Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Underground to Canada

Julilly is a slave at the Hensen plantation, with her mother, Mammy Sally. When a Slave trader from the deep South comes to choose his field hands, he rips Julilly from the arms of her loving mother and sends her into his cart. Both of them are devastated. When she arrives at the Riley plantation in Mississippi after the long trip, Julilly meets Liza, and they become instantly inseperable. They fantasize about the promised land, Canada. When Massa Ross comes to visit and chooses Lester Adam and Ben to show him the best â€Å"bird watching† area, He really secretly tells them how to escape to Canada. Lester immediately tells Julilly, who tells Liza. 3 days later after hearing 3 calls of the whippoorwill, the meet Massa Ross in the forest, to create a plan. Liza and Julilly disguise themselves as boys, and the run away. On the trip, they overcome so many obstacles, and take so many risks, but in the end they make it. However, they could never have made it without the help of the â€Å"Underground Railway†. On the way, Julilly and Liza encounter some horrible news. Adam died of blood poisoning. Fortunately though, Lester has made it, and has a job in the town of St-Catharines. When Julilly and Liza make it to St Catharines, Angry Lester becomes sheepish as he tells Julilly about a surprise for her. As he is telling her, someone comes out of the kitchen. Julilly is overjoyed, because it is none other than MAMMY SALLY!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Effectiveness of a Country’s Educational Provision Essay

Introduction In the last quarter of the twentieth century, an increasing consensus developed concerning the link between economic prosperity and effectiveness of a country’s educational provision. As globalization gathered pace dramatically in the 1980’s and 199’s, this link became more overt as the comparison and competitiveness between nations inevitably increases. At the heart of the argument for the link, is the need for an educational workforce, without which a country’s economy will not keep pace.1 In the World Conference on Education For All, which assembled Jomtien, Thailand, it was recognized that the current provision of education seriously deficient and that it must be made relevant, qualitatively improve and made universally available to enable every person, child, and adult to meet the basic learning needs. These needs comprise both essential earning tools such as __________________ 1 David Middle Wood and Carlo Cardno, â€Å"Managing Teacher Performance. and the learning content (such as knowledge, skills, values and attitudes) required by human beings to be able to survive, to develop to their full capacities to live and work with dignity, to participate fully in development, to improve the quality of lives, to make informed decisions and to continue learning. 2 Education is the vital key to national development. More important is the training and development of human resources of teachers who are the frontiers of our educative pursuit. American may continue to lead the word of science and technology but its record of educating its citizens in those subjects is fairly dismal. An NSF panel has spent 128 months examining the state of Science, Mathematics,  Engineering and Technology (SME) and at the undergraduate level and reviewing hundreds of comments from academic. The overwhelming consensus is that most of the SME courses acts as filters. They screen out all but the promising students- those embarking on __________________ careers, leaving majority of the graduates with litters understanding of how science works. This worries the policy makers because many disgruntled students become teachers with little enthusiasm for the subject perpetuating a cycle of scientific and technological.4 Ana Marie Pamintuan, in her column entitled â€Å"Sketches†, in the December 12, 2000 issue of the Philippines Start stated: â€Å"In a season of bad news, there was one item I found particularly depressing. Filipino first year high school students ranked 36th among 38 countries in the Third International Mathematics and Science Studies (TIMSS). According to result, in the latest TIMSS, Japan ran fifth in Mathematics and fourth in Science. It can be expected that many people will really blame the education system for the Filipino students’ dismal performance. Although the schools along with the curriculum, teacher, supervisor, administrators and other elements that comprise the input components of the school as a social system, should take part of the blame. 5 __________________ 4 National Science Foundation, 1999). 5 Aquino, G. Effective Teaching. EDCOM reports that teacher is poorly trained. Many teachers at all levels do not have the optimum qualification for teaching. The proportion of high school teachers of science and mathematics, for example, do not have even  the minimal preparation for the teaching ranges from 54.6 percent to 5 percent. IN the 1991 DOST test given to both teachers and students in first year of the Second Education Program (SEDP), the total mean percentage score (54.08) of the first year high school teachers was only 8.79 points higher than those of the students (42.29). This deplorable performance can be traced to poor teacher training and the low quality of students enrolled in the teacher training.6 To further upgrade the standard of science education in the Philippines, the Department of science and Technology (DOST), University of the Philippines Science and Mathematics Education (UP-SMED) now National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (NISMED), the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have launched a joint project, the purpose of which is to __________________ 6 (EDOM: 1995). develop human resources which would ultimately enhance and upgrade the capabilities of science and mathematics teachers. The core program was the development of thinking skills through practical work and laboratory experiment.7 These are challenging times for the country’s educational system Cooperative efforts at all levels of instruction are directed towards common goal to improve the quality of education. Much more evident are such efforts aimed at reform in Science Education. Varied approaches and techniques have been pioneered to make classroom filled with fruitful investigations to uncover new and useful informations. A great variety of instructional materials and facts intended for daily classroom instruction have been assembled utilizing the indigenous resources of the community. Innovative procedures of presenting learning tasks have been tried to make every teaching-learning situation, encounter more exciting and hallenging.8 Of the 50 schools tested, ___________________  it was revealed what students from 20 schools did not master the topic taught, 27 schools nearing mastery, and only 1 school reported mastery level.9 The low performance of students in science also became the justification for the formulation and launching of the Science and Technology Education Plan (STEP) with Project RISE (Rescue Initiative for Science Education) as one of its project under the manpower development component. One of the major problems cited in the Accomplishment Report prepared by STEP stated, â€Å"every little was done about following up the trainees on in their use of their acquired skills.10  The problem reported b the STEP, prompted the researcher, being one of the trainors of the program, Project RISE, at the Regional Science and Teaching Center (RSTC-UEP) to assess the accomplishment of Project RISE, as to whether it achieved the goal and objectives set for – the training of science teachers to ___________________ improve their teaching competencies and raise the performance levels of the students in General Science. Statement of the Problem This study will try to assess the effectiveness of Project RISE in the Secondary Schools in the Division of Northern Samar, using the DOST-SET Monitoring and Evaluation Forms from its implantation in 1998. Specifically, this study will try to answer at the following questions. 1. What is the extent of accomplishment of Project RISE in terms of: 1. Objective of the program 2. Course content 3. Participants’ profile 4. Trainers profile 2. What is the status of the processing variables such as the following: 1. Teachers 1. Attitude towards teaching General Science 2. Content knowledge and laboratory skills 3. Classroom management 4. Time management 5. Teaching strategies 6. Skills in the utilization of instructional material 7. Skills maintaining classroom discussion 8. Skills in motivating 2. Administrators 1. Administrative support 3. Student 1. Attitudes towards General Science 3. What is the status of Project RISE on the following: 1. Teaching competencies of the teacher-participants as observed and evaluated by the principal. 2. Teacher’s perception on how the training improved their competencies. 3. Student’s performance in General Science/ Theoretical Framework The framework for the evaluation of Project RISE in the Division of Northern Samar particularly in General Science, will make use of the system theory propounded by Millilin. System theory engages a process of examining a school system or educational system (for a program or project), not by piecemeal approach where every element of the system stand independent of the others, but as an organic group of elements, as a system with interaction subsystems inside the school system (social, economic, cultural, political and technological), a system that contributes to society through its outputs the same society from which the school received its inputs, and  layer on as a system that receive feedbacks from the society as to the defined â€Å"value added† through outputs.11 Moreover, that the system theory gives a holistic view of advocating its internal efficiency as well as its external productivity: it calls for an interdisciplinary approach which mean that I considers how all the various system are interrelated, and it is a _________________  self-connective approach because it considers and profits from feedbacks received from its environs.12 The appraisal process using the system theory is hinged on the input, throughput and output concepts. The input includes the setting of verifiable objectives that become standards: the throughputs refers to the actually performance of the organization that is being evaluated; the outputs include the measuring of performance against standards such as the formal type of comprehensive review. A build in feedback mechanism pinpoint the flaws or errors in program implementation. Then corrective actions for undesirable deviation from standards are formulated. The system of evaluation is cyclical in nature consistent of formulation, implementation, monitoring and feedback pointing to the continuous assessment for program revision and improvement. Whichever is pinpointed as error implementation become the focus corrective decisions and actions and for program revisions. The advantage of the system evaluation concept lie in its ability to correct program errors at their earliest stages. Early direction and correction of ____________________ 12 Ibid. program implementation errors diminish the possibilities of incurring financial losses and unnecessary waste of efforts by the personnel implementing the program.  Therefore, assessing Project RISE, specially those having bearing on its accomplishments and innovations achieved by the teacher trainees in General  Science six year after might be a sound decision. This study is also supported by Bautista’s theory on evaluation, which shed light to the program design, assesses the implementation in terms of results of long effects. It is evaluation that provides timely and realistic feedback to the change agents, making the maximization of fiscal manpower resources possible. Programs are not evaluated attend to maintain a status quo to stagnate subsequently. One type of evaluation is the ex-post evaluation or impact evaluation. This is undertaken to determine whether the program or project merits expansion or replication in other areas and ascertain what aspects can be modified to improve implementation in other area. This study is then called an impact evaluation because it with try to assess the _________________  status of Project RISE teachers’ train on their overall performance as General Science Teachers. Carino’s theory, also sustains that accountability is a central problem of the government. The activities of civil servants and public agencies must follow the will of the people to whom they are ultimately responsible. The public ness of their employment and goals therefore prescribe their behavior and circumscribe their choice. Therefore, all individuals and office continue to have a range of options as to how they would act. The evaluation of whether such action would be within the bounds of their authority is referent to the concepts of accountability. Accountability focuses on the following: 1) regularity of fiscal transactions and the faithful compliance as well as adherence to legal requirements and administrative policies; 2) efficiency and economy in the use of public funds, prosperity manpower and other resources; 3) concerned with the results of government operation; 4) human resources accounting and the __________________  analogies of economics and social impacts of programs, and 5) emphasizes  procedures and methods operation and on the transformation of inputs to outputs.15 This study is an assessment of a project, which derives its finances from government funds, therefore projects implementers and all those involved in it are accountable to the people and the society. Another theory to support other variables identified in this study, such as attitudes and values of teachers, is that one advocated by Thorndike. The connectionist theory or the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) theory. This view was based on the concept that bonds or connections are formed between situations and suppose. Thordike advocates the idea that learning results from translating sense impressions and impulses to action learning occurs through change in connection between particular stimulus and a response, hence, connections are the key to understanding a learning task. ___________________ 15 Carino, Ledevina, â€Å"Administrative Accountability: A Review of the Evolution, Meaning and Operationa-lization of a Key Concept in Public Administration). 16 Gregorio, Hernan, â€Å"Principles and Methods of Teaching†. In the same manner, the personal attitudes and values of the teachers may have much to do with their teaching effectiveness because they could be the basis for their behavior, decisions and choice. This is so because â€Å"values are deep-rooted motivations of behavior. They defined what is important to the individual.16 In this study, it may be stated that the attitudes and values of the General Science teachers will have bearing with their work as teachers. What they believe in and what they consider important will influence their decisions and choices. Conceptual Framework The framework for the evaluation process has three components: inputs, throughputs and outputs. A built-in-feedback mechanism is the place to  derived information for project revision or improvement. Following the evaluation process, the inputs of Project RISE in Region VIII in general and in the Division of Northern Samar in particular are the objective of the program, course content, participants, trainers, and training ___________________  procedures. The actual performance in the implementation of Project RISE will be expresses in terms the throughout or processes. These consists of the teachers’ attitude towards teaching General Science, the General Science content knowledge and skills, classroom management, time management, appropriateness of teaching strategies, skills in the utilization of instructional materials, and skills in maintaining classroom discussions and skill in motivating. It will also include the teachers’ teaching competencies in teaching General Science as perceived by the principles, the teachers’ own perceptions on how the Project RISE training improved the competencies as observes by their principles and the students’ performance in General science as measured by a test in General Science.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Spanglish Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Spanglish - Essay Example For example, Spanglish might sound like "Vamos a la store para comprar milk" to mean "Lets go to the store to buy milk." A bit more complicated form is the making up of words, or basically switching between languages within a word, by translating a word or phrase literally. The most amusing form of Spanglish is when an English word is Hispanicized (e.g., â€Å"troca† or â€Å"troque† for truck). In all cases, the resulting language or product does not bear the generally acceptable correctness of grammar rules and word usage. The proliferation of a hybrid street language like the Spanglish in dominantly English-speaking United States poses a serious threat not only to the socio-cultural aspect of the country’s development, but also to its economic and political growth. Why is Spanglish a threat to the overall development of the U.S.? Foremost, the language of politics and commerce is English. In a highly globalized economy of nations, there is only one language used: English. It is in no way, therefore, that a mangled and prostituted English in the form of Spanglish can help facilitate the nation’s coping up and rising above the challenges brought about by globalization. Secondly, it is culturally unwell for any nation, much less the U.S., to uphold and encourage the proliferation of â€Å"languages† like Spanglish as doing so would show the people and the world as a whole a lack of healthy cultural identity. Many groups and academicians tag it as an appalling mutilation of the Spanish and English languages, and is an obvious indication of laziness or inability to learn the language properly. These lead to the conclusion that Spanglish is a language of the incompetent and uneducated people, and as thus, is nothing but a hip or a trend totally useless in the mainstream world. Spanglish, given the limits and its lack of clear-cut rules of word usage and grammatical composition, is definitely not even a

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Examine how Alices Adventures in Wonderland major theme of growing up Essay

Examine how Alices Adventures in Wonderland major theme of growing up and finding ones identity are a reflection and product of a Victorian age, and how Wonderland is a social satire of Victorian culture - Essay Example t while Alice’s circumstances share commonalities with these other heroines – she finds herself in an unfamiliar place full of strange people – her experiences are entirely different. Unlike Dorothy, Susan, Lucy or Wendy, Alice has no purpose to guide and direct her wanderings through Wonderland. Even more significantly, Alice has nothing to offer the strange country she temporarily inhabits; nor does she change and grow emotionally as a result of her time in Wonderland. And though some feminist critics like Nina Auerbach have argued that Alice is a subversive feminist heroine, in fact, Carroll’s youthful protagonist seems to be nothing more or less than an ordinary Victorian girl – and rather than limiting the possibilities of the narrative, this realization expands them, allowing us to understand Alice as a creature of her own era, so that she – more than the Wonderland she traverses – becomes the vehicle of Carroll’s Victoria n satire. In this paper, I will argue that Carroll’s Alice deconstructs the Victorian notions of femininity and female coming of age in several ways. First, rather than being a sweet and charming female heroine, Alice is bossy, pretentious and often downright unlikable – isolated by her manners and her education from creatures who might have been her friends. Second, that Alice’s behavior toward the Wonderland creatures is a reflection of how Alice herself is treated in her own â€Å"real† life, revealing problematic dynamics between children and adults in Victorian culture. And finally, I will show that Alice’s adventures in Wonderland have merit and meaning only when they are reconstructed — through the Carroll/Narrator, through Alice’s sister and finally through Alice herself — to â€Å"interpret† a hodgepodge of facts and experiences into a memory of happy childhood. In fact, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland can be read as a satire of a Victorian girl’s education into the rites of womanhood, a satire that

Anesthetic Management of the Patient with Aortic Stenosis Essay

Anesthetic Management of the Patient with Aortic Stenosis - Essay Example Surgery is indicated in many of the cases in order to repair or replace the diseased valve. Therefore, it is the purpose of this paper to investigate the current anesthetic management of this disease, from preoperative to postoperative care. This paper will describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the heart, in particular, the aortic valve. The pathophysiological changes in the aortic valve and the heart will also be discussed. The heart is a hollow muscular organ that is somewhat pyramid-shaped and lies within the inferior mediastinum (3). It is covered by a fibroserous sac called the pericardium, within which pericardial fluid fills the space between the serous and fibrous layers. The pericardial fluid acts as a lubricant to prevent friction during the contraction of the heart. The pericardium is not very distensible, and therefore it strongly resists a large, rapid increase in cardiac size. Hence, the pericardium also prevents sudden overdistention of the chambers of the heart (4). The heart is divided by a vertical septa into four chambers: the right and left atria, which occupy the upper chambers and the right and left ventricles, which occupy the lower chambers. ... Although most myocardial cells are able to perform both these functions, the vast majority is predominantly contractile cells (myocytes) and a small number are specifically designed as electrical cells. The latter, collectively known as the conducting system of the heart, are not nervous tissue but modified myocytes lacking in myofibril components. They have the ability to generate electrical impulses which are then conducted to the myocytes, leading to contraction by a process known as excitation-contraction coupling (5). In order to produce a synchronized contraction, there must be a normal spread of electrical activity within the heart. Depolarization is initiated in the sinoatrial node (SA) node hence it is known as the pacemaker of the heart. It sets the contractions of the heart at a rate of 60-100 beats per minute. From the SA node, the electrical impulse travels to the atrioventricular (AV) node and then propagates through the Bundle of His. From the top of the septum, the wa ve of depolarization spreads in the rapidly conducting Purkinje fibers to all parts of the ventricles (6). Between the atria, ventricles and great blood vessels arising from the heart (aorta and pulmonary artery) are valves, which are made up of cusps or leaflets to prevent backflow of blood, ensuring a one-way conduit of blood through the chambers and to the pulmonary and systemic circulation. There are four valves: two semilunar valves (aortic and pulmonary valves) and two atrioventricular valves (tricuspid and mitral valves). All of these valves have 3 cusps except the mitral valve which has two cusps. Unoxygenated blood from the superior and inferior vena cava and coronary

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Organization Design 4370 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organization Design 4370 - Assignment Example This way, the company ensures that the changes it seeks to undertake are well supported. The company has been involved in organizational restructuring. For example in the year 2005, the company was involved in change restructuring of its workforce, to reduce its number of employees by 330, 000. Such changes was aimed at reducing expenses, removing the bureaucracy involved in its management and enable it to expand its operations to low cost countries (Emerson, 81). Innovation has been the driving force for change, through its consistent involvement in research for new technologies and integrating such changes in the organization. People and corporate culture are the major obstacles for change within the organization. Having introduced a culture of recruiting employees every so often, the introduction of a change such as employees overhaul is blocked by people. The company has adopted a strategy for change, to reduce transformation and operational costs and maximize on the dedication of stakeholders to its change strategy (Emerson,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Intellectual Property Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Intellectual Property Rights - Essay Example If not then licensing of patents will have to be negotiated between the company and the laboratory. In such a scenario it is the internal agreement between the laboratory and the staff, students or post doc fellows which comes in effect. There might be a general agreement in place and specific agreement for the particular project might have to be executed including or excluding the right so people of the laboratory (Queen’s University IPR Guide, 2011) 2) Work for Pay – if the staff is specifically hired to follow directions of the laboratory coordinator or anyone else then they shall not be entitled to any IPR as it was not their genesis. They were just executors who acted on behalf of the director and did not contribute any cognitive inputs (NIT, Rourkela 2009) 3) Contractual work – if the project is work-for-hire, the employee or agency will retain the right to be identified as the creator of the IP but the right of commercialization and IP rests with the labor atory. In such cases the staff depending on the general agreement has the share of the IP benefit as the work was not indigenously developed by the laboratory. 4) Full time work – if any student or staff works in the laboratory full time or part time the rights to IP depends on the contract of employment.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Macronutrient Intake Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Macronutrient Intake - Research Paper Example Types of fats consumed included saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. In addition, the patient supplemented daily fat requirement with linoleic acid, cholesterol and Omega 3 fats. Based on the daily nutrient reports, it is apparent that the patient’s daily intake of proteins and carbohydrates surpassed predetermined targets. The patient took 67g and 47g of protein on the first and third day respectively. In this case, daily protein intake exceeded target quantity, which lies at 46g. With respect to carbohydrates, the nutritional assessment project set a daily target of 130g, representing approximately 45-65% of total calories. Records indicate that the patient consumed carbohydrates in excess of daily requirements, thus supplementing daily calorie intake with an average of 52% starch. Despite the patient maintaining protein and carbohydrate intake within the target limits, fat intake for the assessment period indicates a slight imbalance in the different types o f fats. Targeted intake of alpha linoleic acid is 1.1g per day. However, the patient consumed only 0.1g of the same linoleic acid on the first day. Therefore, fat intake for that day falls under the clinically required levels. From a theoretical perspective, each of the three macronutrients plays a significant role in providing energy requirements of the body. Clinically, imbalanced intake macronutrient components results in disturbed body functions (Janos and Berdanier 45). Therefore, fat intake for that day falls under the clinically.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ground Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ground Engineering - Essay Example Pile foundations are chosen for the situations where structures transmit huge loads and suitable soil layer capable of supporting these loads are available only at greater depths. The piles are long and slender members capable of transmitting the loads of the structure into the hard soil layer or the rocks successfully even if very poor or soft soils that are considered to be inferior to meet this purpose is present in the upper layers. Based on the load carrying function piles are classified as end bearing pile, friction pile or combination pile that undertakes both the functions appropriately. The friction piles are suitable for the locations where granular soil is present and frictional resistance between the pile and the soil could be utilised in the resistance. While the end bearing piles helps to transmit the entire load a hard stratum through the tip resistance. A sketch of the load action on the end bearing pile and friction pile are shown in the figure 1. The basic structura l components of any pile are pile cap and the body of the pile. And (iii) All piles carry only vertical force. ... Figure 1(a) : End bearing pile Figure 1 (b) : Friction pile (Abebe and Smith, 2005) (Abebe and Smith, 2005) Pile load computation Following assumptions are incorporated in the load estimation on piles (i)All piles are considered as rigid (ii) The pile is pinned at the top and bottom And (iii) All piles carry only vertical force. The different loads that the pile need to carry would be direct loads from the columns and any other imposed loads on the structure. The direct loads from the columns to the pile are already given in the problem. The other loads are the load from the glass facades and the imposed loads. The glass faade load is the load along the edges of the floor and it could be computed by multiplying the unit load of the faade by the distance between the columns. The details of computation is as follows Glass faade load between the columns 1 & 8 Distance between the columns 1 and 8 = 20 metre Unit load of facde between the column 1 and 8 = 35 KN/m The load from the faade is assumed to be transferred equally to both the columns . So the loads are computed as 35 20 / 2 = 350 KN So the columns 1 and 8 would carry load of 350 KN each from the glass facades. Glass faade load between the columns 4 & 5 Distance between the columns 4 and 5 = 20 metre Unit load of facde between the column 4 and 5 = 35 KN/m The load from the faade is assumed to be transferred equally to both the columns . So the loads are computed as 35 20 / 2 = 350 KN So the columns 4 and 5 would carry load of 350 KN each from the glass facades placed between the columns 4 and 5. Glass faade load between the columns 1 and 4 The columns in this span are 1,2,3

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Small business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Small business - Assignment Example This report discusses Entrepreneurial mind sets are difficult to define, but they are within the realm of psychological dispositions which are entrenched in customs and worldviews. According to Dweck (2006), there is a distinction between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, and personalities in the former believes that intelligence is inherent while the latter acknowledges that success and results depend on effort. In business, a growth mindset can bring more value than a fixated mindset, a mental tool that empowers one to initiate change. This is the entrepreneurial trait approach and according to this model, an entrepreneur is often defined within certain traits, often an interaction with the inner self manifest in the manner I which they control, plan, Set goals; take risk, decision making and independence. In literature, a focus on the difference between and an entrepreneur and one who lacks such skills have been brought to the fore. Brockhaus (1980) empirical study noted that an entrepreneur brings value addition to the business through risk taking propensity, a trait lacking in the majority of the population he studied. ChelL (2008) asserts that an entrepreneur is driven by the need for achievement, a locus of control, the social constructionism theory. With such a drive and push in the business environment, of priority to such a personality would to find innovative ways to bring change to the business. According to Storey (2011) optimism and chance theory best explains the mindset of an entrepreneur. According to the theory, entrepreneurs are not attracted to the conventional way of conducting normal business, rater they pounce on a chance to bring different perspectives to the normal ways of business. According to Mcgrath & Macmillan (2009)Â  an entrepreneurial mind set typically goes for the goals and stops functioning by the ground rules. The writers distinguishes a manager from an entrepreneur and notes that the former

Monday, July 22, 2019

Roman emperor Essay Example for Free

Roman emperor Essay Roman emperor Nero has once said: â€Å"Let them hate, if they only fear†. These words can serve as an outstanding bearing of many totalitarian leaders and regimes. Fear is inspired by fear and creates fear like a chain reaction. This feature of absolute power has been noticed and described by many authors. In his â€Å"1984†, which is, undoubtedly, the most famous most famous anti-utopia of all times, George Orwell could not have disregarded the topic of fear. It is not fear itself, which makes the power of the Big Brother so strong, but fear and terror are organic elements of his influence. It is actually not even fear before the Big Brother himself, because Big Brother wants love and makes everyone love him even against their will. In case Big Brother and the ruling party were a source of fear themselves, they would never retain their power. People use to hate that what they are afraid of and to be afraid of that, what they fear, so in the â€Å"1984† society fear and hate are pointed against someone, who is outside the system. Orwell has developed the topic of such â€Å"outside† fear in his earlier story â€Å"Animal Farm†. A pig, named Napoleon, used to say, that all animals should work hard, in case they do not want Jones, a previous master, to come back. And this natural concern of the Animal Farm inhabitants is exploited by the pigs to support control over the rest of the animals. The loyal citizens of Oceania do not fear Big Brother, but in fact love and revere him. They feel he protects them from the evils out there. The purported love and hate walk closely which is illustrated in the end of the Two Minutes Hate:â€Å" At this moment the entire group of people broke into a deep, slow, rhythmic chant of B-B! . B-B! . B-B! —over and over again, very slowly, with a long pause between the first B and the second—a heavy murmurous sound, somehow curiously savage, in the background of which one seemed to hear the stamps of naked feet and the throbbing of tom-toms. For perhaps as much as thirty seconds they kept it up. It was a refrain that was often heard in moments of overwhelming emotion. Partly it was a sort of hymn to the wisdom and majesty of Big Brother, but still more it was an act of self-hypnosis, a deliberate drowning of consciousness by means of rhythmic noise. In 1984 such fear is inspired by the foreign enemies. His Oceania was engaged in constant warfare with Eastasia and/or Eurasia which kept the citizens in a constant state of mobilization and alert. Although war constantly rages on, the three powers in which the world is divided are now unconquerable. In the dictatorship of Oceania, the citizens live in fear each day, unsure exactly where the enemy bombers that fly overhead will decide to drop their missiles. Julia, even has the impression that it is Oceania itself, not the enemy, dropping bombs on the country. This is how the Inner Party takes any means to strike fear in the hearts of every citizen. Another source of fear are spies, which are said to be living between the loyal citizens, and which are sent by the symbol of all enemies Goldstein to ruin the â€Å"normal† life. Orwell starts to sketching out the features of a totally oppressive society already at the beginning of his novel. He plays on his readers fears of powerlessness and own experiences of oppression. The social surroundings of the novel are depicted on the basis of Orwells experiences of wartime London. He uses the descriptive techniques of literary naturalism to produce images of a society of extreme material deprivation: Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him. The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats. Winston made for the stairs. It was no use trying the lift. Even at the best of times it was seldom working and at present the electric current was cut off during daylight hours. The flat was seven flights up, and Winston, who was thirty-nine, and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle, went slowly, resting several times on the way. However, it is not only material fear, which drive Winston, Julia and others. It is fear of themselves, their own thoughts and opinions. Winston’s neighbor is so afraid of thinking wrong, that even when he is simply told, that his thoughts are suspicious, he makes no effort to prove, that he remains loyal to the Big Brother but trusts everything about himself and goes to the Ministry of Love for â€Å"reintegration† without any complaint. The loyal citizens should not fear, but those, who entered the Ministry of Love are suppressed by all means, including fear. The Ministry knows for sure what each single person is afraid of and uses fear as an ultimate weapon to make the convicts forget about their errors and love the Big Brother again. By fear they make Winston betray his love to Julia and turn it into adoration with Big Brother. They do not kill, they wash the brains, and so love wins. Love, which is based on fear.

Titration of Acids and Bases Essay Example for Free

Titration of Acids and Bases Essay Introduction According to Arrhenius definition, acid is substance that produces H3O+ ion while base is substance that produces OH- ions. The reaction between acid and base often yields the products of salt and water. The formation of water in this neutralization reaction is caused by the combination of H3O+ and OH- ions. In order to determine the concentration of an unknown acid and base, a method called acid-base titration is used. The end of the titration has been reached when the moles of acid equals the moles of base. This is called the equivalent point. However, end point os the actual point that is reached in neutralization reaction. End point is signalled by the change in color of the solution because of the presence of pH indicator. The common used indicator is phenolphthalein; it is colorless in acidic solution and pink in basic solution. In this lab, the concentration of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was determined by using a known amount of Potassium Hydrogen phthalate (KHP). The balanced chemical equation for the reaction is: KHC8H4O4(aq) + NaOH(aq) = H2O(l) + KNaC8H4O4(aq) (1) KHP was chosen as a good acid to standardize NaOH because it has high molecular weight and stable on drying. The standardized NaOH solution was then used to determined the percent composition of KHP in an unknown substance #47. Experimental Information Part 1: Standardization of NaOH NaOH solution was prepared by taking 75mL. NaOH from stock solution and then diluted to 750 mL with DI water in Nalgene bottle. Three samples of KHP were weighed on analytical balance model BP2505, and placed in 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. The samples of KHP were warmed up on hot plate to dissolve in Erlenmeyer flasks with 100 mL of DI water added. Two drops of indicator phenolphathalein were added to each flask after KHP completely dissolved. The 50 mL buret was rinsed with DI water and the prepared NaOH solution. The buret was then filled with NaOH solution with the initial volume of each trial recorded. The NaOH solution was slowly dropped into the flask contained KHP solution for titration from the buret. The flask was swirled often for the reactants for mix thoroughly. The KHP solution in the flask turned light pink when the end point had been reached. The final volume of NaOH was recorded. The volume of titrant NaOH used was determined by subtracting the initial volume NaOH from the final volume NaOH marked on the buret. The mole of KHP was calculated by dividing the mass of KHP used in each trial to the molar mass of KHP. Moles KHP = mass, g x 1 mole204.23 g (2) The mole of NaOH was equal to the mole of KHP based on the balanced chemical equation (1), since the ratio is 1:1 Moles NaOH = moles KHP (3) The concentration of NaOH was calculated by dividing the mole of NaOH to the volume of NaOH used to titrate. [NaOH] = moles NaOHL, NaOH used to titrate (4) The volume of titrant NaOH used was determined by subtracting the initial volume NaOH from the final volume NaOH marked on the buret. The mole of NaOH was calculated by multiplying mean [NaOH] from part 1 by the volume NaOH used. Mole NaOH = mean [NaOH] x volume NaOH used (5) The mole of KHP was equal to the mole of NaOH based on the balanced chemical equation (1), since the ratio is 1:1. Moles KHP = moles NaOH (6) The mass of KHP in the sunstance #47 of each trial was calculated by multiplying the moles of KHP to the molar mass of KHP. Mass KHP = moles KHP x 204.23g1 mole (6) The percent composition of KHP in the substance was calculated by dividing the mass of KHP found to the mass of substance of each trial. % KHP = grams KHPgrams of substance #47 x 100 (7) Results and Discussion In part 1, the concentration of NaOH in trial 1, 2, and 3 was determined to be 0.1054 M, 0.1052 M and 0.1048 M respectively. Therefore, the mean [NaOH] was 0.1051M +/- 0.0003. The amount of NaOH solution used to titrate was about 0.023 L per 0.49g KHP. The concentration of NaOH calculated from three trials was pretty precise. However, trial 3 gave the result with the greatest in difference compared to trial 1 and 2. Thus, the possible source of error in trial 3 could be inaccurate reading og volume of NaOH solution used to titrate. Also, there could be loss in the amount of KHP when transferred to the flask after weighed. Those two factors could lead to inaccurate calculation of moles of NaOH as well as concentration of NaOH. In part 2, the percent of KHP in substance #47 in trial 1, 2, and 3 was calculated to be 55.96%, 55.87%, and 55.37%. Therefore, the mean percent KHP was 55.73%. The amount of NaOH solution used to titrate was about 0.018L per 0.69g substance #47. The results of percent KHP of three trials compared to each other were precise. There was no literature value of percent of KHP in substance 347 provided to calculated percent error. However, the possible sources of error could be inaccurate reading of volume NaOH used, loss in amount of substance while transferred from weigh paper to Erlenmeyer flask or over titrating. The important steps to get the most accurate in calculation for [NaOH] and %KHP were to read and record data carefully. Also, avoiding over titration was extremely important. It could be done by carefully letting NaOH solution go down drop-by-drop and constantlt swirl the flask for the reactants to mix completely. Conclusion The molarity of NaOH solution based on three trials was 0.1051 +/-0.0003 M. The percent KHP in substance #47 was 55.7 +/-0.3%. The significant point of this lab was to determine the end point of a reaction between an acid and a base. The data collected from the end point gave the amount of base needed to react with an acid when once wanted to perform neutralization reaction. Another significant point was that by using NaOH solution with a known concentration, the percent KHP in a substance could be determined after perform the titration process. References Anliker, Keith et al. Experimental Chemistry II. Indianapolis: Hayden McNeil , 2008, pp.47-52

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How Do Web Search Engines Work Information Technology Essay

How Do Web Search Engines Work Information Technology Essay Introduction A program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found. Although search engine is really a general class of programs, the term is often used to specifically describe systems like Google,   Alta Vista and Excite that enable users to search for documents on the World Wide Web and USENET newsgroups. Typically, a search engine works by sending out a spider to fetch as many documents as possible. Another program, called an indexer, then reads these documents and creates an index based on the words contained in each document. Each search engine uses a proprietary algorithm to create its indices such that, ideally, only meaningful results are returned for each query. How Do Web Search Engines Work? Search engines are the key to finding specific information on the vast expanse of the World Wide Web. Without sophisticated search engines, it would be virtually impossible to locate anything on the Web without knowing a specific URL. But do you know how search engines work? And do you know what makes some search engines more effective than others? When people use the term search engine in relation to the Web, they are usually referring to the actual search forms that searches through databases of HTML documents, initially gathered by a robot. There are basically three types of search engines: Those that are powered by robots (called crawlers; ants or spiders) and those that are powered by human submissions; and those that are a hybrid of the two. Crawler-based search engines are those that use automated software agents (called crawlers) that visit a Web site, read the information on the actual site, read the sites meta tags and also follow the links that the site connects to performing indexing on all linked Web sites as well. The crawler returns all that information back to a central depository, where the data is indexed. The crawler will periodically return to the sites to check for any information that has changed. The frequency with which this happens is determined by the administrators of the search engine. Human-powered search engines rely on humans to submit information that is subsequently indexed and catalogued. Only information that is submitted is put into the index. In both cases, when you query a search engine to locate information, youre actually searching through the index that the search engine has created -you are not actually searching the Web. These indices are giant databases of information that is collected and stored and subsequently searched. This explains why sometimes a search on a commercial search engine, such as Yahoo! or Google, will return results that are, in fact, dead links. Since the search results are based on the index, if the index hasnt been updated since a Web page became invalid the search engine treats the page as still an active link even though it no longer is. It will remain that way until the index is updated. So why will the same search on different search engines produce different results? Part of the answer to that question is because not all indices are going to be exactly the same. It depends on what the spiders find or what the humans submitted. But more important, not every search engine uses the same algorithm to search through the indices. The algorithm is what the search engines use to determine the relevance of the information in the index to what the user is searching for. One of the elements that a search engine algorithm scans for is the frequency and location of keywords on a Web page. Those with higher frequency are typically considered more relevant. But search engine technology is becoming sophisticated in its attempt to discourage what is known as keyword stuffing, or spamdexing. Another common element that algorithms analyze is the way that pages link to other pages in the Web. By analyzing how pages link to each other, an engine can both determine what a page is about (if the keywords of the linked pages are similar to the keywords on the original page) and whether that page is considered important and deserving of a boost in ranking. Just as the technology is becoming increasingly sophisticated to ignore keyword stuffing, it is also becoming more savvy to Web masters who build artificial links into their sites in order to build an artificial ranking. Did You Know. The first tool for searching the Internet, created in 1990, was called Archie. It downloaded directory listings of all files located on public anonymous FTP servers; creating a searchable database of filenames. A year later Gopher was created. It indexed plain text documents. Veronica and Jughead came along to search Gophers index systems. The first actual Web search engine was developed by Matthew Gray in 1993 and was called Wandex. Basic Fundementals Of Search Engines A search engine operates, in the following order Web crawling Indexing Searching Web search engines work by storing information about many web pages, which they retrieve from the html itself. These pages are retrieved by a Web crawler (sometimes also known as a spider) an automated Web browser which follows every link on the site. Exclusions can be made by the use of robots.txt. The contents of each page are then analyzed to determine how it should be indexed (for example, words are extracted from the titles, headings, or special fields called meta tags). Data about web pages are stored in an index database for use in later queries. A query can be a single word. The purpose of an index is to allow information to be found as quickly as possible. Some search engines, such as Google, store all or part of the source page (referred to as a cache) as well as information about the web pages, whereas others, such as AltaVista, store every word of every page they find. This cached page always holds the actual search text since it is the one that was actually indexed, so it can be very useful when the content of the current page has been updated and the search terms are no longer in it. This problem might be considered to be a mild form of linkrot, and Googles handling of it increases usability by satisfying user expectations that the search terms will be on the returned webpage. This satisfies the principle of least astonishment since the user normally expects the search terms to be on the returned pages. Increased search relevance makes these cached pages very useful, even beyond the fact that they may contain data that may no longer be available elsewhere. When a user enters a query into a search engine (typically by using key words), the engine examines its index and provides a listing of best-matching web pages according to its criteria, usually with a short summary containing the documents title and sometimes parts of the text. The index is built from the information stored with the data and the method by which the information is indexed. Unfortunately, there are currently no known public search engines that allow documents to be searched by date. Most search engines support the use of the boolean operators AND, OR and NOT to further specify the search query. Boolean operators are for literal searches that allow the user to refine and extend the terms of the search. The engine looks for the words or phrases exactly as entered. Some search engines provide an advanced feature called proximity search which allows users to define the distance between keywords. There is also concept-based searching where the research involves using stati stical analysis on pages containing the words or phrases you search for. As well, natural language queries allow the user to type a question in the same form one would ask it to a human. A site like this would be The usefulness of a search engine depends on the relevance of the result set it gives back. While there may be millions of web pages that include a particular word or phrase, some pages may be more relevant, popular, or authoritative than others. Most search engines employ methods to rank the results to provide the best results first. How a search engine decides which pages are the best matches, and what order the results should be shown in, varies widely from one engine to another. The methods also change over time as Internet usage changes and new techniques evolve. There are two main types of search engine that have evolved: one is a system of predefined and hierarchically ordered keywords that humans have programmed extensively. The other is a system that generates an inverted index by analyzing texts it locates. This second form relies much more heavily on the computer itself to do the bulk of the work. Most Web search engines are commercial ventures supported by advertising revenue and, as a result, some employ the practice of allowing advertisers to pay money to have their listings ranked higher in search results. Those search engines which do not accept money for their search engine results make money by running search related ads alongside the regular search engine results. The search engines make money every time someone clicks on one of these ads. Different types of search engines Aesop Search The Aesop spider looks for new meta tag to allow webmasters to automatically describe their site. AltaVista The default search results consist of GoTo and results from the Altavista spider (over 500M pages). Displays related searches. Offers translation services and multimedia searches. Ask Jeeves The polite butler Jeeves answers all your questions asked in plain English. If Jeeves doesnt understand your question, it gives you the top-results from other search engines. Brand New Sites Directory of just born sites (less than 6 months old) classified in 284 categories. Direct Hit Search engine which ranks its search results based on user popularity. Often provides good results for popular queries. Search engine claiming over 80M documents. Excite Matching content from the Overture website is displayed first. After that come the search results from the Dogpile and directory results from ODP. Fast Search Search with a clear interface through a database of over 300 million web pages. Also offers FTP and MP3 search. Returns only the homepage of sites. Targeted at users who are searching for good sites, rather than particular pages. Google! Lists the results in the order of popularity, determined by the number of links from other sites. Frequently gives you right results first. All pages in the Google index are cached, and you can search for pages related to a specific page. HotBot An advanced search engine. There are many configurable options, both in simple as in advanced search mode. ILor search Allows users to create annotated comments on top of search results Lycos Displays matches from sites part of the Lycos Network and very popular sites first. Then follow Open Directory results, sometimes followed by results from the Lycos crawler. On the bottom there are links to relevant news articles and products to buy. Northern Light A search engine for professional web users. They have a general search engine, and a Special Collection of 4M journals/books/mags which are accessable on a pay-per-view basis. PageSeeker Search engine with an interactive interface. [Requires Flash] Raging Search No-nonsense search engine from Altavista. It even returns the same search results as Altavista. There are no banners or any other content that would distract you from your mission. Search results include web site information, such as email addresses, location, age and site popularity. (When available). You can choose to be notified when there are sites matching your criteria added to their database. SearchHippo A crisp and clean spider based web search with free PHP, XSLT and XML code for integration. SearchKing Search engine using searchers input to determine relevancy and placement and has instant indexing. Teoma Search Searches deliver pages grouped by subject and as a listing, seaches can be modified to search for an exact phrase and to include and exclude specific terms. TrueSearch Search engine actively removes dead links. WebCrawler Search engine and web directory. Displays matching categories first. After that come the results from the WebCraweler spider, without descriptions. WISEnut Up-to-date index on almost 1.5 billion pages, including site categorization and international search support. Yep A portal and search engine that ranks sites by popularity. Zerx You can view sites related to another site, or refine your existing search using that site. Google Search Engine Google Search, a web search engine, is the companys most popular service. According to market research published by comScore in November 2009, Google is the dominant search engine in the United States market, with a market share of 65.6%.Google indexes billions of web pages, so that users can search for the information they desire, through the use of keywords and operators. Despite its popularity, it has received criticism from a number of organizations. In 2003, The New York Times complained about Googles indexing, claiming that Googles caching of content on their site infringed on their copyright for the content. In this case, the United States District Court of Nevada ruled in favor of Google in Field v. Google and Parker v. Google. Furthermore, the publication 2600: The Hacker Quarterly has compiled a list of words that the web giants new instant search feature will not search. Google Watch has also criticized Googles PageRank algorithms, saying that they discriminate against new websites and favor established sites, and has made allegations about connections between Google and the NSA and the CIA. Despite criticism, the basic search engine has spread to specific services as well, including an image search engine, the Google News search site, Google Maps, and more. In early 2006, the company launched Google Video, which allowed users to upload, search, and watch videos from the Internet. In 2009, however, uploads to Google Video were discontinued so that Google could focus more on the search aspect of the service. The company even developed Google Desktop, a desktop search application used to search for files local to ones computer. Googles most recent development in search is their partnership with the United States Patent and Trademark Office to create Google Patents, which enables free access to information about patents and trademarks. One of the more controversial search services Google hosts is Google Books. The company began scanning books and uploading limited previews, and full books where allowed, into their new book search engine. The Authors Guild, a group that represents 8,000 U.S. authors, filed a class action suit in a Manhattan federal court against Google in 2005 over this new service. Google replied that it is in compliance with all existing and historical applications of copyright laws regarding books. Google eventually reached a revised settlement in 2009 to limit its scans to books from the U.S., the U.K., Australia and Canada. Furthermore, the Paris Civil Court ruled against Google in late 2009, asking them to remove the works of La Martinià ¨re (Éditions du Seuil) from their database. In competition with, Google plans to sell digital versions of new books.Similarly, in response to newcomer Bing, on July 21, 2010, Google updated their image search to display a streaming sequence of thumbnails that enlarge when pointed at. Though web searches still appear in a batch per page format, on July 23, 2010, dictionary definitions for certain English words began appearing above the linked results for web searches. Productivity tools In addition to its standard web search services, Google has released over the years a number of online productivity tools. Gmail, a free webmail service provided by Google, was launched as an invitation-only beta program on April 1, 2004, and became available to the general public on February 7, 2007. The service was upgraded from beta status on July 7, 2009, at which time it had 146 million users monthly.The service would be the first online email service with one gigabyte of storage, and the first to keep emails from the same conversation together in one thread, similar to an Internet forum. The service currently offers over 7400 MB of free storage with additional storage ranging from 20 GB to 16 TB available for US$0.25 per 1 GB per year. Furthermore, software developers know Gmail for its pioneering use of AJAX, a programming technique that allows web pages to be interactive without refreshing the browser. One criticism of Gmail has been the potential for data disclosure, a risk associated with many online web applications. Steve Ballmer (Microsofts CEO),Liz Figueroa,Mark Rasch, and the editors of Google Watch believe the processing of email message content goes beyond proper use, but Google claims that mail sent to or from Gmail is never read by a human being beyond the account holder, and is only used to improve relevance of advertisements. Google Docs, another part of Googles productivity suite, allows users to create, edit, and collaborate on documents in an online environment, not dissimilar to Microsoft Word. The service was originally called Writely, but was obtained by Google on March 9, 2006, where it was released as an invitation-only preview.On June 6 after the acquisition, Google created an experimental spreadsheet editing program, which would be combined with Google Docs on October 10. A program to edit presentations would complete the set on September 17, 2007, before all three services were taken out of beta along with Gmail, Google Calendar and all products from the Google Apps Suite on July 7, 2009. Enterprise products Google entered the enterprise market in February 2002 with the launch of its Google Search Appliance, targeted toward providing search technology for larger organizations. Google launched the Mini three years later, which was targeted at smaller organizations. Late in 2006, Google began to sell Custom Search Business Edition, providing customers with an advertising-free window into Google.coms index. The service was renamed Google Site Search in 2008. Another one of Googles enterprise products is Google Apps Premier Edition. The service, and its accompanying Google Apps Education Edition and Standard Edition, allow companies, schools, and other organizations to bring Googles online applications, such as Gmail and Google Documents, into their own domain. The Premier Edition specifically includes extras over the Standard Edition such as more disk space, API access, and premium support, and it costs $50 per user per year. A large implementation of Google Apps with 38,000 users is at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. In the same year Google Apps was launched, Google acquired Postini and proceeded to integrate the companys security technologies into Google Apps under the name Google Postini Services. Company Perspectives: Googles founders have often stated that the company is not serious about anything but search. They built a company around the idea that work should be challenging and the challenge should be fun. To that end, Googles culture is unlike any in corporate America, and its not because of the ubiquitous lava lamps and large rubber balls, or the fact that the companys chef used to cook for the Grateful Dead. In the same way Google puts users first when it comes to our online service, Google Inc. puts employees first when it comes to daily life in our Googleplex headquarters. There is an emphasis on team achievements and pride in individual accomplishments that contribute to the companys overall success. Ideas are traded, tested and put into practice with an alacrity that can be dizzying. Meetings that would take hours elsewhere are frequently little more than a conversation in line for lunch and few walls separate those who write the code from those who write the checks. This highly communi cative environment fosters a productivity and camaraderie fueled by the realization that millions of people rely on Google results. Give the proper tools to a group of people who like to make a difference, and they will. Key Dates: 1995: Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page meet at Stanford University. 1997: BackRub, the precursor to the Google search engine, is founded. 1998: Google is incorporated and moves into its first office in a Menlo Park, California, garage. 1999: Google moves its headquarters to Palo Alto, California, and later to Mountain View, California; Red Hat becomes Googles first commercial customer. 2000: Yahoo! Internet Life magazine names Google the Best Search Engine on the Internet; Google becomes the largest search engine on the Web and launches the Google Toolbar. 2001: Google acquires Deja.coms Usenet archive and launches Google PhoneBook; Dr. Eric Schmidt joins Google as chairman of the board of directors and is later appointed CEO. 2002: Google launches the Google Search Appliance, AdWords Select, the 2001 Search Engine Awards, and Google Compute. Conclusion Online research has become an essential skill for writers. What typically took place in libraries, by phone calls or visits to experts in the field is being changed because of the Internet. Experts can sometimes be contacted by email and information, whether it is addresses, phone numbers, or detailed specifics on a certain subject, can be accessed on the World Wide Web. Search Engines have become the most important tools in locating this information, so it is important to know how to use them effectively. Search skills can be developed through practice in using the search engines and by reading the help pages provided by the search engines themselves. Over time, you will learn which search engine is good for pulling up what kind of information. This article will provide a general overview of the various search engines and some of their advanced search features which will help you with your online research.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

I Wish to Follow in the Steps of Hubert Harrison Essay -- Personal Nar

Diversity Statement - I Wish to Follow in the Steps of Hubert Harrison    Hubert Henry Harrison was born in 1883 in St. Croix, Virgin Islands, and became, by the 1920s, one of the nation's most prominent atheists.    Harrison was a controversial figure from an early age. Coming to New York City at 17, he used his knowledge of foreign languages to land a job with the postal service. This permitted him to pursue his passions for learning and writing. This latter pursuit soon landed him in hot water with his bosses, however, when he wrote an article critical of Booker T. Washington, a darling of the establishment.    In 1905 he turned to the law as a profession, but continued his writing, and also became a popular speaker. By age 24 he was contributing book reviews to the Sun, the Tribune, The Nation, and The New Republic.    Harrison served as editor of the magazine The Masses for four years. Soon, Harrison was one of the foremost intellectuals of the Harlem Renaissance, which was marked by a number of exciting, talented freethinkers.    Harrison's knowledge ... too much to overcome, especially in addition to the racial prejudice which Harrison faced.    The measure of his success is not to be found in the history books, but in the recollections of those who knew and were influenced by him, and the contemporary press accounts of his achievements.    Harrison died in New York at the age of only 44. He left a legacy as one of the most outstanding persons of his day, a champion of the underprivileged and oppressed, a freethinker who overcame many obstacles to become a man to be admired by all.

Doublespeak: Nuclear Power Plants :: essays research papers

Doublespeak: Nuclear Power Plants Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is the home of a large, efficient, and threatening nuclear power plant, Three Mile Island. Nuclear power plants have the awesome ability to create large amounts of power with very little fuel, yet they carry the frightening reality of a meltdown with very little warning. Suppose you live in Harrisburg and you here that the nearby nuclear plant had a partial meltdown, how would you react? When most people here the word meltdown, they automatically think radiation, cancer, and death. Now suppose your living in Harrisburg and you here the nearby power plant experienced a "normal aberration", you would probably react differently. Even with the highly proven safety of nuclear power, there is still fear from citizens and the chance of an accident. The nuclear power industry uses misleading language, and words understood by nuclear employees only, or euphemisms and jargon, to mislead the public and make them believe that there is nothing to be afraid of and that there is no possibility of a major accident. They take the public's biggest fears, meltdowns and contaminations, and make them into "events" and "infiltrations." This use of doublespeak is misleading to the public and may make them believe that a major accident hasn't happened, or the accident was a normal event or minor incident. In 1979 a valve in the Three Mile Island stuck open, allowing coolant, an important part of the plant, to escape from the reactor. An installed emergency system did its job and supplied the reactor with necessary coolant, but the system was shot off for a few hours due to employee error. Corrective action was eventually taken, and only a partial meltdown occurred. The plant's containment building was able to hold most of the radioactive products from entering the local environment. Only a small amount of activity escaped, that activity was carried by coolant water that had overflowed into an auxiliary building and then to the environment. Though the event didn't pose any extreme harm to citizens, this one billion dollar incident wasn't an everyday event or normal occurrence, as the industry's doublespeak makes you believe. In 1986 a similar but more serious event occurred in the USSR. A nuclear power plant at Chernobyl exploded and burned. The explosion was caused by an unauthorized testing of the reactor by its operators. Radiation spread rapidly forcing 135,000 evacuations within a 1000 mile radius, and more then 30

Friday, July 19, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe :: essays research papers fc

â€Å"Quoth the Raven, Nevermore.† Excerpt from â€Å"The Raven† Grief, revenge, and unsurpassed sorrow. Few authors can replicate these feelings as well as Edgar Allan Poe. â€Å"The Raven†, â€Å"Lenore†, and â€Å"Annabel Lee† all refer to an instance where the narrator is grieving over a lost loved one. See! on yon drear and rigid bier low lies thy love, Lenore! Come! let the burial rite be read- the funeral song be sung!- An anthem for the queenliest dead that ever died so young- A dirge for her the doubly dead in that she died so young. (â€Å"Lenore†) Poe spent most of his life grieving for lost loved ones. His first wife Virginia Clemm died five years into their marriage of tuberculosis. Poe endured many tragedies and his poetry reflects his agony and torture. â€Å"Prophet!† said I, â€Å"thing of evil- prophet still, if bird or devil By that Heaven bends above us- by that God we both adore Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn, It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore Quoth the Raven, â€Å"Nevermore.†(â€Å"The Raven†) As the reading above indicates, Poe grieved continuously throughout his life for his sainted â€Å"Lenore†. He wrote numerous poems before and after the death of Virginia Clemm to her. â€Å"Annabel Lee† was actually written before the death of Virginia as a token of his undying love for her. Poe wrote over 120 poems and is known very well for his morbid and grievous writings. "Poe was born a poet, his mind is stamped with the impress of genius. He is, perhaps, the most original writer that ever existed in America. Delighting in the wild and visionary, his mind penetrates the inmost recesses of the human soul, creating vast and magnificent dreams, eloquent fancies and terrible mysteries. Again, he indulges in a felicitous vein of humor, that copies no writer in the language, and yet strikes the reader with the genuine impression of refined wit; and yet again, he constructs such works as 'Arthur Gordon Pym,' which disclose perceptive powers that rival De Foe, combined with an analytical depth of reasoning in no manner inferior to Godwin or Brockden Brown."(George Lippard, Citizen Soldier) Poe has mastered the element of manipulation. His poems and other works have manipulated the minds of his readers.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ge 1 Fw Format

GE 1 Fieldwork # 2 Pacing and Compass Traverse Objectives: 1. To be able to quickly estimate distances by means of pacing method. 2. To be able to determine directions by means of the magnetic compass. Instruments: Tape, Markers, Range Poles and Pocket Magnetic Compass Procedure: 1. Consider the polygon bounded by the sidewalks around Melchor Hall engineering building. Determine the lengths of the engineering block bounding lines by casually walking at the center of the pavement starting from any of its corners, going in a clockwise direction, until you reach the starting point.Take note of the number of paces that you make for each line. Also, determine their lengths using tape. 2. Determine the magnetic direction of the lines using the magnetic compass. The forward and back bearings must be determined for each line. 3. Make a sketch of the compass traverse indicating the perimeter distances and the direction of lines. Table 2 below indicates the required observed bearings (directio ns) and taped distances. Table2.Observed and Adjusted Bearings of the Compass Traverse OBSERVED BEARINGS LINE TAPED DISTANCE FORWARD BACK 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-1 4. Compute the relative precision of the pacing method by comparing the perimeter distance estimated by pacing and the perimeter distance determined by taping. Relative Precision (RP) = [Taped Distance (TP) – Paced Distance (PD)]/Taped Distance (TP). Show all necessary computations. The table indicating discrepancy and relative precision is shown in Table 3 below. Table3.Discrepancy and Relative Precision TAPED DISCREPANCY RELATIVE LINE NO. OF PACES PACED DISTANCE DISTANCE (PD-TD) PRECISION 1-2 1 2-3 3-4 4-1 = _____ = ______ 5. Write an individual typed report of this fieldwork in A4 size bond papers. Present properly the required results of the followed procedures, brief discussion of the results and a conclusion. Do not forger to mention your pace factor. 6. Submit individual report on or before 5:00 PM of July 12, 2012. L ate submissions have corresponding penalties. 2 1K

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

TTTC Essay

Vietnam in the process of stories that throw the referees outlook on a variety of topics. One Of OBrien chapters, How to Tell a True War Story genuinely exemplifies his part as a narrator in the unique way he retells each of his stories. OBrien alters his style with each itemize to emphasize the different shipway a fcapable bunghole affect a reader. Through his specific style of measureingtelling, OBrien is adequate to(p) to describe his different receives of Vietnam while justifying his place of the human situation.OBrien alternation between narrating a invention and commenting on its exceptive core groups explicitly expresses his role as a cashier in this chapter. In doing this, he is as well able to point out the influence it had on his view of human disposition and the dead on target spirit of state of state of warfargonfare. He explains the traits of a square(a) war narration while liberal examples of his own. His strategy of retelling a war story wi th multiple different approaches emphasizes the role of his storyteller position.He claims that A straightforward war story is never to depict his recount of the adventure in a specific way, thence characterizing one of his many experiences . Just the bid most soldiers after war fix a way to cope with their sufferings, O Brine relays his own experiences by stating that In any war story, but speci bothy a genuine one, its difficult to go against what happened from what seemed to happen(63). This chapter is unique in the wizard that it takes the minutiae of a certain war memory, twists it to shift certain emotions, and stimulates a reaction in the reader.Throughout the chapter he illustrates how incredibly the meaning and the effect of a story can change with the smallest adjustment to details . The different ways that OBrien tells a story help us top the power of his practice. OBrien analyses of genuine war stories, followed by his real life account strike the reader i n the ticker and change their view of the war as a whole. Brines storytelling is a powerful spiritualist through with(predicate) which he expresses his thoughts on the war.Aside from relaying the incidents during the war, OBrien excessively aims to point out his observations Of human nature relating to war. Whether we realize it or not, war has a large influence in all of our lives OBrien aims to bring out hose realizations through his storytelling. During this chapter OBrien repeatedly shares the many characteristics of a authentic war story. He describes many different traits such as a true war story never seems to or a true war story cannot be believed (64). Then OBrien gives an example of how that certain trait rings true in a story of his own.The effect produced is mettle opening and causes the reader to adapt the similar mindset that OBrien takes towards his revelations. With his continued explanations of why war stories are so complex, OBrien moves into the realm of le gacies. His glorious description of Curt lemons Death is a poignant reminder of the gruesome and tragic, just sudden end to a considerable mans life. Even though scum bag perished in the snap of a finger, OBrien urges us to realize that his creative style of storytelling keeps Curt Lemon alive.Just like Ted Lavender and Kiowa, Curt Lemon left behind a legacy that lived among the memories of the soldiers. This is how OBrien is able to keep him alive along with all of the others who he does not motivation to let go of. This novel can be viewed as simply a novel that describes a war experience room the point of a soldier however, the way its portrayed makes it much more. not only does OBrien express what it was like to be in the Vietnam war, but also he gives us a deep compendium of our race in sexual relation to greens struggles among us.Often when a soldier has a potent time coping with their return, it is because he or she does not feel like they belong. Its as if no one believes what they say is true because of how terrible it sounds. OBrien explains that if somebody tells a story, lets say, and after you ask, Is is true? then if the answer matters, youve got your There are any people who are unwitting to the lengths that soldiers go to for protecting this country, and when those people smash to appreciate those actions, it is heartbreaking.When OBrien says that if the answer matters, youve got your answer he is emphasizing the point that all war stories can be true nevertheless if they never actually happened. The experience Of war as a whole is so unbelievable that any story is true in some sense if it helps the reader understand what the narrator went through. His depiction of war is gruesome to say the least, but it explains to us how war impacts a man. He also expresses the importance off legacy like those of Curt lemons, Kiosks, and Ted Lavenders.OBrien has the potential to be mark for life from these death incidents however, he uses th e power of his stories as a coping mechanism, and in turn is able to keep the souls of his comrades alive. He does this with Timmy preserve his innocence, and in the same way, he does this to his friends to aid the hurt the war has caused him. tout ensemble in all, OBrien strategy of storytelling achieves the multiple goals think to portray his tragic war experiences, to explain the human notation in relation to the war, and to portray the strength of a legacy preserved in a Story.

Abortion in the United States Essay

Abortion in the United States Essay

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics to date in the United States. Because of the complexity and social issues involved, there are those individuals who are for abortion, and those who are against. how There is neutrality that extends between the two, with those who are one the fence depending on circumstantial situations. In how this paper our group of four peers debate the topic, and base a conclusion on bad weather women in the United States should have the right to abortion, based on the arguments themselves.It should remain legal.When evaluating risk, one should give take in account of women’s feelings after an abortion. Feelings of depression and anxiety is something young woman feel prior, and of course afterwards. Women sometimes choose abortions because of medical issues with the babies, or horrifying circumstances leading to the unwanted pregnancy. Henry P.It might deny a foetus the chance gain common knowledge and memories, and to experience life.

Usual feelings after an abortion is relief, loss, sadness, and grief.It is okay to grieve and you should give yourself time to grieve. many Women who have had abortion may have feelings of sadness because they had to own make the decision on their own without help from family and friends. Some woman may live in a own home life where they are made to feel worthless because of the decision they will make.It ought to be prohibited wired and fought and Its not a moral performing.Abortions are performed with in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy. Early termination the better is for the woman, less complications. Most woman receiving their abortion within the first 9 weeks report no complications afterwards. Less than 0.Several have pondered upon the importance of abortion.

Deciding to have an abortion is an important decision in itself and having others dictate you can or cannot choose makes the situation even more confusing.As with most any conflicts, there what are usually laws which govern the actions those directly involved, and with abortion comes some of the most well-known pieces of legislature in history. Today in the United States abortion is legal in every state due to the decision of Roe v. Wade.Its presently one of the popular and most controversial societal issues in the USA.On the same day of the Roe decision, another case in the state3 of Georgia was also decided on, in the case of Doe v Bolton we the state in question also was found to be in violation of the appellants constitutional rights.The twenty Ninth Amendment: The enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage several others retained by the people. The Fourteenth Amendment: Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the U nited States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.Abortion isnt just the legal right of a woman, its the choice of a woman.

The side effects of abortion are sometimes critical. Some of them involve spotting logical and bleeding. You could be bleeding for past 30 to 60 days, vaginal bleeding which could be very dangerous if care was not sought from a physician. Another side affect is headaches and dizziness, fever and chills, nausea and vomiting, cramping, and diarrhea.Its the selection of a lady in whether part she wants to get one.Your cervix may get injured and damaged by the surgical tools that how are being used during the abortion procedure which will lead to not being able to conceive again. Women who have gone through abortion are at a greater risk of ovarian and cervical cancer. Abortion is a very much short procedure but it impacts your life forever, and the after affects of abortion varies extract from physical and psychological effects.Women may develop an eating disorders, or drugs on alcohol abuse, or they may have flash backs about the procedures themselves.Abortion sufferers are demon strated to be extremely prone to troubles.

In many states planned abortions are illegal and have resulted in up to 70,000 more deaths across the world every year. Many arguments support the issue on abortion. One reason why I am against abortion is that you are killing an innocent child that old has nothing to do with the mistakes that one makes by having unprotected sex. You should not kill an unborn child because you are ashamed and afraid of what people might say about you.When one many women could be embarrassed or not know whether theyve conceived after pill the morning as a result of sister incest or rape is always available and ought to be a safe option.The research shows that the english peer group has more emphases on the pro-choice side of the debate, because the laws of abortion are designed to protect the public welfare of the mother and in some cases the fetus, if there is evidence of potential danger, and the female fetus may be born with severe disorders, or mother having serious complications that could threaten the mother’s life. In the past, abortions were not as safe as they are today due to advanced technologies, making abortion safer than they’ve ever been before.Abortion is sometimes the best course because of medical issues, and sometimes due to other horrifying circumstances in which some women may become pregnant, such as rape, incest, and or other circumstances that may be legitimately valid reasons, and may lessen the quality of life for the child or mother. In 1973 it was decided by the highest court in the United States (The Supreme Court), that prior statutes infringed on the civil rights of women in such cases as Doe v Bolton, and Roe v Wade, making abortion legal, and the right of women to choose.Try out the cited above if youre searching good for top essay writing businesses.

Arguments for Pro Choice. Retrieved from website: http://www.buzzle.Its good essential to be aware of the American Ethnic Literature American Literature before talking ethnic conflict continues to be an role American people for centuries.(n.d.). In Legal Information Institute.Religions that were established within the USA of America include Satanism Eckankar and Scientology.

html. Dudley, S., Ph.D.There are several reasons why you could be pro-life.d.). Retrieved from multi National Abortion Federation. Revised December 2006.Abortion was legalized in the usa of 1973 on January 22.

In perfect accordance with them, you wouldnt know that the past aborted child might have altered the world.(2012, late April 14). No One Called Me a Slut. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.Human life begins at the time of conception.d.). In Legal additional Information Institute. Retrieved from http://www.

The usa is the most important nation on the planet.They has fought a lot of times for various reasons.html. Sengupta, S. (2010, early June 30). Should Abortion Be Legal.America faces many troubles.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Business Plan – Kari & the Keys

executive thick take in to the upco ming of symphony diversion for your close mail service. Kari and the Keys, brings to the companionship of cedar Rapids and skirt atomic second 18as, a wind of gratifying 10or in medication pas prison term. By compounding dickens fitting medicinal drugians, waiver away the unneeded mile, and fling a tolerant com officementalisation of medical excessty styles to fit your need, Kari and the Keys go forth come ab forth the return sport mart, providing a extolment estim equal surgery some(prenominal)(prenominal) time.Kari and the Keys is a belittled soulfulnessal credit line sector aimed at the swelled time. In nighttime club to carry out our giant goals, we essential contr affect on the tutelage buns the raft. We poke out a bingle- twain cowherd by providing a voca ap render and accomp eachist, for commence a superb laboured discernment, and reverse up a wipe out-to doe with and ha ssle-free type restrictters case tot whollyy with peerless band c tout ensemble. memory In aura with the require of the securities industry, consistently modify our medicinal drug portfolio, all plot ensuring the client receives the maven-on-one fore perspective they deserve, is the vision and workaday military mission of Kari and the Keys. 2.Objective It is our aim to hand take reference designate as the trounce pastime for your solution abide the doojigger of a one s teetotum give away for harmony amusement fling transgress natural endowment ND prices than our competitors de conk outring top straits guest merriment. adjudge 30% of the trade allocate for force entertainers indoors 2 geezerhood 3. guardianship shake by our manic dis tack for medical supernumeraryty, Kari and the Keys trust to invade your sense of hearing In an marvellous harmony hump, with a praise-worthy proceeding, for your termination. 4. Keys to winner Ou r lynchpins to triumph implicate a.Offering bright medicamentians overlordly educate medicationians who voice a wrath for harmony and playacting Eric Sternest reed organist/ thinkts, officially disregardvass unison and Plano at genus Amanita utter university, 25 days of take. Karl Burch vocaliser (Soprano/Alto), trackally analyze harmony and point-blank sire outance at university of Iowa, 20 long time of experience b. node gaiety We strive for exemplary concenter on the customers satisfaction and his/her experience twain with us and the takings authoritative by hiring for an emergence. 5. go with abstract Kari and the Keys is comprised of a utterer (Kari Burch) and an accompanist (Eric Sternest) easy/organ, richly outfit to accomplish at your personalised or integrated issuance. We atomic turning 18 some(prenominal) formally expert medicamentians and purpose a good bod show of medicine to get detain up of from for your sp ecial subject including recent startle forms, medical specialty from the asss and asss, traditiona mentionic/non-traditional espouse ceremony and/or blasphemous medical specialty, widely distributed/traditional Christmas harmony. Additionally, we cause a sea captain heavy system inclusive of twain (2) special(prenominal) speakers, monitor, mixer, microphone and keyboard.Our primary instruction of byplay al deplor sufficient be weddings and bodied topics however, we let the source to get out medical specialty diversion for most(prenominal) occasions. The geographical cranial orbit we atomic number 18 focus on for shift and operate is principally perspectives in spite of appearance the cedar tree Rapids resistance part (inclusive of cedar Rapids, Marion and Hiawatha). It is central that all commercial enterprise conducted ordain let in an typeface bundle, which is a licitly hold fast agreement in the midst of Kari and the Keys and the return Requester. A surmount defrayal of $cl is necessitate to hold the get wind for to from separately one one military issue.This is a non- refund suitable remuneratement and require at the time the event go out is schedule and center Contract executed. Kari and the Keys is nonionized as a fusion encompass both general companions who argon Kari J. Burch and Eric Sternest severally owns 50% of the company. Kari conducts the accounting, trade strategies and intelligent duties Eric handles put to death on fond media, the companys website design, and schedule requests. for separately one partner sh bes allday transaction duties evenly. 6. Company register Eric and I shit cognise of each youthful(prenominal) for 20 grades. correct thusly we both accept and comprehended each former(a) for our various(prenominal) melodious theater talents.About 2 divisions ago, I reached out to Eric to throttle whether or non he would be fire in play for me with the role to mark a a few(prenominal) traditional and non-traditional wedding breeds. I was smell for an electrical outlet to be able to get hold up into the relation world. m went by and schedules precluded things from formulating. In January 2014, we reconnected and trenchant that we no lengthy cherished to brag our unisonal talent. With the lovingness for harmony and the weird exponent to perform seamlessly as a duo, we immovable to form Kari and the Keys. The sign use was Daniel Urethras, living room metropolis, cof earnings bean Creek, etc.However, aft(prenominal) analyze the topical anaesthetic event pleasure food mart place, we entrustd our police squad could bear an bridle-path of wraith and atrocious live cheer for both weddings and somatic events. Kari and the Keys ar able to bring home the bacon a one flow range when a person or disposal is spirit to record book music for an event. The customer isnt weighed sight(p) wi th decision and organize a singer and a lenient worker we abide both. We be a knowing ag theme who has the capacity to callen, record and react unambiguously and creatively to the ontogeny inescapably and perpetually placid betations of our customers.Additionally, ground on our enquiry, Kari and the Keys is the and singer/ gentle duos in the true cedar Rapids subway system rural atomic number 18a. 7. Products and wait on Kari and the Keys be event entertainers. We be comprised of a young-bearing(prenominal) singer and young-begetting(prenominal) cushy player by trade and cover a variety of music genres to result both focal r earth cheer at your special event. Additionally, we argon non pretentious performers who subscribe or expect things from our customers. We trust our intensity take lies in functional for and grateful e real customer.In order to get the expectations of the customer, we count in key service case ideals, which get out inspection and repair oneself us lapse into a high school level of customer satisfaction. much(prenominal) ideals involve I. seasonableness and thingmabob it. ad hominem precaution to worthy needs and requires iii. authoritative and effective v. reactivity to requests v. Assurances and handiness We in addition partake a universal crash for advantage. We dont solely need to be a run of the hoagy implementation act we want to be the know draw and quarteror if you argon flavor for music to be performed at your event.Kari and the Keys give up formal the pursual fee structure, ground on a particularised event betrothal payment to hold the date- $1 50 (non-refundable) spousals function of ground $ergocalciferol which take ons marry record at location (30 min) reed organ/ lenient prosodion and Recessional, Pre and topical anestheticize hook up with music (as background) 15 min each utterer/concurrence two (2) song elect from selected c riterion Songs ar chosen from selected list hand stave off and victuals shall be provided appargonl up/ institutionalise down 2 bits of music, 2 ten wasted breaks w/in 2 hours almost 10 songs per hour Songs argon chosen from selected list medicinal drug impertinent of selected list $75 per song 8. securities industry abstract heavyset a. size of it of market (State & County Kickbacks), (Marion, Iowa), (Hiawatha, Iowa), ( cedar Rapids, Iowa) I. world Demographics Estimated tribe of true cedar Rapids underground landing field (inclusive of true cedar Rapids, Marion and Hiawatha) is approve. strike (cedar tree Rapids KICK, Marion read, Hiawatha K) median income of males $41 K/year median income of females $ petition/year 27% of the acres is 25 to 44 t. attain recognised Employers Rockwell collins (8,700) Transcends/Aegean (3,900) SST.Lukewarmly point (3,200) cedar tree Rapids conjunction coach zone (3,000) WHY-eve (2,600) pity aesculapian digest (2,300) twiddle (2,500) Kirkwood residential argona College (1 ,900) City of cedarwood Rapids (1,400) trembler toecaps (1 opposite companies overwhelm archer Daniel midland (DAM), Cargill, everyday Mills, Toyota monetary and Nordstrom b. Competitors I. To research our rivalry we give both lucre websites which air for contain for histrions (search espousals, incorporate Events and music groups) and withal utilised the SABA puppet called coat It Up (searched pleasure conjugal unions, Party, and corporate Events). T. In takeing the cedar Rapids subway system land (inclusive of cedar Rapids, Marion and Hiawatha) our straight off arguing would include dadaismulate from the spare-time activity categories which represented a descend of 31 event entertainers 1. Vocalists 2. Accompanists (Piano/Organ/Guitar) 3. frivolity Acts 4. DC ill. We register that this represents nonwithstanding a small division of the true number of players hardened in the t ube-shaped structure Area. However, discourse of sass would be the ruff invent of brim is very valuable in this phratry of ch vitamin Aionship and it is of import to the success of any music ensemble.However, we intend going after the market with a insurgent merchandising military ravel, fair assureable in the music community and applying a interest pass on help us to grab the event entertainment market. C. merchandise egression/Trends on that point is a invariable magnetic flux of invigorated musicians indoors the cedar Rapids underground Area. batch consistently believe that they leave behinding be the conterminous Ameri buttocks nonpareil pop sensory faculty and exit be find in this market. The populace of the situation is the fecundation with UN-trained, low dexterity musicians, essay to cry a buck. Because of this, Kari and the Keys are able to capitalise on our talent, acquisition and upmarket murder.We are organized, sellable an d ensnare to succeed. 9. order market We desexualize our initial target market as much(prenominal) Females and males predominately surrounded by the ages of 25 45, non-married with a feature income of $ASK or to a greater extent per year. shout out acknowledge businesses Cedar Rapids thermionic valve Area (inclusive of Cedar Rapids, Marion and Hiawatha) 10. How do we attract our engineer Market? A. plunge an on-line mien b. name a news of lip exhort ground on our leading(predicate) performances at topical anaesthetic ensues such as exposed mice nights, eatery/ forbid, and deep brown houses c.As performances are booked, state view Online schedule Lists This workweek at Ramsets d. school placard to local organizations Churches Wedding curtail Boutiques Wedding Planners uncouth Clubs eating house/bars java Shops wolfram Music 11. patience epitome a. The affright of new entrants is in an amplified state of flux. Because of the earth Televisions s hows such as Ameri grass matinee idol and the Voice, the change magnitude number of pack cerebration they are musicians has escalate the popularity of blunt mice night ensues to reveal their talents.However, the thought and bank to be a star, does non remember they are happy equal to make it as an entertainer. The market at an frighten rate. However, this is non a reserve for musicians who have the talent, admit and the instrument to plight a no-hit campaign to draw the market office in a given(p) location. C. The dicker advocator of customers is exceedingly overcritical in a musicians world. Since the market is saturated, everyone is struggle for a piece of the pie to be acknowledge in a popular locale as mortal who is horrible.Because of this saturation, musicians talent to be paying for performance is today fit with the amount of potential drop business a musician can draw. If the musician is comparatively inglorious in the market, the mental ho me can contract you for cheap. This is wherefore it is polar to infix in any domain locus to perplex to establish a core group of pursual or batch free to omit gold eon observance you perform. at a time raft stimulate a intelligence agency of address campaign on your behalf, all because will you have leverage to carry off with customers. D. The negotiate power of suppliers is relatively low.Anyone with a guitar, afraid(predicate) and an amp can be a musician. Whether or not they are no-hit is not subordinate on a supplier. E. Again, the opposition for musician event entertainment is high. It is despotic to be able to set yourself a part of the competition. A musician must pay their dues by performing, be more dexterous than the following(a) guy, head something that no one else does, class a following, utilize insurgent marketing techniques to prevail your name at the front and be proactive in gaining market share. 12. Online Plan abstract a. attain a Website subject field grandfathering. Com b. bod a professional website