Friday, November 29, 2019
Love Advices free essay sample
# 8211 ; Good Indeed Essay, Research Paper Advice 1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. 2. Memorize your favourite verse form. 3. Don # 8217 ; t believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want. 4. When you say, # 8220 ; I love you, # 8221 ; intend it. 5. When you say, # 8220 ; I # 8217 ; m sorry, # 8221 ; look the individual in the oculus. 6. Be engaged at least six months before you get married. 7. Believe in love at first sight. 8. Never laugh at anyone # 8217 ; s dreams. 9. Love deeply and passionately. You might acquire hurt but it # 8217 ; s the merely manner to populate life wholly. 10. In dissensions, fight reasonably. No name naming. 11. Don # 8217 ; t justice people by their relations. 12. Talk easy but think rapidly. 13. When person asks you a inquiry you don # 8217 ; t want to reply, smile and inquire, # 8220 ; Why do you desire to cognize? # 8221 ; 14. Remember that great love and great accomplishments involve great hazard. 15. Name your ma. 16. Say # 8220 ; bless you # 8221 ; when you hear person sneezing. We will write a custom essay sample on Love Advices or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 17. When you lose, don # 8217 ; t lose the lesson. 18. Remember the three R # 8217 ; s: Respect for ego ; Respect for others ; Duty for all your actions. 19. Don # 8217 ; t allow a small difference injure a great friendly relationship. 20. When you realize you # 8217 ; ve made a error, take immediate stairss. 21. Smile when picking up the phone. The company will hear it in your voice. 22. Marry a man/woman you love to speak to. As you get older, their colloquial accomplishments will be every bit of import as any other. 23. Spend some clip a lone. 24. Open your weaponries to alter, but don # 8217 ; t allow travel of your values. 25. Remember that silence is sometimes the best reply. 26. Read more books and ticker less Television. 27. Populate a good, honest life. Then when you get older and believe back, you # 8217 ; ll acquire to bask it a 2nd clip. 28. Trust in God but lock your auto. 29. A loving atmosphere in your place is so of import. Make all you can to make a placid harmonious place. 30. In dissensions with loved 1s, trade with the current state of affairs. Don # 8217 ; t convey up the yesteryear. 31. Read between the lines. 32. Share your cognition. It # 8217 ; s a manner to accomplish immortality. 33. Be soft with the Earth. 34. Pray. There # 8217 ; s unmeasurable power in it. 35. Never interrupt when you are being flattered. 36. Mind your ain concern. 37. Don # 8217 ; t trust a man/woman who doesn # 8217 ; t shut his/her eyes when you buss. 38. Once a twelvemonth, travel someplace you # 8217 ; ve neer been earlier. 39. If you make a batch of money, put it to utilize assisting others while you are populating. That is wealth # 8217 ; s greatest satisfaction. 40. Remember that non acquiring what you want is sometimes a shot of fortune. 41. Learn the regulations so interrupt some. 42. Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your demand for each other. 43. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to acquire it. 44. Remember that your character is your fate. 45. Approach love and cookery with foolhardy wantonness.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Basic Japanese Language Vocabulary with Audio Files
Basic Japanese Language Vocabulary with Audio Files When you are learning Japanese, it is essential to hear the words spoken. These audio words and phrases are grouped by topic and you can use them to learn to speak Japanese. Hiragana Pronunciation with Audio Files The following tables contains the 46 basic sounds found in Japanese. Click the link to listen the pronunciation of each hiragana character. (a) (i) (u) (e) (o) (ka) (ki) (ku) (ke) (ko) (sa) (shi) (su) (se) (so) (ta) (chi) (tsu) (te) (to) (na) (ni) (nu) (ne) (no) (ha) (hi) (fu) (he) (ho) (ma) (mi) (mu) (me) (mo) (ya) (yu) (yo) (ra) (ri) (ru) (re) (ro) (wa) (o) (n) Katakana Pronunciation with Audio Files  Here are the 46 basic Japanese sounds. Click the link to listen the pronunciation. (a) (i) (u) (e) (o) (ka) (ki) (ku) (ke) (ko) (sa) (shi) (su) (se) (so) (ta) (chi) (tsu) (te) (to) (na) (ni) (nu) (ne) (no) (ha) (hi) (fu) (he) (ho) (ma) (mi) (mu) (me) (mo) (ya) (yu) (yo) (ra) (ri) (ru) (re) (ro) (wa) (o) (n) Verbs Learning verbs when learning a new language is obviously very important. In the table below I have created a list of some of the most important verbs that someone new to Japanese should know.  If you are not familiar with Japanese verbs at all, follow this link to learn about verb groups and conjugations. If you would like to hear the pronunciation of each verb, click the link and small audio file will play for you. Group 1 Verbs Dictionary Form(Basic Form) English Formal Form The ~ te Form aruku to walk arukimasu aruite asobu to play asobimasu asonde au to meet aimasu atte hairu to enter hairimasu haitte hajimaru to begin hajimarimasu hajimatte iku to go ikimasu itte kaeru to return kaerimasu kaette kakaru to take kakarimasu kakatte kaku to write kakimasu kaite kau to buy kaimasu katte kiku to listen kikimasu kiite matsu to wait machimasu matte motsu to have mochimasu motte narau to learn naraimasu naratte nomu to drink nomimasu nonde okuru to send okurimasu okutte omou to think omoimasu omotte oyogu to swim oyogimasu oyoide shiru to know shirimasu shitte suwaru to sit suwarimasu suwatte tatsu to stand tachimasu tatte tomaru to stop tomarimasu tomatte tsuku to arrive tsukimasu tsuite uru to sell urimasu utte utau to sing utaimasu utatte wakaru to understand wakarimasu wakatte warau to laugh waraimasu waratte yomu to read yomimasu yonde Group 2 Verbs kangaeru to think kangaemasu kangaete miru to see mimasu mite neru to sleep nemasu nete oshieru to teach oshiemasu oshiete taberu to eat tabemasu tabete Group 3 Verbs kuru to come kimasu kite suru to do shimasu shite At the Restaurant Click the link to hear the pronunciation. ueitoresu waitress Irasshaimase. Welcome to our store. (Used as a greeting to customers in stores.) nanmei sama how many people (It is very polite way of saying how many people. Nannin is less formal.) futari two people kochira this way Sumimasen. Excuse me. menyuu menu Onegaishimasu. Please do me a favor. (A convenient phrase used when making a request.) Shou shou omachi kudasai. Please wait a moment. (formal expression) Douzo. Here you are. Doumo. Thanks. go-chuumon order boku I (informal, it is used by men only) sushi no moriawase assorted sushi hitotsu one (Native Japanese number) o-nomimono beverage Ikaga desu ka. Would you like ~? biiru beer morau to receive Kashikomarimashita. Certainly. (Literally means, I understand.) nanika anything Iie, kekkou desu. No, thank you. Rooms and Furnishings Click the link to hear the pronunciation. heya room ima living room daidokoro kitchen shinshitsu bedroom toire bathroom genkan entrance niwa garden kabe wall tenjou ceiling yaneura attic yuka floor mado window Furniture kagu furniture tsukue desk hondana book shelf isu chair tansu chest of drawers beddo bed todana cupboard Appliances reizouko refrigerator reitouko freezer sentakuki washer kansouki dryer oobun oven denshi renji microwave suihanki rice cooker soujiki vacuum cleaner terebi TV More Audio Phrases and Words by Topic Animals: From bird to zebra, heres the menagerie. Body: These words are especially useful if you need medical help. Calendar: Months, days of the week, and seasons. Colors: All colors are treated as nouns. Listen to the rainbow. Dates: These follow a basic rule of the number plus nichi. Family: Learn how to talk about your family and somebody elses family. Foods: Basics for food, meals, and phrases related to eating. Greetings: The basic phrases you will need. Introducing People: Learn how to introduce people and hear the vocabulary and expressions. Location: Dont wander about lost. You need these phrases to get directions. Numbers: How to count in Japanese. On the Phone: How to speak a phone number, plus phrases you will need for a phone call in Japanese. Tea: How to order tea and how to pronounce different types of tea. Time: How to express the time of day and ask and answer questions about time. Travel: Words and expressions youll need when youre on the move. Useful Expressions: Simple yes, no, thanks, and other basics. Weather: How to talk about what its doing outside. Adjectives: from near to far, clean to dirty, youll want to know these modifiers. Adverbs: From always to never, together to separately.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Human Resources Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Human Resources Management - Assignment Example This approach of managing the employees with the formation of definite strategies is known as strategic HRM. In other words, the strategic management of human resources implies the supervision and administration of employees according to the present and future objectives of the organization. It’s concerned with long term issues of the employees and it deals with the various macro elements of the organization that includes values, culture, structure, future needs, quality management, knowledge management and human resource development. It has a narrow objective of providing direction to the functions of the management in a chaotic environment, so that it can meet the individual needs and the collective needs of the staff through the application of suitable HR policies. The meaning of strategic human resource management implies: Use of planning A rational approach to the management and design of personnel management which is based on policies and strategies prepared in accordanc e with the philosophy of the organization. ... Figure 3.2 represents the Harvard approach while Figure 3.3 represents the Michigan approach. The Harvard approach is broader in comparison to the Michigan approach. Harvard approach deals with a situational perspective and takes into consideration the interest of the stakeholders in internal and external environment. This model doesn’t only emphasize on the performance but also pays attention towards individual and social well being. On the other hand, the Michigan approach is narrower and defines a much focused model which demonstrates a strong fit between the structure, HRM policies and strategy of the organization. This model puts more importance to the functional level of the human resource management which illustrates that the performance of an individual is dependent on selection, development, rewards and appraisal. The Harvard approach deals with a mixture of process and content theories, while Michigan approach is entirely content oriented.2 Source: Human Resource Man agement: A critical approach Importance of HRM An effective HRM framework helps the organization in3- Recruiting people through proper screening and interview techniques Developing their skills by providing them with proper training programs Motivating them with reasonable remuneration and addressing their grievances Retaining them with the introduction of various appraisal and incentive schemes Explain and analyze the HRM framework The human resource management framework is demonstrated in the following diagram The HRM framework describes all the essential function of the human resource management which has an ultimate objective of placing right kind of people in the right kind of job at the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Farid Ud-Din Attar. The Conference of the Birds Essay - 2
Farid Ud-Din Attar. The Conference of the Birds - Essay Example A good illustration of how the context of the story helps to clarify the meaning is shown in the case of when the hoopoe is telling the tale of a poor fisher boy whom King Mas’oud befriends. Later when the king upon casting the boy’s line successfully lands a sizeable catch, he then gives to the boy. The next day the king decides to make the boy a partner to his throne The story is taken from a religious allegory and can be interpreted probability to be a fable regarding God’s grace. However once we put the story into its real context the allegory gains more prominence. The hoopoe had just been asked by a bird why he is spiritually flourishing unlike the other birds that seem to be getting nowhere (Williams 49). The hoopoe explains that this is so because Solomon has glanced at him. The Hoopoe tells the birds that this glance is worth far more than prayer but continues to explain that this does not mean that an individual does not need to pray, but rather one should continue to pray continuously until Solomon glances at him. In this story of the fisher boy, we see that the boy has been unceasingly fishing (in the same spot every day, which represents the spiritual â€Å"fishing†of constant prayer (Williams 51). According to the Hoopoes previous explanation, the king’s visit is the glance of Solomon. This story is mostly demonstrative of individual effort and grace plus the reality that both are indispensable for spiritual advancement (Davis, 8). The point of a tale may at times seem rather elusive at the first reading; therefore, it is advisable to read it again or to refer to some previous text to remind you what the question being answered by the hoopoe is. This case with the stories resembles the story of the king and the fisher boy from which we got our excerpt. Throughout the poem, two themes in particular are intricately interwoven into the very fiber of the poem. These are the need to destroy the Self, and the weight
Monday, November 18, 2019
Impacts of a Borderless Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Impacts of a Borderless Society - Essay Example This is possible because of the borderless society that we are living in today. Although a borderless society makes it possible to access products all year round globally, it also has some negative impacts from economic, social and environmental perspectives. A borderless society reduces the world into a global village where it is very likely that national identities and cultural values may be lost (Reimann, 2002). Market competition has now become very stiff as a result of the concept of a borderless society. Countries that have goods of low quality and unfavorable prices do not have the chance in the global market. Some countries have taken advantage of the borderless society, and utilize cheap labor that is available in other countries. For example, many Western companies have relocated to Asian countries to take advantage of the cheap labor in these countries and the operations cost are low (Laudon & Traver, 2013). Sirloin steak refers to the steak that is cut from the back of an animal. The name ‘ sirloin’ originated from England when a certain king after having the steak liked it so much that he decided to knight it. Many people probably would only say which grocery store their sirloin comes from opposed to the geographical area in which it was produced. Most of the beef that is consumed in the United States for instance originates from the U.S with only 8-20 % originating from foreign countries (Emel & Neo, 2013). American cattle ranchers have continued to show interest in sustainable beef production practices that have minimal adverse environmental, ecological and social impacts. Research has shown that the beef industry in America has made achievements in environmental sustainability by using less water, emitting less greenhouse gas and avoiding overgrazing. America only imports beef products that have met sustainability standards set by the Global Beef Trade. It can therefore be concluded that
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Measuring the Impact of Stress on Physical Health
Measuring the Impact of Stress on Physical Health Psychologists are very interested to understand the many ways in which stress can make us unwell. Before psychologists can get to the point of very significant real-life benefits to be had from understanding this relationship, they need valid and reliable way of measuring stress first. There are two main categories of measurement that has been developed and they are self-report and physiological methods. One psychological measurement of stress is self-report scales and they include the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS). The Social Readjustment Rating Scale was developed by Thomas Holmes and Richard Rache in 1967 and is a well-known self-report method of measuring life changes that go on in an individuals life. Both Holmes and Rache studied the medical records of patients, picking out the events that occurred in the patients lives not long before they fell ill. Within the SRRS, it presents a list of 43 life changes and each one of the 43 stressful life events was given a Life Change Unit (LCU). Obviously this unit depended on how traumatic the event felt to be by a large sample of participants. The researchers calculated averages for each life event and further divided these numbers by ten. This gave the overall LCU score for each change and these changes were put into rank order from highest to lowest. It was found that if an individual has less than 150 LCU, they have a 30% chance of suffering from stress. Between 150 and 299 LCU, it equates to a 50% chance of suffering from stress, and finally over 300 LCU it means the person has an 80% chance of developing a stress related illness. The downside of this measurement of stress is that it doesnt take individual difference into consideration. The scale just assumes that each stressor affects people the same way but this is not true, for example some people may say that divorce is very stressful however for others it may even be a relief or amicable. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is the most commonly used psychological instrument for assessing the perception of stress. Items were made to assess how overloaded, uncontrollable and unpredictable respondents find their lives to be. Also within the scale, it has a number of direct queries about current levels of stress that the person experiences. The questioned asked in the (PSS) are about thoughts and feelings during the past month. In each case, people completing it are asked how often they felt a certain way. Another psychological measurement of stress is the Hassles and Uplifts Scale (HSUP). It is a self-report measure of the stress associated with everyday irritations known as hassles and of the small pleasures of daily life that are thought to partly offset the negative effects of hassles known as the uplifts. It is a more comfortable way to identify the pros and cons events that happen in each persons daily life. Also, Allen Kanner et al put forward that the combined effects of daily hassles and uplifts would be a more useful indicator of stress therefore he then developed this scale. The HSUP has three different forms: Daily Hassles Scale Daily Uplifts Scale Combined Scale The Daily Hassle Scale consists of 117 items and includes seven categories which are family, friends, work, environment, chance occurrences, health and practical considerations. Examples of hassles include disliking work colleagues, troublesome neighbours and too much responsibility. The scale measures how severe each hassle is on a three-point scale: somewhat, moderately or extremely severe. Based on the severity measure, it will reflect on the fact that the psychological meaning of each hassle to the individual is more important than how often it occurs. On the other hand, the Daily Uplifts Scale was constructed by a similar process that consisted of 135 items that were processed from the same content areas as the Hassles Scale. Examples of uplifts include relating well with friends and meeting responsibilities, liking fellow workers, and getting enough sleep. The individual identifies all of the uplifts that apply, followed by how often they have experienced them over a specific period of time. After many years of research with the Hassles and Uplifts Scale, some limitations were identified and so it was updated by Anita DeLongis et al and became the Hassle and Uplifts Questionnaire. The Skin conductance response (SCR) is a physiological measure of the degree of sweating associated with arousal of the autonomic nervous system. ANS arousal activates the bodys fight or flight response when a stressor occurs. Small increases in sweating can be detected as greater electrical conductance across the skin. To detect sweating, electrodes are attached to the index and middle fingers of one hand. A very small current that cannot be felt is applied to the electrodes in order to measure how much electricity is being conducted. Since human skin is a good conductor of electricity, the more we sweat, the more conductance there will be. There are two types of skin conductance. One is tonic conductance and this is skin conductance when we are not experiencing a stimulus. It is used as a baseline measure against which to compare phasic conductance. This type occurs when something happens like for example when someone asks you a question or we are shown a picture. The whole response can take from four to five seconds. Along with respiration, blood pressure and heart rate, the SCR makes up a polygraph, more commonly known as the lie detector test. Another physiological measurement of stress is by testing the persons blood pressure. Blood pressure is a measure of the force that exerts on the walls of blood vessels. When blood is measured by a sphygmomanometer, two numbers appear like for example 135/85mmHg. The first number, 135, represents the systolic pressure which happens when the heart pushes blood out of the arteries, whereas the second number, 85, represents the diastolic pressure, which is the pressure of the heart at rest. Salivary alpha-amylase is another physiological way of measuring stress. Alpha-amylase is an enzyme thats made under sympathetic innervations and can be collected in the individuals saliva. There is a lot of evidence suggesting that the level of salivary alpha-amylase increases with physiological stress, such as exercise.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Greek Philosophers :: essays papers
Greek Philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle had virtually the same beliefs about man's relation to the State, although Plato's political theory of the State was more rational than Socrates or Aristotle's. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all believed that man was not self-sufficient, they believed man would be most happy living in a State. They also believed that all men wanted to live the truly good life where they could be in tune with the truth and achieve their ultimate goals. Although Socrates, Plato and Aristotle's political views of the State are similar, Plato's view is more rational than Socrates and Aristotle's in the sense that he created an ideal State. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were three philosophers in ancient Greece who believed that no man was self-sufficient enough to live on his own. Plato believed "a State comes into existence because no individual is self-sufficing" (Stumph, 70). This theory of Plato's was also shared by Aristotle who said "He who is unable to live in society or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must either be a beast or a god" (Stumph, 103). These two views indicate the importance of a State to an individual according to Plato and Aristotle. All three philosophers believed that man would be much happier if he was part of a State rather than on his own. Socrates once stated "We are all more productive if we specialize in one thing rather than try to excel at many things" (Stumph, 40). Within the State Socrates believed that there would be a division of labour for the provision of food, shelter and clothing. An individual living outside of a State would have to provide thems! elves with these necessities. As Socrates stated above within the State you would specialize in one thing only, while a different individual would specialize in something else and this would allow the quality and the quantity of the product to increase. "Plato assumes that we are all born with physical and intellectual equipment that makes us suited to perform some tasks better than others" (Rice, 42). So now individuals only have to specialize in something that they are physically and intellectually suited for according to Plato. These three philosophers believed that if man could be more productive by specializing in something that they are suited for they would be happier. Aristotle made the point that "Every community is established with the view to some good; and that mankind always act in order to obtain that which they think good" (Copleston, 351). Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all believed that man needs to be
Monday, November 11, 2019
Alessandro Volta Biography
Alessandro Volta Biography Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Volta was an Italian scientist that is known for inventing the first battery. Volta was born into a noble family in Como, Italy on February 18, 1785. When Volta was twenty-nine years old he became a physics professor at the ‘Royal School’ in Como, Italy. He studied chemistry gases in the years of 1776 through 1778. By 1778, Volta managed to make an electrical spark using methane, which he discovered in 1776 by collecting the gas from marshes†¦Volta was the first person to discover and isolate the compound methane. The first battery that Alessandro Volta made was called the ‘Voltaic Pile’. The â€Å"Pile†consisted of discs of copper and zinc, stacked alternatively. In 1800, after going through extensive experimentation, Volta developed the voltaic pile. The original voltaic pile consisted of a pile of zinc and silver discs. The discs were separated by pieces of paper or cardboard and they wer e in between the alternating discs.The dividers were soaked in salt water. A copper wire connected the bottom zinc disc to the top silver disc could create frequent sparks. The top and the bottom layers had to be different metals and they were attached by a copper wire. When the circuit was closed electricity flowed through the Voltaic Pile. In 1779, Volta became a professor one again at the â€Å"University of Pavia†, for about 25 years. In 1794, he married a woman named Teresa Peregrini, who was also from Como, Italy.They both raised three sons: Giovanni, Flamino and Zanino Volta. Volta was acquired as a â€Å"count†by the French emperor, Napoleon, for his impeccable invention. He traveled to Paris, where a special gold medal was given him. Volta retired in 1819 in his hometown of Como, Italy. Alessandro Volta died on March 5, 1827, at the age of 82. He was buried in his late house, which is now called ‘Camnago Volta’.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
My hobby (listening music) Essay
What is music? Music is the art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (sometimes both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. As a teenager, I listen to music everyday. I can name almost name every song that comes on the radio. Listening to music takes the stress away from my mind. I love listening to music. Listening to music is my new hobby. I cannot go a day without listening to music. Music comes in different genres. I listen to many genres. The genre I listen to the most is R&B. I listen to R&B because it relates to my life. R&B is one of the tops ten genres listened to. Music to me is like a reading teacher reading a book. Music is just that good. The R&B singers I listen to are Keri Hilson, Trey Songz, Monica, K Michelle, and Usher. I listening to more than that but I do not want to waste my time writing all of the names. I wake up listening to music. Music is my passion. While I am writing this, I am listening to music. I cannot help myself. Some people are addicted to drugs and alcohol but my addiction is music. Music has many different meaning to it. In order for me to understand a song, I have to listen to the song over and over again. If someone gave me a pop quiz on music, I would most likely pass the pop quiz. I am not the type that does not have a life. I have a life, but in the meantime I listen to music when I am bored. I might listen to a great amount of music but I do not know how to do have of the dances that go along with them. Again, music is my passion and addiction. One more thought, I cannot sing. I just love listening to music.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Buddhism In America
E Pluribus Unum, a phrase that we hear more and more ever since September 11th. By now we all know its meaning, â€Å"From Many, One†. This phrase applies more today than ever. Today our cultural differences are magnified with the new immigration. It’s not just Swedes and Italians, Lutherans and Catholics, but Russian and Iranian Jews, Pakistani and Bengali Muslims, Trinidadi and Gujarati Hindus, Punjabi Sikhs and Sindhi Jains. Creating the unum from the pluribus is now more challenging than ever†(Eck 29). Our country is a large melting pot consisting of many different cultures, religions, and ethnicities. Buddhism, becoming popular in the 1950’s has been increasing its numbers and presence in America. â€Å"By 1997 more than a thousand Buddhist meditation and practice centers were listed in the new edition of The Complete Guide to Buddhist America†(Eck 149). Los Angeles holds many Buddhists, but Buddhism is spread across America. â€Å"Los Angeles has its fair share, to be sure, but there are also centers in Elk Rapids, Michigan, and Omaha, Nebraska. No part of the United States today is untouched bye the presence of this form of Buddhism based in meditation practice.†(Eck 149). Even though Buddhism spans all across America today, not all Americans are as accepting of Buddhism as they should be. â€Å"The very idea of a religion with no God makes for a rocky start in the nation that now prints ‘In God We Trust’ on its coins and pledges ‘One nation, under God, indivisible†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Eck 152).... Free Essays on Buddhism In America Free Essays on Buddhism In America E Pluribus Unum, a phrase that we hear more and more ever since September 11th. By now we all know its meaning, â€Å"From Many, One†. This phrase applies more today than ever. Today our cultural differences are magnified with the new immigration. It’s not just Swedes and Italians, Lutherans and Catholics, but Russian and Iranian Jews, Pakistani and Bengali Muslims, Trinidadi and Gujarati Hindus, Punjabi Sikhs and Sindhi Jains. Creating the unum from the pluribus is now more challenging than ever†(Eck 29). Our country is a large melting pot consisting of many different cultures, religions, and ethnicities. Buddhism, becoming popular in the 1950’s has been increasing its numbers and presence in America. â€Å"By 1997 more than a thousand Buddhist meditation and practice centers were listed in the new edition of The Complete Guide to Buddhist America†(Eck 149). Los Angeles holds many Buddhists, but Buddhism is spread across America. â€Å"Los Angeles has its fair share, to be sure, but there are also centers in Elk Rapids, Michigan, and Omaha, Nebraska. No part of the United States today is untouched bye the presence of this form of Buddhism based in meditation practice.†(Eck 149). Even though Buddhism spans all across America today, not all Americans are as accepting of Buddhism as they should be. â€Å"The very idea of a religion with no God makes for a rocky start in the nation that now prints ‘In God We Trust’ on its coins and pledges ‘One nation, under God, indivisible†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Eck 152)....
Monday, November 4, 2019
Being a Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Being a Manager - Essay Example Their rises through the ranks are discussed at length from their points of view as expressed during the interviews and in summary; it is found that the management escalator model fits with their career advancements. In any organizations, the role of management is crucial in ensuring the smooth running of activities and day to day operations, it is for these purpose that certain individuals; by virtue of their academic qualification, experience or both occupy management positions in most firms either formerly or informally (Reh, n.d). Specific duties of managers vary in different firms; nonetheless, managers are generally tasked with the responsibility of planning, monitoring and directing the efforts of a group of individuals place under him/her. They may direct works through supervisors or do it directly, however for one to be an effective manager, they needs must be familiar not only with the workers or supervisors, but also with the jobs, which they do. This is not to say they mus t be the best at any, or all the duties carried out by their subordinates many, who are specialists, however, they should have some understanding of the working of the different departments to be able to synchronize their activities as well as to direct the efforts. Managers specialize in is in knowing how to manage the resources at their disposal in their particular organizations and departments, and this mostly means human resource, however they also oversee the use of other resources such as money and equipment (York 2009, 185). In many organizations, managers emerge from the teams therein especially individuals who prove they have not only the requisite skills and experience but also leadership skills. Thus it is possible a specialist or technician to escalate to the top of the ranks and become a manager, they will apply not only their technical skills but acquired experience and judgment as well as familiarity with firm procedures to run their respective departments (Richard 20 01, 17). In this essay, focus will be on management and based on how the managerial escalator (Rees and Porter, 2001) applies to the career experiences of two managers who have made it to management levels from the bottom. The term managerial escalator refers to the progression of responsibilities in a firm gradually from technical or specialist to managerial positions gradually through time to help employees acquire the managerial skills while honing their technical skills. Initially, specialists spend a major fraction of their time in the organization engaged in their fields of specialization, however , the more competent specialist or those who show leadership potential gradually acquire supervisory duties, albeit informally at times. This is because leadership skills are necessary in a manager, these can be seen in their behavior and attitudes, and they are used to determine if he/she is capable of taking charge and responsibility of a team (Wilson et al, 2006, 21). The promotio n of the best performers can often be attributed to the fact that most organizations run on a reward system, however employees who gain academic credentials such as master’s degree substantial improve their chances of â€Å"escalation†. The transition from technician to management is takes time and this can be as much as 5 to 10 years or as little as one year, depending on the organization’s structure. Specialist may begin to acquire more responsibilities than their peers and even seniors based on their competence
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Human Population Explosion on a Finite Planet Essay
The Human Population Explosion on a Finite Planet - Essay Example The exponential growth of the world’s population is a fact that is undisputed by many scholars concerned with the ecological support the world can comfortably offer, which has created a growing concern about whether the world can eventually support future generations given that the population has shown no signs of declining (Hauser, 1979). Currently, the world’s population stands at more than 7 billion and it is expected to hit a higher record because the populations in the developing world are still growing at very high rates since people their people have not been exposed to family control methods that are, currently being used in the developed world. One of the reasons that have contributed to this is the lack of education that has led to higher levels of illiteracy. Therefore, it is, undoubtedly the world’s population would hit the expected 9 billion mark by 2050 (Meyer & Turner, 1992). Safety has become a major challenge today due to human encroachment on unsafe areas that have often led to the loss of life and property. For instance, human beings have encroached areas prone to floodplains and tsunamis, and this has caused a number of loss of lives whenever catastrophes have struck. Most of these areas, which were 30 years ago sparsely populated have now registered a high number of people due to human encroachment (Hauser, 1979). Moreover, because land has become a scarce resource people have now moved to occupy lands that were formerly being used for agriculture. All these has been attributed lar to population explosion, which has seen many people moving to urban areas due to rural-urban migration. This has reduced the population that was actively engaged in farming and thus leading to the food shortage in some parts of the world (Bouvier & Bertrand, 1999).
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