it changing distinctive introductory conditions so as to gauge and think about the pace of response for each analysis and tentatively decide the rate law. Technique Allude CHM1022 Laboratory Manual, Semester 1 2013. We will compose a custom paper test on Sasmsung Poter 5 Forces or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now Results and Calculations-Part A-Calculations of rate for one lot of conditions 1. n(S2O32-)=CV =0. 0025M*(10/1000)L =2. 50*10-5mol Molar proportion of I2 : S2O32-= 1 : 2 n(I2)=0. 5*n(S2O32-) =0. 5*(2. 50*10-5mol) =1. 25*10-5mol Mean time taken for blue shading to show up = (131sec+135sec+145sec)/3 =137seconds Rate of reaction=n(I2)/t =(1. 25*10-5mol/137sec) =9. 12*10-8mols-1 [H2O2]: C1V1=C2V2 0. 8*1=C2*99 C2=8. 8*10-3M [I-]: C1V1= C2V2 0. 025*10=C2*99 C2=2. 53*10-3M [H30+]: C1V1= C2V2 0. 36*35=C2*99 C2=0. 127M [S2O32-]: C1V1= C2V2 0. 0025*10=C2*99 C2=2. 53*10-4M Part B-Results and counts B4 (I) n(S2O32-) = 0. 0025*(5/1000) = 1. 25*10-5mol Molar proportion of I2 : S2O32-=1: 2 n(I2)=0. 5*n(S2O32-) n(I2)= 0. 5*(1. 25*10-5) =6. 25*10-6mol B4 (ii) n(S2O32-)= 0. 0025*(20/1000) = 5*10-5mol Molar proportion ofI2: S2O32-=1:2 n(I2)=0. 5*n(S2O32-) n(I2)=0. 5*(5. 0*10-5) =2. 5*10-5mol Part B-Results and estimations | |Time/s |n(I2)/mol |Rate/mol s-1 |Concentration/M | | |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |Mean t ime/s | |B1[H202] (i)higher (ii)lower | 66 | 63 | 61 | 67 | 69 | 60 | 64 | 1. 5*10-5 | (1. 25*10-5)/64=1. 95*10-7 |[H2O2]: C1V1= C2V2 0. 8*2=C2*99 C2=0. 016 | 249 | 287 | 242 | 262 | 252 | 260 | 259 | 1. 25*10-5 | (1. 25*10-5)/259=4. 83*10-8 |[H2O2]: C1V1= C2V2 0. 8*0. 5=C2*99 C2=4. 0*10-3 | |B2[I-] (i)higher (ii)lower | 78 | †| 78 | 87 | †| †| 81 | 1. 25*10-5 | (1. 25*10-5)/81=1. 54*10-7 |[I2]: C1V1= C2V2 0. 025*20=C2*99 C2=5. 1*10-3 | †| 252 | 288 | 261 | †| †| 267 | 1. 25*10-5 | (1. 25*10-5)/267=4. 68*10-8 |[I2]: C1V1= C2V2 0. 025*5=C2*99 C2=1. 26*10-3 | |B3[H30+] (i)higher (ii)lower | 91 | †| 92 | 94 | †| †| 92 | 1. 25*10-5 | (1. 25*10-5)/92=1. 36*10-7 |[H30+]: C1V1= C2V2 0. 36*70=C2*99 C2=0. 55 | 206 | 226 | 221 | 207 | †| †| 215 | 1. 25*10-5 | (1. 25*10-5)/215=5. 81*10-8 |[H30+]: C1V1= C2V2 0. 36*17. 5=C2*99 C2=0. 064 | |B4[S2032-] (i)lower (ii)higher | 61 | 67 | 71 | 69 | †| †| 67 | 6. 25*10-6 | (6. 25*10-6)/67= 9. 33*10-8 |[S2032-]: C1V1= C2V2 0. 0025*5. 0=C2*99 C2=1. 26*10-4 | 230 | 245 | †| 244 | †| †| 240 | 2. 5*10-5 | (2. 5*10-5)/240=1. 04*10-7 |[S2032-]: C1V1= C2V2 0. 0025*20=C2*99 C2=5. 05*10-4 | |B5(Temp) (i)warmer (ii)colder | 65 | 60 | 58 | †| †| †| 61 | 1. 25*10-5 | (1. 25*10-5)/61=2. 05*10-7 | T=450C | †| 288 | 310 | 303 | †| †| 300 | 1. 25*10-5 | (1. 25*10-5)/300=4. 17*10-8 | T=150C | The most effective method to refer to Sasmsung Poter 5 Forces, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
Research Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Research Portfolio - Essay Example 81). Because of the expanded degree of worldwide exchange, the outside trade, showcase has developed since as ahead of schedule as 1980 to introduce. It is evaluated that by and large, worldwide remote trade turnovers have expanded from $1.7 trillion in the year 1998 to $3.98 trillion in the long stretch of April, 2010 (Weithers, 2012, pp. 221). In the midst of this development, the outside trade showcase has had its difficulties and rising issues which influence its tasks and development. One of the significant difficulties confronting universal exchange is worldwide and provincial downturns, for example, the worldwide credit crunch and the EU money related emergency. Monetary transparency or locales likewise profoundly sway the forex showcase. A portion of the developing issues in the outside trade showcase incorporate budgetary instruments, for example, in spot exchanges, advances, trades, future and alternatives. Speculative stock investments have additionally evolved with the de velopment of the forex advertise. The accompanying venture will explore the contemporary issues in the outside trade showcase and their belongings Research addresses First, what are the rising money related instruments in the remote trade advertise and their impacts available? Second, what are the impacts of territorial and worldwide downturns on the outside trade advertise? Third, what is the connection between financial transparency of economies and the remote trade advertise? Fourth, what are the significant determinants of the trade rates in the worldwide market? Fifth, what are the difficulties in the remote trade showcase? Information To respond to the principal question, I will gather information from existing writing about improvements in monetary instruments in the dynamic remote trade advertise. These incorporate turn overs in the alternatives and future markets. Google researcher has sound sources on data. World Bank’s site ( has dependable infor mation on realities, for example, volumes of forex trade exchange, financial transparency of nations and factors which could demonstrate forces of local and worldwide downturns. These incorporate GDP and Public Debt levels of nations considers. Information will be gathered over the period from 1990 to 2010 from nations most effectively associated with the outside trade market, for example, the UK, Japan and the US Proposed approach A connection coefficient will be determined to decide whether there is any connection between rising issues, for example, alternatives, prospects, monetary transparency and business cycles, and the advancement of the worldwide remote trade advertise. I will utilize a relapse model to appraise the impact of the previous variable (developing issues, for example, choices and fates turnovers, financial transparency and business cycles) on the later factor (worldwide outside trade showcase turn overs). Rising issues are the autonomous factors while the worldwi de outside trade advertise is the needy variable. The accompanying model will be evaluated F = C + a*O +b* Fu + c*Eo + d*Bc Where; F †remote trade advertise turnover C †Constant O †Options turn overs Fu †Futures turn overs Eo †Economic transparency list Bc †Business cycle marker References DeLong, G., Smith, R.C., Walter, I., (2012), Global Banking, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Weithers, T, (2012), Foreign trade: A pragmatic manual for the fx markets volume 309 of wiley fund, New York: John Wiley and Sons. Impacts of banking market structure on firm execution Financial foundations, for example, banks are significant components of monetary and social
Thursday, July 23, 2020
What Book Rioters Are Reading on December 6, 2016
What Book Rioters Are Reading on December 6, 2016 In this feature at Book Riot, we give you a glimpse of what we are reading this very moment. Here is what the Rioters are reading today (as in literally today). This is what’s on their bedside table (or the floor, work bag, desk, whatevskis). See a Rioter who is reading your favorite book? I’ve included the link that will take you to their author archives (meaning, that magical place that organizes what they’ve written for the site). Gird your loins â€" this list combined with all of those archived posts will make your TBR list EXPLODE. We’ve shown you ours, now show us yours; let us know what you’re reading (right this very moment) in the comment section below! Liberty Hardy The House at Sea’s End by Elly Griffith: This is the third in her somewhat-cozy mystery series about Ruth Galloway, a forensic archaeologist. And they are exactly what my brain needs right now. (paperback) An Unnecessary Woman by Rabih Alameddine: This has been on my must-read list forever, because everyone I know who has read it absolutely loves it. (paperback) A Twist in Time by Julie McElwain (Pegasus Books, April 4, 2017): The follow-up to A Murder in Time, which I thought was so much fun! (galley) Chemistry by Weike Wang (Knopf, May 23, 2017): I will admit that what first drew me to this book was the fact that the cover looks like the cover of a Douglas Coupland novel. But it also sounds fabulous. (e-galley) Molly Wetta A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet: I’ve been in the mood for fantasy romance, and this one has got a lot of praise, so I’m excited to check it out. (library paperback) Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss: This has been on my TBR list forever, but I have been wary of starting an unfinished fantasy series (I hate waiting). But with the announcement that Lin-Manuel Miranda will be adapting it for TV, I put it on hold faster than you can say “Kingkiller†and immediately checked it out. (library paperback) Jamie Canaves Follow Her Home by Steph Cha: Megan Abbott recommended Cha in “By the Book†making this an instant must-read. (Hardcover) The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher: I love Fisher and having her unfiltered thoughts in my ears for any amount of time is a treat. (Audiobook) Always Happy Hour: Stories by Mary Miller: That cover is amazing and invoked so many feelings how could I not pick it up? (egalley) United: Thoughts on Finding Common Ground and Advancing the Common Good by Cory Booker: In the dumpster fire that is this year it’s nice to listen to someone energetically talk about trying to help communities who understands racial issues and who actually goes to, and has lived in, the communities he’s trying to help rather than discuss them from far away. (Audiobook) Steph Auteri Burn Baby Burn by Meg Medina: I saw Medina appear on a panel at Book Riot Live and, after breezing through a freebie copy of her Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass, I knew I had to read her more recent, award-winning YA. (Ebook) Startup by Doree Shafrir: I’m just a sucker for books that satirize life lived on the internet… because I live on the internet. (Paperback ARC) Annika Barranti Klein Lover’s Choice by Becky Birtha: Alexander Chee recommended her stories to me ages ago, and I tracked down a used copy of this out of print collection. (Paperback) Tara Olivero Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake: Received this one in a past OwlCrate box and hadn’t gotten around to it yet, but have heard good things and agree, based on the first 50 pages. (Hardcover) Maus II: A Survivor’s Tale: And Here My Troubles Began by Art Spiegelman: Finished the first Maus last night and immediately headed to the library to pick up the conclusion of the duology. (Paperback) The Great Comet: The Journey of a New Musical to Broadway edited by Steven Suskin: Honestly, I’m trash for Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 and as soon as I saw on twitter that they made a book, I had no choice but to buy it and read it and love it. (Hardcover) Casey Stepaniuk Crazy Horse’s Girlfriend by Erika T. Wurth: I literally just started this book by this Apache / Chickasaw / Cherokee author, for a school project on YA by Indigenous women authors. It’s blurbed by Eden Robinson, one of my all-time favourite authors, so I’m pretty excited. (Paperback) Furiously Happy: a Funny Book about Horrible Things by Jenny Lawson: I pretty much just stumbled upon this while browsing Overdrive for a new audiobook to listen to, and this one had been on my TBR for a while. (Audiobook) Sarah Nicolas Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates: Wow am I behind on this one, but after seeing the approximate thousandth recommendation from fellow Rioters, I checked out the audiobook from my library… I’m going to need my own print copy of this one. (audiobook) Winter by Marissa Meyer: My love for the Lunar Chronicles series has been well-documented. (audiobook) Spin the Sky by Jill Mackenzie: I saw this on a YA Interrobang roundup and requested it from my library. There’s nothing more satisfying than being the first person to read a library copy! (hardcover) Kate Scott Romeo and Juliet: A Novel by David Hewson: A novelization of Shakespeare’s classic written specifically for Audible and read by Richard Armitage. It’s very well-written and I’m enjoying it so far. (Audiobook) Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance: There’s been a lot of post-election buzz about this and a couple of book bloggers highly recommended it. (Audiobook) Tasha Brandstatter The Burning Page by Genevieve Cogman: Received an advanced copy of this book on Netgalley. (eARC) A Murder Is Announced by Agatha Christie: Was in the mood for a Christie mystery and spotted this one on Hoopla. (audiobook) Ashlie Swicker The Inexplicable Logic of My Life by Benjamin Alire Saenz: I adored ARISTOTLE AND DANTE, but I listened to Lin Manuel Miranda read the audiobook, and I was a bit concerned that his voice was part of what won me over. Not to worry this paperback is equally poetic and absorbing in the first few chapters I’ve enjoyed! (Paperback ARC) The Ship Beyond Time by Heidi Heilig: The second part of this time-traveling pirate ship duology has some of my favorite elements a strong female MC, richly imagined historical fiction, and a bit of a love triangle. (eARC) Teresa Preston Lost Girls: An Unsolved American Mystery by Robert Kolker. Lots of true crime fans I know raved about this book about murdered sex workers in Long Island. Instead of focusing on the serial killer (who was never found), Kolker focuses on the victims. So far, it’s proving to be an interesting read from a class perspective. (Library hardcover) Rebecca Hussey I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual by Luvvie Ajayi: I’m on the look-out right now for entertaining, funny audiobooks that also have something serious to say. This one fits my needs exactly. Ajayi perfectly combines comedy with a message about all the ways our culture is seriously messed up. (Audiobook) Trainwreck: The Women We Love to Hate, Mock, Fear… and Why by Sady Doyle: Doyle analyzes our cultural responses to the “trainwreckâ€: the woman who seems to be going off the rails in spectacular fashion. She looks at historical and contemporary examples and makes a powerful argument about why these women are so fascinating and why this is such a problem. (ebook) Amanda Kay Oaks I Can Barely Take Care of Myself: Tales from A Happy Life Without Kids by Jen Kirkman: This book hooked me from the title alone. As a woman who doesn’t want kids (and is really tired of hearing everyone’s opinions about this), I always enjoy hearing from others who share the same perspective. So far, I’m enjoying it, although the topics of the essays are more broad than I expected. (digital audiobook) Tell Me Again How A Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan: A friend of mine has been recommending this one to me for ages. After hearing Sara Farizan speak at Book Riot Live, I’m finally getting around to it This book is about Leila, who is an Iranian-American who knows she likes girls but is trying to keep it secret. It’s been an easy secret to keep up until now, but then a new girl shows up at school and complicated romance ensues. I’ve just started and can’t wait to keep reading! (ebook) These Vicious Masks by Tarun Shanker and Kelly Zekas: This one gets described as “Jane Austen meets X-Men†in the copy, which is basically the ultimate combo I never thought I’d actually get. Why haven’t I read this book yet? (ebook) Karina Glaser Book Scavenger by Jennifer Chambliss Bertman: I’m utterly charmed by this clever book filled with mystery, ciphers, codes, and adventure. (Paperback) Lucky Broken Girl by Ruth Behar (April 11, 2017, Nancy Paulsen Books): Received this ARC from the publisher, and I can’t put it down. It’s about Ruthie and her family, Cuban immigrants, who make their home in New York City. (ARC) Charles Darwin’s Around-the-World Adventure by Jennifer Thermes: This is a gorgeously illustrated picture book biography of Charles Darwin. (Hardcover) Katie McLain Sweetheart by Chelsea Cain: 2nd book in the Gretchen Lowell/Archie Sheridan series. I’ve read and listened to the first book twice, and it blew me away both times, but I had never gotten around to reading the rest of the series. So far I’m tearing through Sweetheart on audio it’s gritty, horrific, dark, disturbing everything that I want in a psychological suspense novel! And holy buckets, Gretchen Lowell is a TERRIFYING villain. (digital audio) And the Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich: I checked out a stack of YA novels from the library a few weeks ago, and I’m only now getting around to them. I tore through 100 pages of this seriously creepy story last night extremely atmospheric with the feel of a terrifying fairy tale. It’s very reminiscent of Long Lankin by Lindsey Barraclough, which I loved. (Library hardcover) Jessica Yang Lucy and Linh by Alice Pung: I am a huge sucker for private school stories, and the cover is just adorable. (hardcover) Derek Attig Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky: I kept seeing this book on best-SFF-of-2016 lists alongside some of my favorites, so I thought I’d give it a try. Spiders! (ebook) They Can’t Kill Us All: Ferguson, Baltimore, and a New Era in America’s Racial Justice Movement by Wesley Lowery: Lowery is so smart on these topics, and I’ve followed his work since his reporting on Ferguson. So I had to pick up this book. (ebook) Ashley Bowen-Murphy The Cutting Season by Attica Locke: This mystery couldn’t be more in my wheelhouse if it tried. The past and present collide when a woman’s body is found on the grounds of an historic Louisiana plantation. The audio book is wonderful and so much fun. (audio) Kitchens of the Great Midwest by J. Ryan Stradal: I got lucky and found a hardcopy of this in a local take one/leave one library inside a bar. Yes, Washington, DC is the best bookish city. A dear friend has been after me for ages to read this, so I’m finally reading it. (hardback) A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle: because I’ve never read it. I. Know. Save your outrage for something else. (paperback) Charles Paul Hoffman Black Canary vol 2: New Killer Star by Brendan Fletcher, Sandy Jarrell, Moritat, and Annie Wu: Every month or so I get a package from Amazon with something that I preordered and completely forgot about. This month that package brought me Black Canary volume 2, and I couldn’t be happier. This series has been insanely good and I can’t wait to dive in to see what happens next. (trade paperback) The Last Unicorn graphic novel adaptation by Peter S. Beagle, Peter B. Gillis, Renae De Liz, and Ray Dillon: I fell hard for Renae De Liz and Ray Dillon’s Legend of Wonder Woman, so when I discovered that the two had also done an adaptation of The Last Unicorn, of course I had to pick it up. I’m only an issue in, but it is so stunningly beautiful, I wish I could marry it. (ComiXology) Charlotte Sometimes by Penelope Farmer: I found a used copy of this gem at Half Price Books and knew I needed it as soon as I read the description on the back. Charlotte Makepeace wakes up after her first night in a new boarding school to discover she’s traveled back in time to 1918. Sold. (hardcover) Aram Mrjoian When the World Wounds by Kiini Ibura: Reading this collection to review for Necessary Fiction and so far I am enjoying the terse language and emotional currents. (PDF) Human Acts by Han Kang: I am just starting this book and looking forward to it because I’ve heard such good things about The Vegetarian. (ARC) Christy Childers Talking As Fast As I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls (and Everything in Between) by Lauren Graham: Because I like listening to Lauren Graham talk. (Hardcover) Hidden Christmas: The Surprising Truth Behind the Birth of Christ by Timothy Keller: Because I’ll read anything Tim Keller writes. (Library Hardcover) Erin Burba You Can’t Touch My Hair: And Other Things I Still Have to Explain by Phoebe Robinson: I love the podcast Robinson co-hosts with Jessica Williams, 2 Dope Queens. (Audiobook) Just Like Us: The True Story of Four Mexican Girls Coming of Age in America by Helen Thorpe: I loved Thorpe’s Soldier Girls: The Battle of Three Women at Home and at War. This book, about 4 Mexican teens (two with immigration papers and two without), feels especially important given the current political climate. (ebook) A Long Way Home by Saroo Brierley: The memoir of a boy who gets lost from his home in India, is adopted by an Australian family, and makes his way back to his birth family 25 years later is super compelling. (Library hardcover) Thomas Maluck The Sixth Gun, Book 9: Boot Hill by Cullen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, and Bill Crabtree: This western/fantasy has been tilting toward its grand finale for a while in-story, but its mythology and cast are so rich it’s hard to believe it’s even capable of ending. You know that feeling when a series ends and you still remember opening the first chapter? I’m getting a lot of that right now. Bunn, Hurtt, and Crabtree have built an adventure to last. (paperback) Sugar Spike: Metahuman Investigations by Keith Giffen, Bilquis Evely, and Ivan Plascencia: Finally, the Silver Age of DC Comics claims a corner of modern-day storytelling! When Batman needs colorful costumes reclaimed from collectors, Superman needs something retrieved from an island he built to look like himself, or Wonder Woman needs a monstrous ex-fiance dealt with, only investigators Sugar Spike are covert enough to get the job done. Well, when they’re not bickering and sniping at each other, anyway. Evely’s work is a pleasure to behold, buttressed by Plascencia’s colors and Giffen’s mining of DC’s history for some silly reveals. (paperback) Hellboy In Mexico by Mike Mignola, Richard Corben, Mick McMahon, Fabio Moon, Gabriel Ba, Dave Stewart: Hellboy’s five-month “lost weekend†is our golden ticket to monstrous lucha libre wrestling matches, Mexican folklore, and classic horror crossovers, all delivered by an outstanding roster of talent, including Stewart’s top-shelf shades. These stories go down easy, but pace yourself. Try not to spoil yourself chugging the whole thing. That’s how Hellboy got into this whole mess! (paperback) Rachel Weber Waking Gods: Book 2 of The Themis Files by Sylvain Neuvel I had a serious case of the book love for the first in this series about giant metal robots, so this was an insta-read for me. (e-galley) Hammers on Bone (Persons Non Grata) by Cassandra Khaw I got sent a copy of this out of the blue, a couple of pages in I knew I was going to have to finish it. A private eye with a monstrous secret, hired by 10 year old? Wheelhouse! (galley) Comfort And Joy: A Novel by India Knight I always reread this at Christmas, something about the chaos of the blended family and comedy of mad relatives makes me feel at home. (ebook) Maureen Stinger The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas: I’ve been waiting for this book for months, a debut YA novel inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement. (eARC) Just Fly Away by Andrew McCarthy: Yes, THAT Andrew McCarthy. After a well-received memoir, his first foray into fiction with a contemporary YA novel coming in April. (ARC) Swing Time by Zadie Smith: Smith is always good, and I’m pleased she has a new book for me to devour. (hardcover) Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff: The audio version of Illuminae (first in this series) featured a full cast of narrators, along with sound effects and occasional music, to present this unique novel, and the audio for the second book is just as rich. (digital audiobook) Rah Carter The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas. I’m delving into a mine of free public domain classics to listen to; particularly searching out those authors who aren’t straight white British/American men. The Three Musketeers fit the bill and I’m loving it. (digital audiobook) Jessica Pryde Our Chemical Hearts by Krystal Sutherland. I started working my way through some ARC backlist over the weekend and this was the one that stuck. (ARC) Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It has been sitting on my shelf forawhile. It was time. (paperback) The Heiress Effect by Courtney Milan. This is the second book in the Brothers Sinister series. I’m trying something different and savoring each one instead of slamming through them to reach the series finish line. (ebook)
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Diversity in the Workplace Research Assignment Paper - 550 Words
Diversity in the Workplace Research Assignment Paper (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Instructors name:Course:Date:Diversity in the WorkplaceList one of the core values or common threads of Asian American cultures that you admire, and why?The most admirable Asian American cultural heritage is the value they place on marriage and parenthood. They prioritize marriage and parenthood more than the other aspects of life such as home ownership and career success. It is unlikely to find unmarried Asian-American mothers as compared to other immigrant communities in the U.S. This is admirable because you can hardly find babies being born out of marriage, adults remaining unmarried or children being raised by single parents in the Asian American community. Considering the rest of the population in the U.S., the percentage of unmarried adults has dropped down to 51%, the number of babies born out of marriage has increased to 41%, and only 63% of children are raised by both parents (Social, Pew, and Demographic Trends 129).If you were managing Asian Americans , what could you do about the Asian American issues in the workplace?Meeting sessions and interviews should be conducted to get a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by Asian Americans. A report by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) outlined Career advancement and leadership development as the major issues facing Asian Americans in the workplace (4). To address these challenges, it is important to start by understanding the attitudinal barriers that deter Asian Americans from seeking career advancement and pursuing leadership positions. An assessment should also be done evaluating the effectiveness of the various channels information is conveyed by the management and relationship between the management and employees. Assessing how it reaches out to Asian Americans such as when notifying employees on the availability of advancement opportunities. It would also help to encourage and empower the Asian American community to advance their academic and profes sional qualifications so as to improve on their eligibility to better positions at the workplace.What do you feel our government could or should do?Statistics show the employment rate for Asian Americans in 2009 was at 8.0 % which was below the employment rate for white workers at 8.5%. The government should enact policies that ensure fairness in access to available opportunities. Policies that encourage targeted recruitment should be enforced to equally represent all regions.List one false Arab American stereotype that surprised you, why?Stereotypes about Arab Americans are associated with negative perceptions about Muslims and Arabs. One major stereotype is the way the media portrays Arabs as Muslims. It is surprising that most of the Arab Americans identify themselves as Christians. It is further surprising that according to PBS, just 12% of the world Muslims are Arabs. According to the 2000 census, nearly half of the Arab Americans were born in America and they speak English ver y well contrary to the way Hollywood portrays them as foreigners with a heavy accent.If you are managing Arab American, what can you do to he...
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Genetic Mutation Fragile X Syndrome Essay - 960 Words
The genetic mutation Fragile X syndrome occurs on a segment of human DNA. Because the disease was first studied in 1943 by British physician James Purdon Martin and British human geneticist named Julia Bell, Fragile X is also referred to as Martin-Bell syndrome. Though it was not until 1969 that scientist Herbert Lubs discovered what exactly causes Fragile X syndrome. He explained that those who obtain the mutation will possess an X chromosome with an unusual gap. The gap located on the chromosome is called a ‘fragile site,’ which is where the name originates from. Fragile X is genetically passed down to offspring, so researchers are striving to improve the symptoms in hopes that they can create a better future for the victims. Genetic mutations are permanent changes in a DNA sequences that makes up a gene. The majority of disease-causing gene mutations are unusual in the overall population. The two major classifications of gene mutations are hereditary and somati c mutations. Hereditary mutations are immediately inherited from a parent and exist throughout a person’s life. If the DNA from the sperm or egg cell contains a mutation, the resulting fertilized egg will also inherited the mutation. Somatic mutations occur by either environmental factors or when an error appears during DNA replication. Unlike hereditary mutations, a somatic mutation will not be present in every cell. Mutations typically have a negative connotation; however, they are not always harmful,Show MoreRelatedThe Genetic Mutation Fragile X Syndrome Essay922 Words  | 4 PagesThe genetic mutation Fragile X syndrome is the most commonly inherited form of intellectual disability. Because the disease was first studied in 1943 by British physician James Purdon Martin and British human geneticist named Julia Bell, Fragile X is also referred to as Martin-Bell syndrome. Though it was not until 1969 that scientist Herbert Lubs discovered what exactly causes Fragile X syndrome. He explained that those who obtain the mutation will possess an X chromosome with an unusual gapRead More The Neurobiology of Mental Retardation: Fragile X Syndrome Essay1549 Words  | 7 PagesRetardation: Fragile X Syndrome In my previous paper, I wrote on the topic of the nature-nurture debate and the ways it related to the brain-equals-behavior dilemma. In this paper, I will continue this investigation into the link between genes and neurobiology, but I will focus in on a particular aspect of the relationship: neurological disease caused by genetic aberration. There are many well studied and well documented (thought not necessarily well understood) disorders associated with the X chromosomeRead MoreGenetic Disorders and Down Syndrome Essay969 Words  | 4 PagesA genetic disorder is a disease that is caused by an abnormality in an individuals DNA. Abnormalities can range from a small mutation in a single gene to the addition or subtraction of an entire chromosome or set of chromosomes†(Letsou). Most individuals are either related to or know someone who is effected by some type of disability. Many of these disabilities are caused by genetic disorders. Genetic disorders may alter physical appe arance and cause mild to severe mental retardation. Fragile XRead MoreEssay on Fragile X Syndrome1374 Words  | 6 Pagesmental impairment is Fragile X Syndrome. Fragile X Syndrome is a mental retardation that affects social, learning and intellectual disabilities. It is a result of a change and mutation in a single gene, which can be pasted on to future generations. Symptoms arise when the mutated gene, FMR1, cannot produce enough of the protein, FMRP, that the body’s cells need to function. The symptoms can vary from each affected individual depending on how severe the gene mutation is. Fragile X causes symptoms suchRead MoreWomen s Illness History And Family History Essay2159 Words  | 9 Pages PBL 2- FRAGILE X SYNDROME FUNMED PBL WRITE UP ROSHAN RAYMOND INTRODUCTION Fragile X is said to be â€Å"the most common cause of inherited intellectual disability†(CDC, 2016) and generally is more prevalent in men than it is in women. This paper will look at the genetic inheritance of Fragile X syndrome but also some general information regarding the genetic disorder. It will also include the methods by which genetic diseases are diagnosed and how genetic counselling is used to aid patientsRead More The Etiology of Autism Essay1704 Words  | 7 PagesThe Etiology of Autism Autism is a syndrome that is characterized by the impairment of social interaction skills, verbal and nonverbal communication, and a decreased interest in participating in a variety of activities. In 1943, Kanner, the man who is attributed with the identification of this disease, hypothesized that autism might be a biological disorder as opposed to a psychological one. Numerous studies have been conducted supporting Kanner’s hypothesis. These studies have ranged from examiningRead MoreVariations and Characteristics of Mental Retardation Essay example1100 Words  | 5 Pagesin intellectual functioning and behaviors in expressing conceptual, social and practical skills in approximately one to three percent of the United States (Sue, Sue, Stanley, 2010). Mental retardation is categorized by the DSM-IV-TR as being a genetic disorder usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood or adolescence, and is not considered to be a cognitive disorder. The following criteria is requi red for diagnosis of mental retardation under the DSM-IV-TR, Intellectual functioning under theRead MoreGender Theory1544 Words  | 7 Pagesbrain theory, which is supported by research on fetal testosterone, X-chromosomes, Y-chromosomes, and the female protective effect; and the biased diagnostic criteria theory, which is also supported by many research studies that explore phenotypic differences in the symptoms of boys and girls with ASD. Ultimately, the gender disparity is best explained by a merging of these two theories, in a model that shows that there are genetic differences that lead males to be more likely to develop ASD, in additionRead MoreEpilepsy And Autistic Spectrum Disorders794 Words  | 4 Pages Epilepsy and Autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) are both genetic disorders stemming from multiple possible origins. Both disorders share multiple similarities, including cell growth, synapse development and function, and regulation of gene transcription. An incorrect or non-functioning synaptic protein causes many mutations within genetics that predispose one to both ASD and epilepsy. In addition, a recent study found that epilepsy was diagnosed in some form in 44% of children with ASD. ConverselyRead MoreWhat Do We Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder?1390 Words  | 6 PagesRobinson Peete once stated, â€Å"I m not a doctor or scientist. I m just a mom. But I do think there s a genetic predisposition, and there are environmental triggers. I feel like that combination, in my child s case, is what resulted in autism.†Holly Robinson could have not said it in a better way. What is the cause of autism? Is autism solely caused by genetics or a combination of genetics and environmental influences? What does make up autism spectrum disorders? With so much research by professionals
Monday, May 18, 2020
Short Story - 847 Words
With such a sheltered life, every detail of their path practically drawn for the two siblings forced to walk, it was a wonder the two had had any mental stability left at all. To comprehend what was correct to do or even how to have grasped a job without the codependency of their parents. Maybe the praying had worked that Eve had occasionally did when they had finally found freedom, then again, her mind constantly wondered if she was actually asking God who resided in the Bible, or God who was her keeper for eighteen years. But then again, did it really matter? Did prayers matter or was someone else answering anything she silently asked when on her knees? If she could have chose a God or two to answer, it would have been the kind old†¦show more content†¦Letting her crawl to the side of the bed more then with bright eyes. A liveliness that dulled back down only a second with the worry of the couple that had let taken them in just so shortly ago, it felt like, with open, kind and tender, arms. Such a new experience for the two of them it had been overwhelming. Swallowing suddenly, Eve blinked in thought, watching up at her brother with a thoughtful expression before finally speaking. Well ask them, Adam... surely they would have to understand this. Not the killing, maybe the killing. No, not the killing. Too sweet, too kind. She shook her head and blinked to silence her head again for the moment. Well talk to them, tell them we need to get away for a bit. There isnt a need to worry them... well.... Her thoughts swirled before she reached out to grasp at one of his hands, her fingers ever so softly rubbing on his in comfort. We would be protecting them Adam, from Him.. them. What if he was to gain more power and it somehow hurt Jerry and Betty? Could we ever look at them the same, if we had a chance to at least try? Her feet shifted, drawing to dangle over the edge of the bed, still holding his one hand in her own while staring up at Adam so sweetly despite the words that left her next. And no, we havent killed anyone before, but we can always try. What if its easy? It always looks so easy on those shows, and.. and his cops always do it when they need to. SomethingShow MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Characteristics †¢Short - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a single impression or effect.  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing personal experiences and prior knowledge to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words  | 5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. If you are one of these writers, who have run out of short story ideas, and the deadline you have for coming up with a short story is running out, the short story writing prompts below will surely help you. Additionally, if you are being tormented by the blank Microsoft Word document staring at you because you are not able to come up with the best short story idea, youRead MoreShort Story1804 Words  | 8 PagesShort story: Definition and History. A short story like any other term does not have only one definition, it has many definitions, but all of them are similar in a general idea. According to The World Book Encyclopedia (1994, Vol. 12, L-354), â€Å"the short story is a short work of fiction that usually centers around a single incident. Because of its shorter length, the characters and situations are fewer and less complicated than those of a novel.†In the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s DictionaryRead MoreShort Stories648 Words  | 3 Pageswhat the title to the short story is. The short story theme I am going conduct on is â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ by James Thurber (1973). In this short story the literary elements being used is plot and symbols and the theme being full of distractions and disruption. The narrator is giving a third person point of view in sharing the thoughts of the characters. Walter Mitty the daydreamer is very humorous in the different plots of his dr ifting off. In the start of the story the plot, symbols,Read MoreShort Stories1125 Words  | 5 PagesThe themes of short stories are often relevant to real life? To what extent do you agree with this view? In the short stories â€Å"Miss Brill†and â€Å"Frau Brechenmacher attends a wedding†written by Katherine Mansfield, the themes which are relevant to real life in Miss Brill are isolation and appearance versus reality. Likewise Frau Brechenmacher suffers through isolation throughout the story and also male dominance is one of the major themes that are highlighted in the story. These themes areRead MoreShort Story and People1473 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Title: Story Of An Hour Author: Kate Chopin I. On The Elements / Literary Concepts The short story Story Of An Hour is all about the series of emotions that the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard showed to the readers. With the kind of plot of this short story, it actually refers to the moments that Mrs. Mallard knew that all this time, her husband was alive. For the symbol, I like the title of this short story because it actually symbolizes the time where Mrs. Mallard died with joy. And with thatRead MoreShort Story Essay1294 Words  | 6 PagesA short story concentrates on creating a single dynamic effect and is limited in character and situation. It is a language of maximum yet economical effect. Every word must do a job, sometimes several jobs. Short stories are filled with numerous language and sound devices. These language and sound devices create a stronger image of the scenario or the characters within the text, which contribute to the overall pre-designed effect.As it is shown in the metaphor lipstick bleeding gently in CinnamonRead MoreRacism in the Short Stor ies1837 Words  | 7 PagesOften we read stories that tell stories of mixing the grouping may not always be what is legal or what people consider moral at the time. The things that you can learn from someone who is not like you is amazing if people took the time to consider this before judging someone the world as we know it would be a completely different place. The notion to overlook someone because they are not the same race, gender, creed, religion seems to be the way of the world for a long time. Racism is so prevalentRead MoreThe Idol Short Story1728 Words  | 7 PagesThe short stories â€Å"The Idol†by Adolfo Bioy Casares and â€Å"Axolotl†by Julio Cortà ¡zar address the notion of obsession, and the resulting harm that can come from it. Like all addictions, obsession makes one feel overwhelmed, as a single thought comes to continuously intruding our mind, causing the individual to not be able to ignore these thoughts. In â€Å"Axolotl†, the narr ator is drawn upon the axolotls at the Jardin des Plantes aquarium and his fascination towards the axolotls becomes an obsession. InRead MoreGothic Short Story1447 Words  | 6 Pages The End. In the short story, â€Å"Emma Barrett,†the reader follows a search party group searching for a missing girl named Emma deep in a forest in Oregon. The story follows through first person narration by a group member named Holden. This story would be considered a gothic short story because of its use of setting, theme, symbolism, and literary devices used to portray the horror of a missing six-year-old girl. Plot is the literal chronological development of the story, the sequence of events
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Effects of Punishment - 805 Words
Effects of Punishment and Sentencing Jesus Lujan Jr. CJS/200 February 13, 2011 University of Phoenix- Robert Winkler Effects of Punishment and Sentencing The Effects of Punishment and Sentencing Punishment and sentencing are an integral part of our criminal justice system. There are four basic philosophical reasons for sentencing retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. There are some factors that that can affect how a wrongdoer is punished. There is a debate surrounding capital punishment with very distinct viewpoints. These topics will be covered in this paper. Purpose of Sentencing There are four basic philosophical reasons for sentencing retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and†¦show more content†¦Factors of Sentencing The sentencing ritual strongly lends itself to the concept of individualized justice. There are two factors that most judges consider before sentencing a wrongdoer, the seriousness of the crime and if there are any mitigating or aggravating circumstances. The Seriousness of the Crime is the primary factor in a judge’s sentencing decision. The more serious the crime is, the harsher the punishment. Every judge has their own method of determining the seriousness of an offense. Most judges will simply consider the â€Å"conviction offense†; that’s where they base the sentence on the crime for which the defendant was convicted. Other judges focus on the â€Å"real offense†in determining the punishment for a wrongdoer. The â€Å"real offense†is based on the actual behavior of the defendant, regardless of the official conviction. Many prosecutors and defense attorneys are opposed to â€Å"real offense†procedures because they can render a plea bargain meaningless. Mitigating and aggravating circumstances are circumstances surrounding a crime that may prompt a judge to adjust the sentence so that it more accurately reflects the totality of the crime. Mitigating circumstances are circumstances that may justify a lighter sentence and aggravating circumstances are circumstances may justify a harsher sentence. AShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Punishment On Children Essay1591 Words  | 7 Pages1. Punishment is defined as reduction in the strength of a behavior because of its consequences. For example, your child misses their curfew one night and you punish them by saying they can’t go out for two weeks, it is more likely then the child will not miss their curfew again because of the negative consequence and therefore reducing or decreasing the beh avior of missing one’s curfew. Skinner’s view in 1938 was that punishment suppresses behavior but only for a short period of time. He cameRead MorePhysical Punishment and the Effects2297 Words  | 10 Pagesï » ¿Brianna Ascencio ENGWR 300 T/Th 7:30 Dr. Muà ±oz November 19, 2013 Research Paper Physical Punishment and the Effects A fearful child walks slowly, but carefully to his house from school. Walking home feels faster than usual and before he knows it, he walks into the front door as quietly as possible. He gets a sort of relief when he finds out he is home alone. Seconds later, he gets that turned feeling in his stomach again. He knows he awaits for the worst. What he has done wasn’t so badRead MorePunishment And Its Effects On Society2520 Words  | 11 Pagesjustifications for punishment which are retribution and reductivism. Retributivism justifies punishment by claiming that it is what offenders deserve whilst reductivism justifies punishment saying that it reduces the incident of crime in the future. Reductivism is known as a consequentialist theory which is supported in the form of moral reason known as utilitarianism. The utilitarian philosophy understands that a society completely free of crime does not exist but it tries to utilise punishment as much asRead MoreCapital Punishment And Its Effect On Society1425 Words  | 6 PagesCapital Punishment has been a topic of debate since it was reinstated in 1976. Some say that in a free society, capital punishment is an unnecessary form of cruel and unusual punishment in violation of our constitution. Others claim that capital punishment serves the primary purpose of deterring crime and punishing society’s most homicidal offenders. The biggest question when it comes to capital punishment is, is it worth it? Does Capital punishment have a deterrent effect on society? Or does itRead MoreCorporal Punishment And Its Effect On Children1617 Words  | 7 PagesThis paper explores the effectiveness or lack of it, in reinforceme nt and punishment, corporal punishment, inductive reasoning, power assertion and withdrawal of love. Corporal Punishment Corporal punishment remains a much litigious and widely debated issue. It refers to the use of physical force towards a child with the intention of controlling and correcting undesirable behaviors (Lenta, 2012). In most cases, corporal punishment is intended to cause some degree of pain and discomfort on the offenderRead MorePositive Effects Of Corporal Punishment1174 Words  | 5 PagesGershoff’s article talks only about a few positive effects of corporal punishment which include immediate compliance, prevention of future misbehavior, and moral internalization. Corporal punishment is often seen as ineffective and as having negative results in children’s development including developing of aggressive behaviors, harming parent-child relationships, and damaging mental health. Mediational processes are inevitable consequences of corporal punishment when administered to children; a few of themRead MoreEffects Of Positive Punishment On Children1562 Words  | 7 Pages This paper will explore effects of positive punishment on children from research conducted through an online database. The articles however vary in certain aspects and perspective of punishment. Lansford, Wagner, Bates, Pettit, Dodge (2012) discuss the controversy as to whether or not infrequent spanking is related to the higher levels of externalizing behavior. Fletcher (2012) discusses whether or not the use of punishment is effective on children. Straus (1999) suggested about 15 years ago thatRead MoreInmense Effects of Physical Punishment870 Words  | 4 Pageschildren are being abused? Physical punishment leads to countless consequences. If we truly believe that our children are our future, then we need to first fully understand how physical punishment affects children physically, emotionally, and mentally. It’s important to acknowledge that once a child is hit, the memory of that pain and humiliation remains programmed in the body and the brain for the rest of their lives. Physical punishment has an immense effect on the body, especially those who areRead MoreNegative Effects Of Corporal Punishment1273 Words  | 6 PagesCorporal punishment is a type of negative reinforcement, something that has close to no positive effect on children; it also discourages integrity and does not prepare them for adulthood. Knowing this information, there is no justification for using violent punishment on children. However, there will still be some people who believe they need to hit their kids; it’s difficult to defy what we have been raised to believe. It does become substantially easier, though, once one is educated about the harmRead MoreCorporal Punishment and the Effects of Its Usage757 Words  | 3 PagesCorporal Punishment and the effects of its usage Corporal punishment is the ability to make physical contact as a form of punishment for reprimanding ones behavior. Corporal punishment versus positive reinforcement while they both serve their purpose corporal punishment is known to be more effective. The most common form of disciplining has always been either a spanking, corporal punishment has been dated all the way back to biblical times. Now the corporal punishment that occurred during biblical
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sustainable Energy And The Hot Air - 1640 Words
Earvin P Eugene 11/29/15 Sustainable Energy – Without The Hot Air What is sustainable energy and how does it affect us? Sustainable energy is defined as resources, which present the needs of a society without damaging the ability of future generations to gain those same needs. Most sources of sustainable energy are renewable and non-exhaustible. Some examples of renewable energy sources are solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, and geothermal. â€Å"Sustainable Energy – Without The Hot Air†by David J.C. Mackay focused on the current dependency on fossil fuels today, which is not sustainable. In fact, the majority of developed countries solely burn fossil fuels as their source of energy. There are three main factors why this is bad. First, the quantity of fossil fuels are not infinite, eventually reserves will be depleted. Second, it is proven that burning fossil fuels influences climate change and global warming. Third, in the case of Britain and many other countries, which depend on fossil fuels when they are depleted, will then dep end on other countries for energy. The cost and trade will be unfavorable for many developed countries. Instead of being dependent on fossil fuels they will be dependent on other countries. The first part of the literature is organized to view a broad scope of the utilization of energy in many ways and understanding the pollution involved by numbers. For example, there is a drastic rise of carbon dioxide production since theShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Issues Of Water Pollution1300 Words  | 6 PagesReflect on environmental issues you learned about in this course so far. What have been the most important decisive experiences or convincing arguments in shaping your own attitudes? The earth is the danger of many environmental issues. We see air pollution, global warming, overpopulation, natural resources extinction, waste disposal; all these environmental crises heighten year after year and will continue to cause tragedies to us in the future. We should all take these issues seriously and activelyRead MoreAppropriate Technology Essay934 Words  | 4 Pageswhich mean using renewable energy. Renewable energy simply means that the source of the energy will always be available and can be replenished. Moving toward the use of renewable energy has been found to very beneficial in several ways. Some of the ways in which renewable energy is beneficial are it is cost-effective, it helps to improve the energy in our homes, and could cut the nation’s energy use up to about two-third within a year. Renewable energy industries generate energy using resources such asRead MoreEssay on Climate Change798 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ Climate is the average condition of temperature, amount of water vapor in air that is humidity and rainfall that has persisted over years and centuries and millenniums. Does climate ever change? Yes! It had changed! Earth, when newly made, was hot and red! Eventually it cooled and biological life started. Then Ice age eclipsed whole of the Earth, with chilled winds blowing all over the place. Gradually, the climate again changed toRead MoreBiomimicry is a New Science to Solve Humans Sustainability Problems882 Words  | 4 Pagesresearch project is the high energy consumption of air-conditioners in industrial facilities but also in households and its global and personal health problems (National Geographic online). There is too much money and electricity spent on air-conditioning all around the world, and percentages are rising. Air-conditioners have a negative impact on the environment as they can release refrigerants into the atmosphere, which deplete the ozone layer. Health hazards can also occur if air-conditioners are notRead MoreData Center and Center Power Consumption1404 Words  | 6 PagesB – Data Centers (1) 1. PUE (Power usage effectiveness), the ratio of total facility energy to IT equipment energy within a data computer, which measures how much of the power is actually used by the computing equipment. It is an important place to start when considering how to reduce data center power consumption because it is one of the most effective metrics for measuring data center energy efficiency. PUE is calculated by taking the total power of consumed by a data center facility thenRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Conditioning On The United States1219 Words  | 5 PagesIs the United States addicted to air conditioning? The use of air conditioning within the United States is higher than any other country As Badger has noted: â€Å"We love our air conditioning in the U.S. The amenity is more common in American homes – 87 percent of us have either central air or window units†. This has resulted in Americans becoming addicted to air conditioning. Addiction can be caused from always be ing around cooled homes, offices and cars. People start to get used to feeling the coolRead MoreSustainability And Construction Practices : Department Of Civil Engineering1256 Words  | 6 PagesScope of renewable energy 3 Types of renewable energy i. Solar power 3 ii. Wind power 5 iii. Biomass 6 iv. Geothermal energy 7 v. hydropower 8 Conclusion 8 References 9â€Æ' RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ELECTRICITY IN SUSTAINABILITY INTRODUCTION: It is the energy comes from natural resources like sun light, wind, rain water and geothermal heat. As we all know that coal, oil, gas are limited in nature they might run out some day renewable energy is the best way toRead MoreEssay on Construction1517 Words  | 7 PagesLA014506 | Build thermally efficient amp; sustainable structures | | CONTENTS Page Question 1 3-5 Question 2 5-7 Question 3 7 QUESTION 1 In Australia, research for the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC) suggestsRead MoreHow Wind Turbines Work. I Can Still Remember That I’Ve1136 Words  | 5 PagesTurbines Work I can still remember that I’ve made a windmill by a paper in my childhood. I hold my windmill running on the lawn. Currently, wind power has become the world s fastest growing renewable power source. The earliest use of wind to produce energy is when the Egyptians are said to have used it to propel their sailboats through the water. At 1300’s, the windmill appeared in Europe and was used in the to drain fields. 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Full Day Kindergarten Free Essays
Full Day Kindergarten; The First Step in a Long, Successful Way of Life. Vera Kuznetsova Public Speaking CALC On September 2010 more than 600 schools across Ontario opened their doors for a new program full-day kindergarten. This project is supposed to help parents to build a better future for their children. We will write a custom essay sample on Full Day Kindergarten or any similar topic only for you Order Now Almost every parent has a daydream in which she or he wants to see his or her child’s success. The project of full-day kindergarten can drive this dream to a reality. This program has been approved in the USA and given a significant result; this program became very popular, according to Viadero` and Debra (2005), because it is affordable for families with low income. Today parents in Ontario are given a hope to see children more confident and succeed in their life. On the other hand, this low has the negative aspects; due this program a lot of teachers and day care’s staff have lost their jobs and the schools funds have been reduced. The provincial government invested for this program about $13, 500000 taxpayer’s dollars. The impact of full-day kindergarten project gives the new possibilities for children to increase level of knowledge, social participation and quality of life, but it takes away the school’s financial support to build up the successful educational process as a whole. And I have a question: â€Å"Is this investment worth in today’s economical situation or not? †Majority of children, who attend a full-day kindergarten, indicate a huge progress by showing great grades especially in the reading and mathematics skills. The researchers found that â€Å"children in such settings enjoy an academic edge over those in half-day programs†(Viadero Debra, 2005). They can easily reach the high level by using extra time. †Many educators and parents of young children believe: Children learn more in full-day kindergarten programs than they do in half-day program. †(Viadero Debra, 2005). These children stay longer in school compared to the children, who attend half-day kindergarten, so they have extra time to practice and polish learning materials. Second, starting to study from young age has a great advantage, because at this age children have a tremendous ability to observe and absorb new information. â€Å"A seamless day of uninterrupted school gives children the time to explore, discover how hings work for themselves and engage with other children. †(Song, 2010, p. U1). Combining ability observing and absorbing new information with having extra time, when the children can polish learning material they usually get good marks for their assessments and tests. Those children, according to Viodera and Debra (2005) â€Å"on av erage, the learning gains that pupils make in full-day programs translate to about a month of additional schooling over the course of a school year†. Having enough time is increasing chances to get better marks and keep up with studying and improving their goals. The children, who are enrolled in full day kindergarten, have very good social skills. First of all, they have to be in the big group of children from very young age. Children have to learn how make friends, build relationships, and keep them. Those children also learn how to solve big and small issues and problems; they learn how to make concessions and compromises. â€Å"Children love to learn and thrive in an atmosphere where the only concern of the adult in their day is that they are successful and feel good about themselves†. (McClean,2010). They have an opportunity learning from adult; parents and educators can collaborate and teach the children how to communicate with each other and how to manage and come up with the same decision, which was chosen by a group of children. Having some knowledge about how to communicate, solve the problems is one of the characteristic of leader. Those children can build their leadership skills, because they spend a lot of time together; so they are becoming well-know very quickly. Song(2010) in his publication said that children at the age 4 or 5 are already prepared to enjoy the company with partners and mates. When children feel more confident and successful they are more active in social life of community. Participation in social life can be a step on the long way to success. Full-day kindergarten gives for children an opportunity to build a new life style, because parents can earn and save a lot of money. †Proponents say the day-long school program will let more parents upgrade job skills or work outside the home, while saving others the hassle of living work in the middle of the day to shuttle kids from school to childcare†( Pearson,2010). Parents will be able to have a better well-paid job, so they will make more money. They also will save a lot of money because they do not have to pay for childcare or babysitter. They can channel this money to different needs such as school supply material or enroll kids to different after school program and activities. Cost of post-secondary education grows up every year; putting extra-money in an educational fund will be paid a price in the near future. Children will have a chance to get diploma without debt or the debt will be paid off very quickly. Parents can make living their children more comfortable and relax. They can use savings on vacation and different activities. Having enough money avoids many problems; so fewer problems equal less stress. Money can change children’s life style. Supporters of half-day kindergarten asset that starting school life in very young age could be profitless, because when children stay longer day in school they can get bored and they cannot get their education without debt and they also could be egoistic. However, it is not true. According to Song (2010), children are able to study from young age. Using different methods helps make learning more effective and interesting. Learning cannot be boring; how can some new thing be boring. Staying longer in big group of children provokes to communicate; ability to communicate built outgoing person. Even though cost of post-secondary education is not small amount of money it can less for children, who can have a scholarship because they will have great grades and they can also use money from different educational funds where parents had put money when children were little. All those factors give only positive points of view let’s take a look for the negative spots as well. There are not secrets that so many employees lost their jobs; how we can be positive about the future those teachers, what they have to do and how they have to live and support their families when there is a shortage of job positions availability. How they have to survive in this economical state. There is not doubt that putting the enormous amount of money for the program which might or might not be successful for Ontario was very risky and unsafe. It might be more appropriate in the different time when government has enough assets to start this program; not today. There another fact such as long-term supports schools; due this law schools funds have been cut down. Schools do not provide any more school supplies such as graph paper and any other material that are needed during the educational process. There are not available after school activities any more; no more sport activities. As well full day kindergarten require more physical space; the little children have to have the space; space to play, space to sleep, so in many cases schools have to build the additional portables; and his is additional capital that will be pulled out from ours pockets. Building a new life style, communicational skills, and successful academicals grades could be one of the results of full-day kindergarten and financial deficit might be another a new educational program in Ontario. This project could be feasible; so future of our children could be better and without worry. †Children who attend full-day kindergarten tend to be less advantaged, socially, econo mically and academically, than their peers in half-day programs†(Viadero Debra, 2005, p. 1-16. ). Even though this project took start very quickly with poor support; it will be huge revolution in Ontario’s educational system in the next 4 or 5 years from today, according to Rushowy (2010). Sam Hammond says: â€Å"This is huge thing for Ontario. We are pleased that the government put this forward even a time of economical concern†(as cited Rushowy, 2010). This provincial regulation puts a lot of faith in children, their innate interest in learning and in their intelligence. Having a proper and solid fundament is the first step on the long, successful way of life. All those factors give only positive points let’s take a look for the negative spots as well. There are not secrets that so many employees lost their jobs; how we can be positive about the future those teachers, what they have to do and how they have to live and support their families when there is a shortage of job positions availability. How they have to survive in this economical state. There is not doubt that putting the enormous amount of money for the program which might not be successful for Ontario it is very risky REFERENCES Song, V. , (2010). Toronto Star, Ont. : Sep 2, 2010. (pU. 1). Experts Say JK Kids Will Thrive: Retrieved September 20, 2010, from http://proquest. umi. com/pqdweb? did=212764451Fmt=3clientId=20373RQT=30 Rushnowy, K. , (2010). Toronto Star, Ont. : Sep 7, 2010. ( p. GT. 1). Rest Time Will Be on Need-To-Nap Basis: As New Program Rolls out in 600 Schools†¦. Retrieved September 20, 2010, from http://proquest. umi. com/pqdweb? did=2131752211Fmt=3clientId=20373RQT=309 Pearson, M. , (2010). The Ottawa Citizen. Ottawa, Ont. : Sep. 7, 2010. (p. A. 1). Big Day for Our Littlest Students; Retrieved September 20, 2010, from http://proquest. umi. om/pqdweb? did=2134488341Fmt=3clientId=20373RQT=309 Viadero. , Debra. , (2005) Education Week; 10/19/2005, Vol. 25 Issue 8, p1-16, 2p. Full-Day Kindergarten Produces More Learning Gains, Study Says†¦. Retrieved September 08, 2010, from http://search. ebcohost. com/login. aspx? direct=truedb=aphAN=18703444site=ehost-livescope=site McClean, S. , (2010) The Globe and Mail. Toronto, Ont. : Sep 10, 2010. P. A. 1 2. What Kindergarten Gives Kids. Retrieved September 20, 2010, from http://proquest. umi. com/pqdweb? did=2134583131Fmt=3clientId=20373RQT=30 How to cite Full Day Kindergarten, Essay examples
Personal Learning of of project Management †
Question: Discuss about the Personal Learning of of project Management. Answer: Weekly Portfolio Learning Table Topic and Reading samples Personal learning outcome from the unit Learning from experience Supporting documentation Lecture slides Concept ofproject management Its benefits for the project As a project manager of the organization, I came across that the traditional working of my organization is inefficient to handle the projects. The traditional working practices are not sufficient to handle the monthly report associated with the project progress, no accuracy in the database management system, inefficiency in developing relationship between coordinating units, and other Research paper on Project management: Recent development and research opportunities By: Nicholas Hall From the literature review of the article, I am able to learn the efficiency of theproject management in handling the project tasks and processes efficiently because the project management is the discipline which is used for managing the set of activities in achieving the project mission or goal within the prescribed time and cost. The completion of the project is divided into 5 phases which are classified as project initiation phase, project planning The implementation of theproject management process helps in adding value to the project completion. The complexity associated with the project can be efficiently resolved with the use of project management life cycle. The use of this modern technology becomes the important part of organization. It provides the well-defined structure for the project activities which are undertaken to complete the organizational goal. The predictability of the project manager can be increased with the use of this technology because it helps in increasing the capability to analyse the risks and issues associated with the scheduled activities. From the research study, I conclude that my experience and learning was very limited. As a project manager I have to broaden my area of skills and expertise for the efficient working of the project undertaken. From the learning experience of the past, I found that the project can be efficiently completed with the clear determination of requirement specification plan approved from the stakeholder. The review meetings play an important role in the project development. From the research findings, it can be right to say that the interaction and correlation between the project activities helps in providing better scope of team management. It is difficult in analysing the risks associated with the project proactively before its implementation in the daily curriculum activities. The productivity of the team depends on the communication plan laid down for managing interrelationship between coordinating parties. The expansion of the services is the risks associated with the future program. The collaboration between the team members is the major problem which can give rise to the distraction, chaos, and conflicts. The project management theory and the management of research project by E. KJolehede Research paper on Innovation project management: a research agenda. By: S. Filippov and H. Mooi The functional module of the project management helps in analysing the effectiveness of the project manager in the development of the project phases. The development of the project depends on the focus in ten different areas which are named as project integration, scope management plan, time management plan, cost associated with the project, quality management plan, procurement management plan, human resource utilization process, communication management plan, risk identification and mitigation policies, and stakeholder analysis and management. From the project working learning experience, I found that the focus of the project plan is on the five different areas which are named as project initiation, project planning, project execution, monitoring and controlling, and closing procedure. From the findings of the paper, It is estimated that the stakeholder analysis is the key part of the project for managing the cost structure of the plan with the division of responsibilities among the human resources. The aim of the project management activities is to manage coordination and interrelationship among the undertaken project activities, arrangement of the project review meetings periodically helps in resolving the issues of distraction, ensuring regulatory compliance procedure for the settlement of legal and political issues, providing good quality deliverables of the project, and ensuring feedback procedures for the deployment of the project processes Research paper on project management by O. Passenheim And Amazing project management research: perspective from top management journal By Y. Kwak and F. Anbari The scheduling of the project activities is the key role of the project management discipline if implemented within the working culture of the enterprise. The forecasting of the activities helps in determining the effectiveness of the project plan proactively. The identification of the risks can be effectively done with the analysis of the project activity schedule. The project management is implemented within the working curriculum of the enterprise to develop a working plan for achieving the project goal and mission, developing the project activity schedule, establishing the milestone of different activities, determining the skills and expertise of the team members, development of the scope management plan for the organization, development of change requirement specification plan, estimating the time line for the project completion, allocating resources to the different team members, assigning of roles and responsibilities of team members, rescheduling of the procurement management plan, defining the WBS key elements, setting priorities to the project activities for managing flow of communication process among the team members, and others In the project planning phase, my focus is to deploy effective project methodology for synchronising the activities towards the goal of the project. The constraints associated with the project should be proactively determined for the effective management of the activities. The project control procedure should be laid down for achieving the scope specification plan. The expected outcome should be achieved with the project methodology determined for the completion program of the project. The estimation of the cost and time allocated to complete the activities helps in developing good concept of project management. The priorities should be set for managing flow of sequence between them so that one process should not affect the working of the other process. The simple and complex task can be efficiently done by adding priorities to the business activity plan. The selection of the team members should be done on the basis of their skills and expertise according to the demand of the project . The resources should be divided among the project team so as to avoid the chance of conflict. The supply and demand of the equipment and material should be managed before its demand from the site location. Research paper on Project management in the international development industry. By L. Ika Research paper on Research and the future of project management By: P. Morris The role of the project manager plays an important role in defining the project activities. The supervision of the project working platform helps in resolving the key issues which exist with the project. The project manager is the active participants for deciding the flow of project activities from start to end of the project. The planning is the blueprint of the proposed framework used for developing the project. He should determine the structure of the process synchronization activities. He works on managing coordination and cooperation among the team members. The public relation should be effectively managed by the good communication skills of the project manager. The division of roles and responsibility among the team member is the core responsibility of the project manager by determining the skills and expertise of team members. The periodic meetings should be arranged between them for handling distraction, chaos, and conflict during the program so that it should not affect the completion of the project at the end. In the learning practice, I came to know that the complete working of the project and the outcome which received at the end of the project is the result of hard work and dedication of the project manager. My team works coordinated if I am able to guide them effectively in achieving their objective. The flow of communication with the subordinates helps in resolving the grievances of them efficiently. The increased satisfaction level helps them to remain connected with the success of the project. The errors occurred in managing synchronization between the process should be rectified at an early stage so that it does not affect the working of the entire program and may result in delay of the project deliverables. I have realised that the project can be effectively completed with the division of entire project into smaller phases and providing responsibilities to the team members on the basis of their inner talent. The quality of the product is depends on the team efforts given by the co ordinating members. The risks should be identified early in the project life cycle so that the mitigation strategies should be applied on them to resolve them. Reflection and conclusion: In the research study, I am able to analyse my inner talent and flaws to become an efficient project manager. The skills of creative thinking should be enhanced as a project manager to get effective result of decision making. The scheduling of the project activities helps in defining the framework of processes. The development of the communication flow helps in completing the project within the allocated time and cost. The risk mitigation plan should be developed for resolving the key issues of the project which can play the role of critical factor and responsible for the delay of the project. I am able to learn the factors which can help in improving coordination among the team members and processes undertaken. The cost effectiveness can be maintained by allocating the resources to the team members according to their requirement. References: Filippov, S and Mooi, H. (2016). Innovation project management: a research agenda. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 04 Apr. 2018]. Hall, N. (2012). Project management: Recent development and research opportunities. Journal of system science and system engineering, 21 (2). [Accessed 04 Apr. 2018]. Ika, L. (2009). Project management in the international development industry. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 04 Apr. 2018]. Kjolehede, E. (2016). The project management theory and the management of research project. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 04 Apr. 2018]. Kwak, Y, and F, Anbari. (2009). Amazing project management research: perspective from top management journal. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 04 Apr. 2018]. Morris, P. (2009). Research and the future of project management. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 04 Apr. 2018]. Passenheim, O. (2014). Project management. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 04 Apr. 2018].
Monday, April 27, 2020
The analyzation of the Great Gatsby Essay Example For Students
The analyzation of the Great Gatsby Essay Myrtle Wilson searches for her identity through money. Myrtle evolves into another person when Tom exposes her to a lavish lifestyle. While throwing a party at the apartment she shares with Tom, Myrtle calls a nice dress she is complimented on a crazy old thing and says she slips it on when she doesnt care what she looks like. This statement coming from a woman who resides over a garage is obviously false. Myrtle becomes a spoiled little girl around Tom, acting almost giddy at times with the thought of being bought material possessions no matter what they are. We will write a custom essay on The analyzation of the Great Gatsby specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now While on an outing with Nick and Tom, Myrtle becomes very excited when she sees puppies on the side of the road and becomes girl like in her demand of the animal. The lack of emotion that Myrtle feels for her husband, who is poor, versus the affection she feel for Tom, who is rich attests to her obvious materialism. Myrtle claims it was a mistake for her to marry George Wilson. Myrtle complains about George frequently and refers to him as a breed not fit to lick her shoe. Clearly Myrtle resents the fact that George is not successful and is therefore of little value to her. Tom Buchanan searches for his identity through love. His sexual conquests are obvious attempts to compensate for the love that does not exist in his marriage to Daisy. Tom desperately wants the love of his wife but has to settle for her loyalty. Tom has come to the conclusion that Daisy will never love him. Her marriage to Tom is one of convenience. Tom represents prestige, companionship, and most of all wealth. Their wedding day was one filled with pomp and circumstance; Tom knew from the beginning that his actions needed to be extreme and lavish. Toms wife cant live without wealth; his attempts to please her are to make her love him. After finding out about Daisys affair with Gatsby, Tom recalls a tender moment when he carries Daisy down from the Punch Bowl to keep her shoes dry. Tom became fearful of loosing his wife when he hears of her other relationship; he wants her to love only him. Tom has hopes and desires for the love that could only come from Daisy. Daisy Buchanan searches for her identity through money. Daisys quest to remain at the level in society that she has known all of her life prevents her from choosing a man she loves because he is socially unacceptable. Jordan recalls finding Daisy in a drunken stooper clutching in her hand a letter from Gatsby. Daisy mumbles that she has changed her mind about marrying Tom, yet after sobering up continues with the ceremony not mentioning the incident again. Daisy makes her choice of a husband who was socially more acceptable and decided to forego any possibility of love. I feel Daisy would have never been satisfied; she marries a man who has money and is miserable without love; but had Daisy married Gatsby when she had the opportunity she would have probably been unhappy with out the riches. I have discussed mans search for identity as the theme in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In doing so, I noticed that the characters in this novel never once look inside themselves for contentment. The characters I have discussed, and other in this unique, enter twining novel seek to make themselves hole by attaining sexual conquests, material possessions, and above all wealth. Not surprisingly, none of the characters ever get what they want out of life. Gatsby wants the love of Daisy and instead ends up dead; Myrtle sought to hold on to her rich lover and ends up dead; Tom and Daisy stay unhappily married.
Friday, April 10, 2020
College Essay - Tips To Ensure That Your College Essay Is In The Best Shape
College Essay - Tips To Ensure That Your College Essay Is In The Best ShapeIf you are a student who is working on his or her degree, you must have a good idea of what you are getting yourself into when it comes to comparing the essays you write for your college degree essay art sample. If you are an English major, there is no better time than now to make sure that you are doing the best job possible in your curriculum. Writing an essay and seeing it published is one of the most rewarding experiences anyone can go through in life.You have to realize that you can't do this alone. There is always someone behind you, and this is doubly true if you are dealing with essays for your degree. As soon as you finish writing one of these essays, make sure you get it written down on paper. This is to make sure that it is ready for publication when the right person sees it.It would be foolish of you to think that you can stay out of trouble by being the kind of student who has academic excellence, but it is something that you have to work at. The more papers you write, the more sense it makes for you to make sure that the essay you are writing for your school paper is as good as you can make it.When it comes to your essay art sample, the first thing you have to do is find a good art teacher for you to read through. This is a person who will be able to show you how he or she would write for you, and what style that would fall under. Of course, this person should be the one who can write whatever the subject matter is that you are working on.A very important aspect that is included in your college essay art sample is that you should be willing to submit it to the school board, if they ask you to. Most schools are going to look at your college application materials and your college transcript. If your essay gets to be at the top of their list, then they will send you an appointment to sit down and discuss your college essay for them.This does not mean that you have to give up o n college essay or anything like that. Just making sure that the person who is assigning you the college essay for you to write really knows what they are doing is a good idea. It is not the end of the world if you get an appointment and the professor does not take your college essay to heart, but you will not get another one if it turns out poorly.You are not the only one who is concerned about getting a good college essay for yourself. This is a large undertaking that you should be proud of if you are taking it seriously. Make sure that you are giving it your best, as well as trying to show the professor that you are someone who is going to do what they want when it comes to your college essay.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Is It Essential to Write Essay on Economics
Is It Essential to Write Essay on Economics How to Write an Economics Essay Tyler Cowen, a famous American economist, once said that economics is everywhere, and understanding economics can help you make better decisions and lead a happier life. Economics is a compulsory subject at most schools and colleges. It helps students understand the whole range of economic issues, their consequences, and possible solutions. Economics affects everyone, no matter who you are or who you are going to become. That`s why teachers do their best to make you interested in learning more about this interesting subject. Writing an economics essay is a great opportunity for you to provide a solution to the certain economic problem, give your opinion on some economic aspects and show your economic skills. That`s how you do it in the best way. Just Keep Calm and Get Prepared for the Process Of course, you might feel confused if your professor or teacher is asking you to write on monopoly and how the existence of a single dominant supplier for a commodity affects the marketplace and consumer demand theory. It sounds difficult, doesn`t it? But everything will change dramatically if you just read and analyze your question thoughtfully. The next step is to access resources and do some preliminary research. Determine what kinds of sources you need and get a sense for how much information is out there on your topic. Make a good set of notes while reading. It will help you write an essay that is full of relevant material. Then you should create a strong thesis statement that articulates the unifying theme of your essay. It should provoke an analysis, describe an idea or present an opinion. A thesis statement will keep your paper organized. You will definitely lose your reader if you meander through disconnected thoughts. Just write down the main ideas of your essay and combine them into several sentences. Arrange all your notes into a logical order to give your essay a proper structure. Every part of your writing should have a distinct purpose. Outline what exactly should be covered in each section of your essay. Remember that your plan should be elaborate. Take your word limit into account. Give equal attention to each part of your essay by breaking down the total word limit and assigning a general word limit to each section. Take the Next Step – Writing First of all, write the most important paragraph in your essay – introduction. Give your readers clear signposts for what they will be reading in your essay. Introduce the topic, give background information and let your readers know the focus of your paper. Write the building blocks of your essay – main paragraphs. Use sources and factual details that you have discovered during your research in order to give your arguments strength and weight. There is a golden rule – 1 idea= 1 paragraph. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence and supporting sentences with the evidence. Pull all your points together in the conclusion. A good technique is to restate your thesis statement in different words. Make readers sure that all your claims have been fully substantiated and developed. In no case, add any new material here. Final Step – Editing and Proofreading Check the content of your economics essay to ensure that all ideas are expressed logically and clearly. Make sure that your paper is targeted towards your specific audience, has an appropriate tone, and is consistent and coherent. Spot and correct errors in style, format, use of language, punctuation, grammar, typography, and spelling. It is very important to read your essay word by word in order not to miss anything. Still Find It Difficult to Write on Economics? There are no desperate situations. If your topic is too difficult for you or you just can`t organize your brilliant ideas, you can ask for professional help. Look through different essay service reviews and choose which one suits your needs best.
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