Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Brazilian experience Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Brazilian experience - Research Paper Example A business organization must sell products to survive and to grow. The marketing concept states that an organization should try to provide products that satisfy customers’ needs through a coordinated set of activities. Customer satisfaction is the major aim of the marketing concept. An organization has to find out what will satisfy customers, and create satisfying products. The organization must continue to alter, adapt and develop products to keep pace with customers’ changing desires and preferences. The marketing concept stresses the importance of customers and emphasizes that marketing activities begin and end with them.2 (Jobber & Lancaster, p. 15) In the new business environment, the twenty-first century that is, it is essential to determine the new target market and the potential size. Knowing the number of people that the business is targeting as its potential customers is a primary goal of any business. Although the playing field has been significantly widened by the Internet and information technology for business organizations, still the potential market size has to be pinpointed in the planning and initial stages of the business or even when the operation is thoroughly ongoing. By having a website, an organization can have an idea how the customers respond and patronize their products. New web features enable website and customer interaction. Customers post their inquiries, product opinion and complaints living behind their ideas about the company, which in turn provides information for future business plans and strategies. Websites also ask customer preferences and data. These information inputs provide expert knowledge for target market, size and ‘characteristics’ of regular and potential customers. By knowing who their customers are, business people become creative. The company must encourage its workforce to become creative by asking their opinion, suggestions and ideas for improvement and organizational success. The p otential market size and target are important to the real estate business that our organization is planning to implement in the country Brazil. Brazil’s economy is growing fast and there is also a wide playing field. With the help of our website, we can penetrate the areas of the growing middle- and lower-classes of society, and even the rich sector. These different sectors are in need of real estate. Our product – real estate – is still in demand for the growing market. 1.2 Resources The people or employees are an asset to the organization. Commentators suggest that employees or workers are an organization’s greatest asset. They are a part of organizational knowledge and organizations have to invest much on what is called human capital. The 4Ps which is Product, Price, Place, Promotion – and a fifth which is people – are the basis of a marketing strategy employed by most firms for competitive advantage. The marketing mix variables are usual ly considered internal variables which a manager bases his/her decisions. Strategic human resource provides effective management of the staff, retention, and turnover processes, selection of employees that fit with both the organizational strategy and culture, and cost effective utilization of employees. As an outcome, the firm can have an increased performance, enhanced customer and employee satisfaction and shareholder value. Employees of international organizations hav
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
World War II Essay Example for Free
World War II Essay World War II started in 1939 and ended in 1945. It involved the countries of Japan, Germany, and Italy. Those three formed the Axis Powers. The countries that fought against them were Great Britain, France, the United States, and in part the Soviet Union. Notable names in the war were: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, (president of the United States); Adolf Hitler, (Nazi Party leader and German chancellor); Benito Mussolini, (Italian fascist dictator); Hideki Tojo, (Japanese military leader); and Joseph Stalin, (communist leader of Soviet Union). World War II was the most fatal war in history, resulting in between 40 and 50 million deaths. World War II was caused by many different reasons. It was caused psychologically by: Adolf Hitler’s actions; Anti-Semitism; and totalitarianism. Politically it was caused by: the Treaty of Versailles; the failure of the League of Nations; and failure of appeasement. Finally it was caused geographically by: imperialistic Japan; the Treaty of Versailles; and the positioning of the United States. World War II was caused psychologically by the actions of Hitler, the influence of Anti-Semitism, and the influence of totalitarianism all over Europe. Adolf Hitler was a powerful speaker. He influenced many people to support himself and the Nazi party. â€Å"All great world shaking events have been brought about not by written matter, but by the spoken word. †(Adolf Hitler Quotes). On the contrary, he published a book, Mein Kampf (my struggle). In this book he described the Nazi party. The consumer and the common man read the book. They began to believe what Hitler had preached in Mein Kampf. â€Å"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live. (Hitler and Manheim). Hitler promoted the beliefs of German expansion; that Germans were the â€Å"master race†and all others are inferior; and Anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism caused World War II in part psychologically by making people think that Jews were the cause of all their problems, and that they shouldn’t exist within the â€Å"Third Reich†or Third German Empire. During World War II between 4,869,360 and 5,894,716 Jewish were exterminated. (Holocaust Memorial Museum). This mass killing was called the Holocaust. The people that killed all of these innocents were who? People influenced by Anti-Semitism, mostly members of the Nazi Party. Anti-Semitism caused the Holocaust. â€Å"The personification of the devil as the symbol of evil assumes the living shape of the Jew. †(Adolf Hitler Quotes). The Holocaust was one reason for war. So in turn, Anti-Semitism was one psychological cause of World War II. Most of the Anti-Semitism was present in the Nazi Party, which was the German fascism. Totalitarianism was when a government has total control, and individual people have no civil rights. Before and during World War II, there were many different types of totalitarianism. There was fascism, communism, the Nazi Party, and militarism in Japan. Psychologically all of these different brands of totalitarianism influenced an abundance of the nations involved in World War II. In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin took total control by transforming his nation into an industrial communist state. People who disobeyed him were killed. In Italy, Benito Mussolini rose to power through winning the support of many discontent Italians and by fascism. â€Å"Italy wants peace, work, and calm. I will give these things with love if possible, with force if necessary. (Danzer, Klor de Alva, Krieger, Wilson, and Woloch). In Germany, Adolf Hitler influenced Germany with the German brand of fascism, the Nazi party. â€Å"The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it. †(â€Å"Adolf Hitler Quotes†). Finally in Japan, Hideki Tojo used the military to take control and use notes of fascism in his leadership. All of these dictators used totalitarianism to influence the people of their nations. In doing this, they create a psychologically influenced mass of people who believe and conform to totalitarianism. From three quarters of these nations, the Axis Powers were born. World War II was caused politically by: the Treaty of Versailles; failure of the League of Nations; and failure of appeasement. The Treaty of Versailles was a post World War I peace agreement that established new borders, nations, and war reparations. In this treaty, Germany was to take all the blame and sole responsibility for the war. They were stripped of their colonies. The Germans were angry and resentful. The Treaty of Versailles destroyed the German economy and also banned them from maintaining an army. All of these angered people. This political move aided to moving towards World War II. Some people, like Herbert Hoover, thought it not a good idea. â€Å"The economic consequences alone will pull down all Europe, and thus injure the United States. †(Danzer, Klor de Alva, Krieger, Wilson, and Woloch). The League of Nations was meant to keep world peace. Yet another world peace agreement after World War I, it was meant to settle conflicts between nations with words over fighting. However it failed because not all nations participated in the League and some countries eventually left too. Other countries still traded with the countries that withdrew. This made the League’s rules pointless. Also the League had no force behind it. They had no army. â€Å"It is a commonplace that the League of Nations is not yet what its most enthusiastic protagonists intended it to be. †(Branting). All of these reasons created a weakness within the League, causing it to fail, making it easier to start a war. Appeasement is giving in. Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier met with Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich in 1938. The four signed the Munich Agreement. This entailed that the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia would be turned over to Germany and that this would be the â€Å"last territorial demand†. â€Å"His Majesty’s government in the United Kingdom and the French Government have entered into the above agreement on the basis that they stand by the offer, contained in paragraph 6 of the Anglo-French proposals of the 19th September, relating to an international guarantee of the new boundaries of the Czechoslovak State against unprovoked aggression. †(Hitler, Daldier, Chamberlain, and Mussolini. ) Daladier and Chamberlain believed Hitler, falling victim to his lie. Obviously this was not Hitler’s last territorial demand. â€Å"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. †(Hitler). Appeasement failed, making Britain and France look weaker and Germany stronger for free basically. Germany becoming stronger was caused by failure of appeasement, in turn causing World War II. World War II was caused geographically by different factors: Japan exercising imperialism; the Treaty of Versailles’ land stripping-condition; and finally the positioning of the United States compared to Europe and Asia. Japan wanted to expand its empire. Examples would be when they invaded Manchuria and French Indochina. Another would be when Pearl Harbor was attacked, an attempt to destroy the US Naval base, in order to later take over the Hawaiian Islands and expand its imperial influence in the Pacific. â€Å"When reflecting back on it today, that the Pearl Harbor attack succeeded in achieving surprise seems [like] a blessing from heaven. †(Tojo). After Japan invaded French Indochina in 1941, the US stopped trading with them. This angered Japan military leaders. The result was then a loss of oil from the US, forcing Japan to make the decision to take over the Dutch East Indie oil fields. This contributed to the anger that started World War II. The Treaty of Versailles geographically fueled World War II because it stripped Germany of all its colonies and outlying territories. â€Å"It lost land to a number of other countries. Alsace-Lorraine was returned to France, Eupen and Malmedy were given to Belgium; North Schleswig was given to Denmark. Land was also taken from Germany and given to Czechoslovakia and Poland. The League of Nations took control of Germanys colonies. †(Wheeler). Losing all of these weakened Germany’s imperial power and created anger within the people. â€Å"In territory outside her European frontiers as fixed by the present Treaty, Germany renounces all rights, titles and privileges whatever in or over territory which belonged to her or to her allies, and all rights, titles and privileges whatever their origin which she held as against the Allied and Associated Powers. †(Treaty of Versailles: Article 118). This contributed to the start of World War II. The US is approximately 10,000 miles from Europe across the Atlantic Ocean. Japan is across the Pacific Ocean. The US is in the middle. The US didn’t get involved in the war earlier because they didn’t want to fight a war on two fronts. This lack of involvement from the US caused the Axis Powers to gain strength and leverage against the Allies with the amount of land that was taken over before the US got in the war. World War II is similar to the current conflict in North Korea. After World War I was over, time went by with tension still in Germany, as stated earlier about the Treaty of Versailles. The Korean War ended in 1953, but there is still anger present in North Korea. The anger is resulting in North Korea threatening to develop nuclear weapons. The development and potential use of those would result in worldwide damage and chaos. Tension was developed both by North Korea and Germany both after major wars, (World War I and the Korean War). Germany’s tension resulted in World War II; hopefully North Korea’s won’t result in anything similar. Another similarity between these two conflicts is the inhumane treatment and labor camps. During World War II there was concentration camps. People were tortured, overworked, malnourished, and eventually killed or died from the previous conditions. There were 24 major concentration camps spread around the â€Å"Third Reich†. Oddly enough, there are 25 active major prison camps in North Korea. In these camps, people die from disease, torture, starvation, and execution. â€Å"So far 400,000 people have died within these camps†(One Free Korea). Like the German concentration camps, there have been reports of gas chamber use and human experimentation in Korean camps. â€Å"In Auschwitz, there were a total of 1. 1 million people who entered†(One Free Korea). In Camp 14, a Korean slave labor camp, there are almost 200,00 people and it is growing. These numbers have a large difference, but in terms of the amount, they are both very high numbers. â€Å"Fundamentally, it is the same as Hitler’s Auschwitz. †(Kang, Korean War). After World War II, psychoanalyst Walter Langer studied Adolf Hitler. Recently, other scientists used his research and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is the American Psychiatric Association’s standard for official psychiatric diagnoses. They came up with an evaluation of Hitler. His consensus profile said he was very paranoid, antisocial, narcissistic, and sadistic. Hitler was predicted to be schizophrenic. The same scientists also studied Saddam Hussein. They studied Kim Jong Il too. Kim Jong Il was North Korea’s dictator from 1994 till his death in 2011. In Il’s consensus profile, he came up with the same traits as Hitler: paranoid; antisocial; narcissistic; and sadistic. (Coolidge and Segal). This proves that both of these dictators are similar in the psyche. If they are similar in their traits, then most likely their actions are similar. In conclusion World War II was caused by many factors. It was caused psychologically by Hitler’s words and actions; the idea of Anti-Semitism and its influences; and the rise in totalitarianism all over Europe. Politically: World War II was caused by the Treaty of Versailles and what it entailed; the weakness and eventual failure of the League of Nations, and appeasement not working. Geographically: it was caused by Japan’s imperialistic ideals and actions; the geographical part of the Treaty of Versailles; and the United States placement on the globe. Today, World War II is oddly similar to the conflict in North Korea. Reasons to support this would be the similarity of growing tensions over time after an initial conflict; concentration and labor camps in both conflicts; and the two dictators psychoanalysis results conforming to each other. World War II was an awful tear on the world’s pristine but painted canvas, and it has influenced a grand amount of ways, customs, and policies today. It has resulted in the creation of so many organizations, world peace efforts, and preservations of history. World War II is and always will be remembered as one of the globes greatest wars.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Case Study On Managing Cultural Diversity Management Essay
Case Study On Managing Cultural Diversity Management Essay Is diversity good for business. The awareness of benefits from managing diversity is becoming more and more explicit during daily human resource management work. The diversity management is an important strategy of the human resource management which to promote the perception, acknowledgement and implementation of diversity in organization and institutions. It may lead to a common interest between employers and employees. The conflict associated with diversity management is inevitable according to its principal. On the other hand such collide would be regarded as a generator of new methods, viewpoints, interests, creativity and way of solving issues as well. Whether diversity is a potential performance barrier or a value-added action is determined by institutions policies. In the first part of this essay, what is diversity management, why it is essential and what would benefit from by organizations will be discussed. In the last part of the essay will analysis cultural change model and present approaches to diversity from practical case before conclusion. The human resource plans and policies are designed by the management to achieve some goal (Alexander Lewer, 1998), such as attracting, retaining and effectively making use of labor resources in all kinds of organizations, from profitable companies to education facilities, from government departments to supermarkets. As a strategy of human resource management, diversity management is a daily increasing perspective of tackling with impacts from employees with different background. Diversity is defined into two dimensions from peoples social and cultural identities. It refers to the ways people differ from each other. The primary dimensions described as peoples fundamental characters, such as age, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities, race and so on. The secondary dimensions refer to persons self definition via educational background, income, marital status, religious beliefs etc. Both of the dimensions may hold the same status of daily cultural impact on a multicultural organization. Cultural diversity is a specific area in diversity, which focus on peoples characters labeled culturally, including gender, age, ethnicity, race, and also lifestyle, immigrant status and language facility. Cultural diversity management is aimed at taking advantage of staffs different cultural background to increase their motivation and creativity, further to bring a successful close to strategy. Increasing diversity management can be a double-edging sword. Although the awareness of cultural diversity in workforce is becoming day by day better recognized by organizations, it is often effectively limited due to the passively abidance of legal compliance and human rights protection. Based on theory and research, inappropriate implementations can create barrier to high performance. Firstly, diversity can increase misunderstanding and conflict among employees from different cultural background. Compared with more homogeneous group, the former group may experience lower levels of social attraction and competitiveness. Secondly, too much diverse leads to harassment and discrimination behaviors. As different managers hold different opinions of managing cultural diversity, different approaches can be implemented. One of the simplest methods is avoiding diversity. However the reality is for most multinational organizations, it is not feasible. How to take advantage of cultural diversi ty without suffering enormous disbenefit is the main issue faced by employers. Another side of the diversity sword is that well managed diversity can catalyze the performance of organizations at different aspect, which means a value-added activity. First of all, well implemented approaches create an image of fairness and respect for all people which is an ideal working environment for staff. These terms are listed in formal statements of policy in every organization in the world, but unless the company has effective and ongoing strategies, those clauses are just another meaningless and hopeful fairy tale without princess. Whats more, employees from different cultural background diversify solutions of problems, decision making, skills and allocation of resources (Gardner Plamer, 1992), which can provide a larger pool of ideas and experiences. The organization can draw from that pool to meet Business strategy and the customers needs more effectively. And also provide individual talents, creativity and experiences (e.g. languages, cultural understanding) from div erse culture. This may allows a company to provide a global service to customers and also improve their marketing strategies. In addition, opinions from diverse cultural background enhance critical analysis in decision-making groups. In a series of research studies, Charlene Nemeth found that groups subjected to minority views were better at critically analyzing decision issues and alternatives than those that were not. The essay will analysis diversity using cultural change model (Taylor Cox Jr, 2001) in the next part. Model for Cultural Change Figure attached reveals a model for organizational implementations to tackle the impacts of diversity (Taylor Cox. Jr , 2001). Every element from this model should be considered as an effective organizational change. Following the flow of the arrows suggests, every element is influenced by the diversity and continually interacts with each other in the process of self learning. Leadership Leadership is a behavior that establishes an objective for improvement which provides a sense of urgency and importance for the vision. The orientation of change is also called vision. Meanwhile it also generates motivation of others, and brings an ideal environment for achievement of the vision. At the same time, a leader should be involved in vision, establish the adequate organization design and integrate the diversity management with the companys business strategy. It is absolutely the most essential element for change. As its vital role of a diversity change effort, leadership is on the top of the list while implementing diversity. Leaders are those who have influence with other members within the organization, such as CEOs, heads of unites of organizations or divisions, HR staff members with diversity assignments and head of labor unions. In order to achieve fully effectiveness of the implementations, the change should satisfy these conditions: (1) leadership starts at the executive; (2) it takes generations of administration to make the effort work, and (3) leadership should present directly without delegate. First of all, to be fully effective, leadership on diversity must start at the top. A change of presidents would produce a noticeable slow-down in progress toward the goals that were laid out for diversity excellence. Although other members of the leadership team below the CEO level, including the head of the HR function and several engineering managers, continue to work on the diversity change effort, the effort lost momentum that was never recovered. Secondly, it takes many leaders to achieve the final goal. In Alcoa, for example, a remarkable progress of cultural diversity owe to leaders at different levels of management chain. In 1999, the executive vice president George Bergeron included an assessment of progress on the diversity goals of the company as part of the incentive compensation formula for all managers reporting to him. Partly as a result of this action, the business units under his authority were all active in working the change model and achieved remarkable progress in the first year of work (Taylor Cox, 2001). Eventually, unless there is someone taking the responsibility of making change, the effort made to diversity would doom to failure. Research Measurement Research is a method of collecting data by which people solve problems about environmental element or phenomenon (Taylor Cox Jr, 2001). In the context of organizational effort on diversity, such problems are specified as: (1) gender distribution which regarded as a question about element and (2) whether an employees job performance is influenced by age is categorized as the relationship between elements. Measurement indicates approaches to record the effectiveness of diversity change. This part of model explains several questions of using data, including how to create criteria to implementation with data, how to use data to improve awareness of diversity, how to evaluate the environment for diversity and how to critic progress has been made. Take Alcoa as an example, there was a significant meeting of managing department in both business unit and resource unit, which regarded as a watershed event in leader commitment. Data presented on diversity of this meeting based on surveys and interviews at around five different locations of the organization. Some quotations were wrote down during the interviews with employees from every grade of job, and written on board and showed around the meeting room. Then the leaders walked around and read the messages, some of which approved to run counter to companys elemental values and policies. This is just a simple experience of using internal data, which became a motivate activity for forming support of the diversity effort at A lcoa. As is shown above, research and measurement are fundamental to the diversity management process, while using data to act on improvements means using data to increase commitment, enhance training, diagnosing the climate for diversity and measure progress (Taylor Cox Jr, 2001). Education Education refers to trainings and practices of any change effort. As a core feature of way to diversity, approaches of learning must diversified to fulfill its original purpose. Employees showed great conscious of diversity during the training period, many of which would not last long after training procedure. In order to deliver a remarkable education on diversity and collect better return from investment on diversity training, an educating design should based on certain ingredients: content, format and logistics, participants, and facilitation. Firstly, the content of training on diversity should be critical hence multidimensional. Each dimension is specified into different substance, for instance, to specify the required subtopics, to indicate the relationship among topics and to illustrate the type of the content. Secondly, the format and logistics of a diversity education are determined by time and approaches of the training. The effectiveness of training is not only influenced by the length of training period, but also affected by the way of using time. For example, instead of a one-day-six-hour exhausting boredom, a two hour well sequenced training program of three days is more effective and efficient. Thirdly, in the participant perspective, how large the trainee group, how many fields and levels of the employee, and the preparation for the participants should be considered before education. For example, a two-hour diversity education practice with an objective of simply understanding the business reasons of investing in diversity improvement was held by a division of General Motors. Based on a clear and narrow objective, and presented by a one-way communication, the training process was highly effective with the large group. Lastly, facilitation is the finial main element affecting education, including way to open and close the training, to handle with sensitive topic, and to create internal expertise. Alignment of management system Management system is the intermedium of managing, such as organizational policy, implement, regulation, or process. This covers main human resource practice, like recruitment, promotion, development, and even work conditions, or the physical design of working environment. These systems must interlink with one another as an organization is a social system. Before implementing alignment assignment, three components: time, space and people should be considered. To start with, time factor is the time which is scheduled for the work performance. It contains length of working period, use of overtime, time-off policies (holiday, leave and vacation), and retirement policies. What is fundamental and simple that, if a company has flexible time-off policies, it would be better to attract, retain, and motivate diverse employees. Muslim could decide whether or not work at their prayer time in a multinational company, and Chinese workers might enjoy their reunion with their families at Spring Festival. Whats more, space factors have to do with the physical working surroundings, including the neatness of working place, the barriers between different individual employees and so on. Eventually the people factor could be expended as recruitment, promotion, bonus, performance measurement, and career trajectories development and succession planning. People factors are designed to retain human resource and achieve the employment outcomes. As described in this chapter, there are large amount of issues in these three areas must be considered under the change for diversity. Nevertheless, any of them should not be tackled independently. Follow-up This factor contains adjusting the learning loop and establishing accountability for the results, so that the action processes become more and more accurate, hence the management system becomes more and more effective on diversity. In order to maintain effective and reasonable follow-up while changing towards diversity, a series of specific activities should be contained in the follow-up procedure, including make use of plan reviews, keep record, provide motivation for good behavior ,and control knowledge retention and transfer. In reality, Alcoa has a motivate reward plan provides bonus besides the base salary. Like many companys, the bonus reward on job performance is yearly issued. For higher-level managers, the bonus from holding stock might generate a fortune of hundreds of thousands of dollars for a CEO. Even middle-level managers would have tens of thousands of dollars according to their performance under the whole organizational strategy. It is a very practical but extremely effective incentive. When efforts towards diversity failed, it would be always traced back to poor following. When the following is poor, the whole orientation would collapse. Conclusion Based on Taylors cultural change model, which indicates a process of changing effort meeting the impacts from managing cultural diversity in a company, the way towards harmonious diverse workplace is brambly. Efforts should be made in each corner of the organization, from line worker to executive of division, from sales people to technical team and marketing staff, from London branch to Delhi branch. Diversity is based on certain intentions: labor force is the most valuable resource, every employee should be treated with respect and equality, and equal opportunities for people of all groups. In order to achieve diversity in organization or even country, it takes not only moral obligation to accomplish their orientation, but also generations of unremitting endeavor, hence the demand of building diversity organization is more than a requirement of maximizing business performance.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Most Compelling Reason for Studying Religion Today is Politics Essa
The Most Compelling Reason for Studying Religion Today For me, the word ‘religion’ conjures up images of wailing fat ladies dressed in their Sunday best singing at the top of their lungs about the glory of God. Of course, this image comes from my childhood when I attended the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica every Sunday, rain or shine, with my grandmother. For her, Church, Christianity and God was a way of life; a set of principles she believed in and lived by. For others less convinced, the idea of religion or ‘being religious’ is as far fetched as aliens and UFO’s. Throughout the centuries, religion has played an important part in shaping the political landscape of most modern societies and one reason for studying religion is to understand how and why certain societies developed in the way they did. The church – used here in generic terms – was often married to the way in which rulers administered laws and punishments. Often some used the church to swindle people out of their wealth and to gain their allegiance through fear. While other rulers such as Henry viii manipulated the religious order of the day by breaking away from the Catholic Church and forming a new Church of England so he could marry his mistress. For most, Islam is a way of life which is revered by its followers but according to Laura Hayes, when the Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001, they controlled 90% of the country's territory and their policiesâ€â€including their treatment of women and support of terroristsâ€â€ostracized them from the world community. The Taliban considered themselves mujahideen or holy warriors of the Islamic faith. ... ...of the people’. Religion and politics have come full circle as in today’s society there are laws which govern the recognition of a new ‘religion’. For example, a legitimate religion has the right to claim tax exemption and must promote the moral and spiritual welfare of the community. It is my opinion that although there are other reasons for studying religion, the most compelling reason by far is to better understand and cater for the diversity of modern society. Bibliography Atkins, Peter quoted in Poole, Michael. A Guide to Science and Belief. Lion Publishing.1990 Boeer. M. M. Karl Marx’s Interpretation of History. Mason, Claire. New Religious Movements: the impact on our lives. White Thompson Publishing Limited.2003 Pfeffer, Leo. Quoted in New Religious Movements: the impact on our lives.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Open Religion Exam Review
What problem does global free trade cause? Explain â€Å"common good. †– the 3 essential elements for common good. What is social justice? 7 themes of Catholic Social teaching. What each theme teaches Explain globalization How much of the total world income do countries like Canada receive? How much of the total world income do the poorest people in developing countries receive? How has globalization become a nightmare for poor countries? Explain how globalization could lead to justice.Who is Craig Eagleburger. What issues does he care about? Who has he helped? How has he helped them? â€Å"Inside Your Threads†. What are the issues raised. How are these situations unjust? What could be done to bring justice to these situations? Who is Ryan Hershel? What issue does he care about? Who has he helped? How has he helped? Why are relationships important? Define intimacy. Briefly explain the 5 levels of intimacy Describe the stages Of the family life cycle. What Stage is your family in?What are the types of families? Describe the moral decision making model What are values? Describe standards for judging values Define or explain sex, sexuality, sexual orientation, heterosexual orientation, nonsexual orientation, abstinence, celibacy, chastity What are SST Is – list ‘bacteria caused' SST Is – treatment – list ‘virus caused' Stir – treatment 2 reasons why the Catholic Church calls for abstinence from sexual intercourse outside marriage What is Natural Family Planning (NAP)?What does it mean to be Catholic in today's society? Movies we watched this semester Power of One Stolen Summer Dan in Real Life Junk Ryan's Well It Take a Child Inside Your Threads pay it Forward Explain how each movie connects to a theme or topic discussed in class this semester.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
How Are Civil Liberties Better Protected Since 1997
To what extent have civil liberties become better protected since 1997 In comparison to countries such as France and the USA, the UK’s commitment to civil liberties was weak. During the US declaration of civil Independence the US made amendments to its constitution,; their bill of rights became largely made up of civil liberties, including the right to freedom of religion, speech etc. And the French Revolution led to the establishment of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (1789). Whereas, the UK has traditionally been reluctant to give basic rights and freedoms explicit legal expression.Instead, it relied on the freedoms that were supposed to be embodied in the common Law belief that ‘everything is permitted that is not prohibited’. However, in recent years, the protection of civil liberties has increasingly fallen to the courts, due to the wider use of the power of judicial review and the introduction of the Human Rights Act. One of the roles of Judiciary is to ‘Defend Civil liberties’ though Judicial review, As one of the Human rights Act is Habeus corpus- the right to a fair trial.Judges can overrule government if they are going beyond Ulta-Vires, judges can decide that other political actors are acting beyond their proper power, in recent years, judges have been increasingly willing to use this power, particularly in relation to ministers, for example if police arrest you without given reason of arrest, they are acting beyond ultra-vires, because you have a right to be given a reason for arrest and can therefore take them to court.However, judges cannot overturn acts of Parliament because of Parliamentary sovereignty unlike in the USA, judges have very far-reaching powers of judicial review because of the existence of a codified constitution. If a law passed by congress goes against the constitution or the bill of rights – the Supreme Court can overrule that law. The Human Rights Act is a UK law pass ed in 1998.It means that you can defend your rights in the UK courts and that public organisations (including the Government, the Police and local councils) must treat everyone equally, with fairness, dignity and respect. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Andrew Heywood – Essentials Of Politics- ’Protecting civil Liberties’ Pp. 287
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Combat Film essays
The Combat Film essays The war hero portrayed in these films is almost always representative of the common man. A soldier picked out of the masses with his every victory in battle a stepping stone to greatness. Masculine traits - aggressiveness, violence, an apparent lack of feeling - are often depicted to the extreme. In the WWII combat film the hero is depicted as the men who are heroes and who have been willing to sacrifice their lives for something larger than themselves. These films define war as a contemporary democracy vs. dictatorship, virtue vs. moral corruption. Basically WWII films were used to depict patriotism. These films had a clear agenda that was to emphasize, as a recruiting tool, and to depict the courage of our American soldiers. The films used to portray the Vietnam War had a decidedly different tone. These films, for the most part, came out a good time after the war began. By this time the unpopularity felt by the American public in regards to this war had gained momentum. Many people were suspicious of the government, their motivation, and the tactics used in this war. That general feeling of discontent and disapproval seeped into the films used to portray the war. In these films the audience is generally offered a view of a war that is exhausting, ugly, terrible, and largely meaningless. Survival rather than noble cause becomes the focus of a soldier's day. The majority of the films about Vietnam make it clear that they are claiming that there was no call to action, no clear and worthy goal to be pursued, and that society wasnt recognizing the sacrifice of Americas young people in the way that they were able to during. For the most part, the actual trials and tribulations of the soldier are the same in both types of films. It is the government that is condemned either subtly or outright, not the soldiers fighting the governments war. The issue of morality, in regards to the soldier is the same for bo...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Surrogate Mothering essays
Surrogate Mothering essays Motherhood - Nine Months vs. A Lifetime "You're about ten meters's time to push!" You grab hold onto your husband's hand a little tighter. Take a deep breath...and the labor process begins. This is a common everyday scenario that happens thousands of times a day in hospitals all over the world. Yet sometimes, women will never be able to go through this process, due to circumstances beyond their control. Imagine never being able to have a child. Imagine infertility. Month after month, dozens of negative pregnancy tests, hundreds of dollars, infinite heartaches. What is a couple to do? Who can they trust? What are their options? One option that is becoming more and more popular in today's society is surrogate motherhood. Why? Some believe it is because of the continuous decreasing numbers of adoptable infants, especially healthy Caucasian infants. The advantage of surrogacy is that the child is usually related to one of the intended parents and can be the product of both genetic parents. Yet the reason that many Americans don't look for this as an option first is because of the large percentage of unsuccessful cases. A majority of the negative feelings towards surrogacy is mainly due to the uncertainty of the outcome. There is not a 100% guarantee that everything will work out as planned. There are many controversial topics surrounding surrogate motherhood. One is whether or not the surrogate mother has the right to change her mind, that is, to keep the baby. Take a look at adoption for a minute, although the two may be extremely different. In adoption the mother has usually become involuntarily pregnant, while in surrogacy, the pregnancy is voluntary. Yet whom would you consider the true mother of the child? The mother who gave birth yet, chose to give the child up, or the one who has raised him/her? To me, the answer is simple. The couple who adopted the child is the "true" mother and father, and in mo...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Application Questions Essay Example for Free
Application Questions Essay 1. The first stage is Bodily Self. In this stage, infants become aware of their own existence and distinguish their own bodies from objects in the environment (Schultz & Schultz 2009). Monica has a sense of humor. She often feels frustrated as she takes care of her children and loses her temper. She is able to joke about her fatigue later. The next stage is Self-identity. Children realize that their identity remains intact despite the many changes that are taking place. Monica is 38 years old stay at home mother of four children. The third stage is Self-esteem. Children learn to take pride in their accomplishments (Schultz & Schultz 2009). Monica is insecure about not having attended college. She doesn’t think of herself as unintelligent, but sees herself as uneducated and defers to others with a better education. The fourth stage is Extension of self. In this stage, children come to recognize the object and people that are part of their own world. Monica is a good mother and a mother of fourth. She takes care of her children’s physical and emotional needs. The fifth stage is Self-image. Children develop actual and idealized images of themselves and their behavior and become aware of satisfying parental expectations (Schultz & Schultz 2009). Monica is aware of the fact that she looks intimidating and angry. She is self-conscious of her frown lines. The sixth stage is Self as rational coper. Children begin to apply reason and logic to the solution of everyday problems (Schultz & Schultz 2009). Clutter and messiness bothers her. She cleans the two bathrooms every day, vacuums, dusts, picks up toys, and so forth. The final stage is Propriate striving. In this stage young people begin to formulate long-range goals and plans (Schultz & Schultz 2009). Monica is considering going back to school to earn an associate’s degree in Legal Business Studies and becoming a legal assistant. 2. Cardinal traits are the most perverse and powerful human trait (Schultz & Schultz 2009). These traits dominate a person’s behavior and ruling passion. Central traits are the handful of outstanding traits that describe a person’s behavior (Schultz & Schultz 2009). These traits describe our behavior. The secondary traits are the least important traits which a person may display inconspicuously and inconsistently (Schultz & Schultz 2009). Only a close friend may recognize these traits. Monica’s has a large amount of central traits. Her friends describe her as being fiercely loyal, supportive, and talkative. She is also a perfectionist and neurotic about cleaning. 3. The functional autonomy propose that the motive of a mature, emotionally health adults are not functionally connected to the prior experiences in which they initially appeared (Schultz & Schultz 2009). An addictive behavior that Monica has is that she tries to keep her house spotless. She cleans the two bathrooms every day, vacuums, dusts, picks up toys, and so forth. She is neurotic about cleaning. 4. Prorim is a term for the ego or self (Schultz & Schultz 2009). It seems as if Monica understands who she is as a unique individual. Monica’s cleaning, need for order, and ability to laugh at herself helps aid in her individuality. 5. Propriate striving is when young people begin to formulate long-range goals and plans (Schultz & Schultz 2009).Her goals is to go back to school to get an associate’s degree in Legal Business Studies and become a legal assistant after all her children are in middle school. She is also able to accept her feelings of frustration as she takes care of her kids and her forgetfulness. 1. Allport criteria for mental health, is that he believed that mature adults have a unifying philosophy or a set of values. These values help give a purpose to their life. They apply propriate self-extension to their friends, family, hobbies, and work. A healthy personality is made up of compassionate and loving relationships. The compassionate and loving relationship has to be free of possessiveness and jealousy. Emotional security and self acceptance is another criteria. Mature individuals can sustain all the frustrations of life that can’t be avoided without losing their position and giving into to self-pity. Mature individuals have a realistic orientation towards themselves and others. They can economic survive without becoming defensive. The final thing is that they have developed an accurate self insight their desirable and disagreeable qualities. 2. Allport’s propriate striving is believed to be the core problem for adolescents. The adolescent selects goals that they want to obtain for an occupation or any other life goal. They realize that their future must entail them following a plan and they lose their childhood. Jung believed that self-realization is the balance between various opposing forces of personality. It is list of opposites such as introverted and extraverted, rational and irrational, conscious and unconscious , and past events and future expectations. Maslow self-actualization is the fullest development of the self (Schultz & Schultz 2009). A person is able to able to grow towards achieving their highest needs in life. Self-actualization depends on the maximum realization and fulfillment of our potentials, talents, and abilities. If the person is not self-actualizing, he or she will be restless frustrated, and discontent (Schultz & Schultz 2009). Rogers believe that individuals can accomplish their goals, wishes and desires. If this is done this is self realization. Rogers wanted to integrate the real self and the ideal self. When these two combine, the fully functioning person emerges. 3. The proprium is a term developed for the self or ego. This includes the aspects of the personality that are distinctive and thus appropriate to our emotional state. Before he proprium begins to emerge, the infant experiences no self consciousness, and no awareness of self. The proprium will develop gradually and steadily, and the child will achieve positive psychological growth. Rogers believe that the self develops through interaction with others. Rogers believes that the concept of self is present when the child is born. Reference Ashcraft, D. M. (2012). Personality theories workbook (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Schultz, D. P., & Schultz, S. E. (2009). Theories of personality (9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Application Questions. (2016, Aug 16).
Friday, October 18, 2019
Starbucks and Corporate Social Responsibility Case Study
Starbucks and Corporate Social Responsibility - Case Study Example This rlativ brand familiarity and th prcptin f it bing stablishd indpndntly f a glbal playr lik Starbucks may hlp initial markting ffrts. Th caus-rlatd markting initiativ cmplmnts Starbucks' rcnt fcus n incrasing its cmmitmnt t scially rspnsibl practics, including prviding thically-prducd cff. Caus-rlatd prjcts hav bcm an incrasingly ppular way f cnncting with cnsumrs as thy tap int shard attituds and valus. (Barr, 2007, 234-67) Th Starbucks Crpratin, a Sattl, WA basd cff hus, fllws sm fairly standard practics fr mting tday's thics and cmplianc. Fr businsss t rmain cmptitiv and hld rspct frm bth th businss wrld and its custmrs, a businss must striv t mt and vn xcd th lgal and thical standards that hav bcm th xpctatin tday. Starbucks mts ths bligatins by fllwing its wn cd f thics alng with mting th lgal rquirmnts and th xpctatins f its custmrs and invstrs. (Jams, 2005, 72-89) Rl f thics and CmpliancTh rl f thics and cmplianc in Starbucks financial rganizatin is up frnt and wvn int th backbn f th cmpany. All partnrs must nsur th accuracy and intgrity f Starbucks crprat rcrds.Mst imprtantly this includs rliability and accuracy f bks and rcrds, as wll as hnsty in disclsurs and in prviding infrmatin. Financial rcrds, bks f accunts, financial statmnts and rcrds f Starbucks ar maintaind in accrdanc with th rquirmnts f law and gnrally accptd accunting principls. All f Starbucks assts and liabilitis ar prprly rcrdd in its financial rcrd bks. Csts and rvnus ar rcrdd in th right tim prids. Th sal has nt fficially bn cmpltd until thr is vidnc f a sals agrmnt, th titl has passd, and th sals pric can b dtrmind and is rasnably cllctibl (Starbucks 2009). Accrding t Starbucks principals rcrding a sal until thn, wuld b a misrprsntatin f rcrds. Starbucks blivs that cnducting businss thically and striving t d th right thing is vital t th succss f th cmpany (Jams, 2005, 72- 89) Fr th third yar in a rw, thisphr Magazin has namd Starbucks as n f th Wrld's Mst thical Cmpanis. thisphr cnductd data analyss n hundrds f cmpanis basd n thir rspnss t svral survys, as wll as dcumnts and infrmatin rsarchd and rqustd by thisphr t cnfirm survy rspnss. vry cmpany was thn givn an Q scr basd n th rsults f th survy and masurd against svn distinct catgris. Ths catgris wr Crprat Citiznship and Rspnsibility; Crprat Gvrnanc; Innvatin that Cntributs t th Public Wll Bing; Industry ladrship; xcutiv Ladrship and Tn frm th Tp; Lgal, Rgulatry and Rputatin Track Rcrd; and Intrnal Systms and thics/Cmplianc Prgram (Jams, 2005, 72-89) Starbucks thical Bhavir PrcdursStarbucks has bn succssful thrughut th past dcad by cnducting businss with a strng blif in thical bhavir. As a rsult, Starbucks has arnd a rputatin as an industry ladr and rl mdl in rgards t businss thics. It is n surpris that Starbucks has bn rankd as n f "Wrld's Mst thical Cmpanis" by thisphr magazin fr thr yars in a rw(Jams, 2005, 72-89)Th fundatin f Starbucks rganizatinal cultur is utlind in th Standards f Businss Cnduct Manual. It is usd as a larning tl fr nw rcruits and can b usd as a rfrnc manual during daily pratins. Cmpany rfrncs play a
History of Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
History of Planning - Essay Example (National Planning Policy Framework), housing strategy and Localism Act were introduced leading to more compliance with environmental justice, availability of government incentives for home planners and builders (Bryson & Bryson, 2004). Civil War and the subsequent industrial revolution resulted to changes in U.S settlement and other social aspects. New technologies emerged and led to growth of industries, huge cities, and escalation in industrial workers. Disparagingly, cities grew with petite planning. Choices regarding construction and land use were in the hands of builders, developers, individual landowners who were out to make huge profits and consequently left little open space for expansion. Environmental degradation upsurged while developers simply focused on economic development at the expense of the existence of a sustainable environment. By the closing of the frontier a unique American society had been created. Americans became resourceful, established strength and craggy individualism that nurtured democracy. Instead of succumbing to urban problems in the collusive cities, the poor considered moving to the west which they perceived to be safe. People started living close to nature and sanitize it of civ ilization’s corruption (Bryson & Bryson, 2004). The primeval wilderness ominously improved. Due to increased land demand, Americans planned to explore cyberspace and outer space and John F. Kennedy was committed to resolve the planning issues facing Americans while leaders such as Chief Joseph, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull and Geronimo strived to resist such changes. Cases over the best planning and utilization of land have always existed. For instance, in the case of Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co, Euclid formulated a zoning ordinance that divided the land into sections that were to be used for particular purposes (Bryson & Bryson, 2004). While Euclid had the right to control and use the property, it violated Ambler’s 14th Amendment provision
Whether or not trayvons martin case was justifed correctly Essay
Whether or not trayvons martin case was justifed correctly - Essay Example The case may involve issues on race (Jefferson, 9). Eighty seven percent of the African Americans say that there was no justice in the ruling; amongst whites, only 33 percent support the African Americans’ claims. A thin majority of about 51% of the whites endorse that the verdict was innocent in the trial whereas African Americans strongly disapprove the claims. Only a small percentage of the African Americans approve the claims by the whites. On the public views, there is also a follower tinge. Amongst thirty percent of the republicans, disapprove the verdict while seventy percent of them approve the verdict. Instead of focusing on the skin color people should focus on hearts (Anthology 15). In reference to the criminal justice system, a total number of 86 percent among the African Americans claim that blacks among many minorities get unequal treatment in the law; only 41percent by the whites make such claims whereas the other 54% claim that there is equality for the marginal groups. Less than 40% of jailed people are ethnic and racial minorities (Birzer 27). Eighty-one percent of the African Americans claim that the federal government should observe the civil rights defiance and charge Zimmerman in a federal court. Fifty percent of the whites oppose such charges, whereas 27percent of them agree to the charges showing the presence of White supremacy in action (Yancy and Jones 9). Sixty percent of the Hispanics claim that blacks among other marginal groups fail to receive fair treatments like the whites do and a ratio of two to one disapproves the ruling. Martin weighed ten pounds lighter, but six inches taller than the Hispanic who put Trayvon’s life to an end (Anthology 1). It was at night during the shooting and Martin was on his way home when he saw a vehicle behind him, which followed him for some time. Martin ran away to the backyards sidewalks from the street sidewalks (Jefferson 5).
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Survey of Healthcare Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Survey of Healthcare Management - Essay Example This can also mean that the service delivery becomes slow or there are resources which might fall short of the expected count. This can result in many other service related failures which shall have a direct effect on the lives of the people who come to this healthcare organization and seek help. The need is to understand where the healthcare organization is going wrong and what corrective measures are required on its part to achieve success in the long run (Haines 1993). The service strategy should be such that any issues or concerns are directly addressed by the people who are at the helm of affairs. This would mean that there is a concerted effort to look after the customers so that the customer service can be made better and any issues that might seem failing are addressed at the earliest. This is the need of the hour as far as ensuring that a culture of customer service is developed within a healthcare organization. The service strategy at the healthcare organization creates an environment for employees by detailing each and every policy and standards to them. It has chalked out a plan under which the employees are acutely aware of what is expected of them and what they need to do in order to deliver at the facility. This keeps each and every action of theirs under a check and allows them to be vigilant no matter what happens. Also the healthcare organization is quite aware of the signed rules which have been done by all the employees so that there are no ambiguities which might result from time to time. The need is to understand where the employees might go wrong and what corrective steps shall be required on their part. This is the reason why the service strategy is more focused towards the tasks of the employees than anything which is different from the same. Hence the healthcare organization does not have any issue in understanding where employees might go wrong or what steps would be neede d in the wake of difficult
Constitutional Law of the European Union Case Study
Constitutional Law of the European Union - Case Study Example Accordingly. Germany must defend that the decision to restrict its national policy of supporting companies with financial benefits should have been taken by unanimous voting. Article 94 also envisages that there shall be a unanimous decision in respect of directives, regulations and regulations affecting the common market functioning. This is a good defence for Germany to maintain that if national companies are not supported with financial benefits, they will be adversely affected by unhealthy competition from the financially strong companies. Though there are proviso for derogation of these requirements by adopting Qualified Majority Voting, (QMV), the derogation power for overriding the unanimous voting requirements can not used for restricting a single member state from supporting its national companies when there possibilities of similar practices being followed at all member states in some form or other though the commission may not have received complaints.. There is no reason how it will distort competition when such practices likely to be followed by all the member states. Hence a decision of this nature should not be discriminatory towards a single member state alone. ... In the instance case itself, though there were complaints against France and Germany, action is directed at Germany only. Hence the decision is blatantly discriminatory by the abuse of QMV. The EC Treaty itself has provisions for creating interventionist funds to ward off difficulties. Hence Germany can rely on the above defences before the court of justice for cancelling the impugned decision. As Luxembourg Compromise was only a guideline and not statutory until recently without anticipating any such exigency, Germany can argue that this QMV principles must be reviewed so as to prevent vested interests from joining together against a single member state by insisting on unanimous voting. Germany's practice has been open and transparent while other member states are not likely to be so as there is no way of detecting such practices in guise. Germany being singled out alone will result in competition distortion. Moreover the commission does not appear to have followed the procedures giving opportunity to Germany before taking the impugned decision. In case no C-288/962, the court of justice has observed as follows. Plea in law alleging failure to observe the rights of the defence 92 By its first plea in law the German Government complains that the Commission denied it and the Land of Lower Saxony access to the observations, mentioned in section II of the grounds of the contested decision, which had been sent to the Commission, during the administrative procedure, by letters of 31 August 1995, 1 September 1995 and 4 September 1995, by four competitors of Jadekost. 93 According to section II, the letters in question pointed out, in particular, that Jadekost had used the aid granted to win market share from its competitors through sales at below-cost prices.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Whether or not trayvons martin case was justifed correctly Essay
Whether or not trayvons martin case was justifed correctly - Essay Example The case may involve issues on race (Jefferson, 9). Eighty seven percent of the African Americans say that there was no justice in the ruling; amongst whites, only 33 percent support the African Americans’ claims. A thin majority of about 51% of the whites endorse that the verdict was innocent in the trial whereas African Americans strongly disapprove the claims. Only a small percentage of the African Americans approve the claims by the whites. On the public views, there is also a follower tinge. Amongst thirty percent of the republicans, disapprove the verdict while seventy percent of them approve the verdict. Instead of focusing on the skin color people should focus on hearts (Anthology 15). In reference to the criminal justice system, a total number of 86 percent among the African Americans claim that blacks among many minorities get unequal treatment in the law; only 41percent by the whites make such claims whereas the other 54% claim that there is equality for the marginal groups. Less than 40% of jailed people are ethnic and racial minorities (Birzer 27). Eighty-one percent of the African Americans claim that the federal government should observe the civil rights defiance and charge Zimmerman in a federal court. Fifty percent of the whites oppose such charges, whereas 27percent of them agree to the charges showing the presence of White supremacy in action (Yancy and Jones 9). Sixty percent of the Hispanics claim that blacks among other marginal groups fail to receive fair treatments like the whites do and a ratio of two to one disapproves the ruling. Martin weighed ten pounds lighter, but six inches taller than the Hispanic who put Trayvon’s life to an end (Anthology 1). It was at night during the shooting and Martin was on his way home when he saw a vehicle behind him, which followed him for some time. Martin ran away to the backyards sidewalks from the street sidewalks (Jefferson 5).
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Constitutional Law of the European Union Case Study
Constitutional Law of the European Union - Case Study Example Accordingly. Germany must defend that the decision to restrict its national policy of supporting companies with financial benefits should have been taken by unanimous voting. Article 94 also envisages that there shall be a unanimous decision in respect of directives, regulations and regulations affecting the common market functioning. This is a good defence for Germany to maintain that if national companies are not supported with financial benefits, they will be adversely affected by unhealthy competition from the financially strong companies. Though there are proviso for derogation of these requirements by adopting Qualified Majority Voting, (QMV), the derogation power for overriding the unanimous voting requirements can not used for restricting a single member state from supporting its national companies when there possibilities of similar practices being followed at all member states in some form or other though the commission may not have received complaints.. There is no reason how it will distort competition when such practices likely to be followed by all the member states. Hence a decision of this nature should not be discriminatory towards a single member state alone. ... In the instance case itself, though there were complaints against France and Germany, action is directed at Germany only. Hence the decision is blatantly discriminatory by the abuse of QMV. The EC Treaty itself has provisions for creating interventionist funds to ward off difficulties. Hence Germany can rely on the above defences before the court of justice for cancelling the impugned decision. As Luxembourg Compromise was only a guideline and not statutory until recently without anticipating any such exigency, Germany can argue that this QMV principles must be reviewed so as to prevent vested interests from joining together against a single member state by insisting on unanimous voting. Germany's practice has been open and transparent while other member states are not likely to be so as there is no way of detecting such practices in guise. Germany being singled out alone will result in competition distortion. Moreover the commission does not appear to have followed the procedures giving opportunity to Germany before taking the impugned decision. In case no C-288/962, the court of justice has observed as follows. Plea in law alleging failure to observe the rights of the defence 92 By its first plea in law the German Government complains that the Commission denied it and the Land of Lower Saxony access to the observations, mentioned in section II of the grounds of the contested decision, which had been sent to the Commission, during the administrative procedure, by letters of 31 August 1995, 1 September 1995 and 4 September 1995, by four competitors of Jadekost. 93 According to section II, the letters in question pointed out, in particular, that Jadekost had used the aid granted to win market share from its competitors through sales at below-cost prices.
The changes and continuities in political Essay Example for Free
The changes and continuities in political Essay The Roman Empires imperial bureaucracy, economy, and governing instructions were left to Byzantium at the end of its reign. Although Europe didnt have very extensive unity or political order, the Byzantine policies brought Europe to a state of economical and political order, with a big area for trade and interaction, and cultural unity. Only Byzantium survived the declining population, outside military threats, economic contradiction, epidemic disease, and political trouble after the fall of Rome. The rulers of the Byzantine empires were sporadically increasing their borders, and The Constantine came to be ruler, he had a big part in supporting Christianity and ecclesiastical affairs. And once rule switched over to Justinian, he influenced the codification or Roman Law, and because of his code, most of Europes laws were influenced by Roman law. The Slavic peoples also benefited from being able to shift over into the Byzantine Empire when the Byzantine military resources were sent over to the Western Mediterranean by Justinian. Before the 8th century Bulgaria and Byzantine had taken part in cultural, political, and commercial affairs. Starting around the 5th century and leading up to the 12th, economical prosperity and political stability was brought to Eastern Europe by the Byzantine empire. Cultural and commercial exchanges were also supported in the post-classical world, which would help shape the development of the commonwealth in Eastern Europe. The political leaders also set up a sequence of independent states while enduring economical and political reform in western Europe, and supported their society. So, generally speaking, all of the different societies that were established under Byzantiums economic, political, and cultural influences from 476 to 1450 still changes some of the countries from today.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Video Games Cause Violence And Behavior Problems Psychology Essay
Video Games Cause Violence And Behavior Problems Psychology Essay One of the major concerns is that they increase the nature of violence among the youth. The Harvard medical school or the Journal of adolescent health, as well as the British medical journal have concluded that there is a huge link between video game and violence. Studies have pointed towards a typical pattern between video game and negative behavioral/attitude problems associated with them. A research by the University of Indiana in the US, involving a brain scanning of some those who were involved in playing violent video games positively indicates a correlation between the violent behavior and the game they played. The research confirmed a substantial increase in the negative emotions of those who played some violent game as compared to those who either did not play any games or those who played a non-violent game. According to author Vince Mathews, parents should look more closely at the types of games their children are playing. Third paragraph Second argument Video games cause addiction and induce children to remain glued to the console for substantially longer period of time which often results in their giving up other activities. Perhaps excess of anything is bad and video games are no exception. In his article Video Games Addiction, Media literacy specialist, Dr. Charles Ungerleider states that if a youngster becomes addicted to video games it can be a problem. According to him practicing or making effort to achieve excellence in playing might not be an issue by itself, but it certainly becomes worrying if video games create hindrance in youngsters other tasks. He recommends parents or guardians intervention to create a balance in all their wards activities. According to Mary Schlimme in a 2002 article titled: Do We Need a Video Gamers Anonymous? Video game addicts are often described by clinicians in the field as displaying many symptoms characteristic of other addictions. According to her article, Addiction includes such behavior as failure to stop playing games, difficulties in work or school, telling lies to loved ones, decreased attention to personal hygiene, decreased attention to family and friends, and disturbances in the sleep cycle. Schlimme quotes Dr Orzack that many game addicts have struggled with finding their place in society and as a result play video games in order to become part of a crowd. She emphatically states excessive video game playing may not only cause behavioral and social changes in a person, but it may also result in neurological changes. Fourth paragraph third argument Even if video games and videos do not directly create killers and murderers out of the young people they may tend to contribute towards insensitivity and indifference towards violence. This is worrying because it may change the profile of the society in the longer run. In an article published in the Time Magazine on 10th May 1999 author and editors Joshua Quittner, Maryanne Buechner and Jay Ehrlich say The question isnt whether games make children kill, because it isnt that simple. The concerns are subtler yet no less worrisome. Do graphically violent games desensitize children to violence? Do such games teach kids to take pleasure in the suffering and death of others? Nicholas Carnagey, an Iowa State psychology instructor and Iowa State University Professor of Psychology Craig Anderson and Brad Bushman published an article The Effects of Video Game Violence on Physiological Desensitization to Real-Life Violence in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. In this paper, the aut hors explain the state of insensitivity towards violence a reduction in emotion-related physiological reactivity to real violence. Their latest study involves testing of college students. According to the study The results demonstrate that playing violent video games, even for just 20 minutes, can cause people to become less physiologically aroused by real violence. According to the article It appears that individuals who play violent video games habituate or get used to all the violence and eventually become physiologically numb to it. Fifth paragraph Transition Paragraph Supporter of the video games do not seem to take the issues seriously. Despite this overwhelming evidence that video game causes violence and problems in many children and among the youth, there are supporters who believe that there are advantages to video games in todays society. Key finding states in a research titled Internet Fantasy Violence: A Test of Aggression in an Online Games carried out in 2005 by Williams, D. Skoric, M there was no effect on levels of aggressiveness or in belief and behaviors of the gamers who were engaged in a violent massive multiplayer online role-playing game. Cheryl K. Olson, professor of Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical Schools Center for Mental Health and Media, in her 2004 article in the Journal Academic Psychiatry Media Violence Research and Youth Violence Data: Why Do TheyConflict? e carries out a comparison about between violence contained in various modern-day video games and in day to day real-life. She states there is no evidence that targ eted violence has increased in Americas schools. While such attacks have occurred in the past, they were and are extremely rare events. She goes on to write that, Theres no indication that violence rose in lockstep with the spread of violent games. In 2002 Dr. Van Eeenwyk of the Washington State Department of Health presented information indicating that after controlling for psychosocial factors, association between aggression and playing video games was not statistically significant. Massachusetts Institute of Techonology professor Hennery Jenkins says, 90 percent of boys and 40 percent of girls play video games. The overwhelming majority of kids who play do NOT commit antisocial acts. And, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the strongest risk factor for school shootings centered on mental stability and quality of home life, not media exposure. Critics claim that video games are addictive has also been refuted by some supporters of the video games. In a response to a proposal in 2007 to brand video g ame addiction as a mental health issue similar to the addiction to alcohol, doctors and supporters of video games opposed the proposal. The supporters say that there is no evidence to indicate a proper basis for any such theory. These same supporters of video games argue that video game, computer and television are not only an excellent medium of imparting knowledge to and education to children, but also they assist the pupils with their studies at home as well as in the educational institutions. According to psychologists video games are a good means of mental exercise for the children who play these games. In many video games, in order to win, the player needs to have a good strategic thinking. This is something that is generally not available at the school in the form of an academic subject. Some of the mental exercise and knowledge obtained through using video games include the art of coordination between a childs eye and his/her hand. Some supporters of video games s ay that video games teach children to plan and build their strategic thinking. Steven Johnson, author of Everything Bad is Good For You: How Todays Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter, calls this telescoping. Gamers must deal with immediate problems while keeping their long-term goals on their horizon. Sixth paragraph Refutation of opponents counter- argument While there are researchers and supporters who claim that the video games do not have an effect on the increase in aggression and violence in the behavior of the gamers, yet those researches and studies are not based on modern scientific lines. Those studies are not as comprehensive and as scientific as those carried out by Craig Anderson, David Grossman or others. The supporters studies are generalized and are based more on hypothetical basis rather than actual scientific methodology. As proved by the various researches quoted above, their findings are flawed. Seventh paragraph Refutation of opponents counter- argument Supporters of the video games say that video games are healthy and educational. They claim video games provide children with quality mental exercise. In several games, in order to win, the player must possess good strategic thinking and be swift with his skills. However, the fact is that addiction to video games causes not only health and other problems, including social ones, but also results in poor school results and grades, lack of concentration to academics and class activities. The critics have always disputed this claim about video games contributing to health and education. Dr. Louis Kraus of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and a psychiatrist at Rush University Medical Center, has stated The more time kids spend on video games, the less time they will have socializing, the less time they will have with their families, the less time they will have exercising. They can make up academic deficits, but they cant make up the social ones, he said. As a re sult of this, one in ten youths, may be suffering from family, social, school or psychological damage. In several studies it has been clearly proved that the youth under examination had problems concentrating on academics and their school routine, as a result of which not only they lost grades at the school but also were subject to some severe health issues including depression. Final paragraph Conclusion. Based on the above research it is clearly evident that violent video games contribute to the aggressive and violent behavior and addiction to video games. However, considering some of the advantages of the video games, their use must not be prohibited. Parents and guardians should do the following to reduce the effect of violence. Monitor video game play the same way one needs to monitor television and other media. Parents are responsible to be kind, loving but at the same time attentive and firm to properly discipline their wards. An aggressive child is more a product of dysfunctional parenting than anything else, including violent games and TV. To avoid possibilities of addiction, parents should attempt to provide a variety of entertainment to their children. It would be a good idea to make sure that children read quality books, involve themselves in sports and interact with other children and their friends.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
Toni Morrison's â€Å"The Bluest Eye†set in post-WWI, Lorain, Ohio, narrates the lives surrounding Pecola Breedlove, a young black girl who wishes to be beautiful. Influenced greatly by her relationship with her mother, Pauline, Pecola adapts to a world of unworthiness and unattainable expectations beauty. Their mother/daughter relationship is just one of many examples throughout the novel further pinpoint its related themes of self worth and ugliness, both physically and mentally. An analysis of the relationship between Pauline and Pecola Breedlovesâ€â€their contributions and conflictsâ€â€is used to highlight the theme of which the author is trying to express. A relationship, such as one between a mother and daughter, should be the last thing to be described as hateful, disconnected, or troubledâ€â€only in the case of Pauline and Pecola Breedlove, it was just that. The two were as distant as could be achieved while living under the same roof, â€Å"adults do not talk to usâ€â€they give us directions. They issue orders without providing information†(10). Pecola was merely a maid in her own house, expected to preform the daily chores whilst her mother was at work. The distance was a creation of Pauline's, even long before the birth of her children. Several unfortunate events in Pauline's life lead her to immerse herself in a fictitious world where she strove to be part of the most beautiful race aroundâ€â€white. Pauline frequently visited picture shows that portrayed only white actors and actresses (not uncommon for the 1930's). â€Å"White men taking such good care of they woman, and they all dressed up in big clean h ouses with the bathtubs right in the same room with the toilet. Them pictures gave me a lot of pleasure, but it made coming home hard, and lo... ...y allowed her to believe that she was finally beautiful. In summation, the relationship between Pauline and Pecola Breedlove in Toni Morrison's â€Å"The Bluest Eye†is filled with angst, hate, and disapproval. As one of the most prominent relationships in the novel, it is simple to determine the influence Pauline had over Pecola. Pecola's mental downfall, caused by her mother's constant neglect, highlights the theme of nature of beauty. It is this subjective beauty that the novel focuses on. Pecola Breedlove's constant alienation and ridicule from the people around her slowly broke her down further. Her lack of Pauline as a mother figure and the reflection of her mother's own self-hatred, spirals Pecola into insanity. From Toni Morrison, it can be gathered that beauty, mentally and physically, is carefully critiqued in the world and is the basis for judgment of others.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
America Does NOT Need Gun Control Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Es
America Does Not Need Gun Control  There are presently in excess of 200 million guns in the United States, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Each year this number grows by 4 to 5 million. There are 60 to 65 million legal owners of one or more guns.1 There is a firearm on the premises of more than half the households in America. Most gun owners keep guns for protection. Others keep them for hunting, target shooting, collecting, and similar pursuits. In recent years nearly 35,000 people have been killed annually by guns in the United States. These deaths include 15,000 murders, 18,000 suicides, and 1,500 accidents.2 It is because of these statistics that many would like to ban guns altogether. But is that really in your best interest? Would it really benefit this country, or reduce the number of murders in this country? Consider the evidence in this article and you will see that guns should not be outlawed and that less gun control in necessary to preserve what the founders of this country believed in. Guns are Beneficial Guns can help prevent crime. This is a view held by many opponents to gun control. The criminals themselves agree. As part of a three - year study by the U. S. Department of Justice, criminals in prisons across the nation were interviewed. Sixty percent feared being shot by an armed citizen more than being shot by the police. fifty - three percent did not commit a specific crime because they were afraid the victim was armed.  Fifty - seven percent of them were scared off by an armed victim who either brandished a gun or actually fired it.3 This alone shows that crime would drop if more citizens owned, carried and knew how to use guns. One such case involved e... ...and less gun control in necessary to preserve the idea and philosophies set out in the constitution of the United States. Endnotes  1. Ted Gottfried, Gun Control and The Right to Bear Arms (Brookfield, Ct.: Millbrook Press, 1993 ), pg. 13 2. Ibid pg 17 3. Ibid pg. 48 4. Neil Bernard, Gun Control ( San Diego, Ca., Lucent Books, 1991 )pg. 68  5. Ibid pg. 56 Bibliography Aitkens, Maggi. Should We Have Gun Control. Minniapolis, Minn: ., Lerner Publications. 1992. Bernard, Neil. Gun Control. San Diego, Ca.: Lucent Books. 1991. Gottfried, Ted., Gun Control and The Right to Bear Arms. Brookfield, Ct.: The Millbrook Press., 1993 Gottlieb, Alan. Gun Rights Fact Book Bellevue, Washington: Merril Press, 1988. Robers, Joseph Jr.The Armed Citizen. Washington D.C. : The Nation Rifile Association of America. 1989.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Immigration Issues
Over the years the United States has been called a nation of immigrants. The fact that America is a melting pot for so many different cultures, races, and religions makes it unique in the world. The newcomers, both legal and illegal, fill labor shortages and provide new business opportunities. History shows they also bring ideas, vigor, and ambition. However, rising immigrant numbers and messy immigration policies have become a serious problem to gain control of.Although immigrants have contributed to America, the government should reform current immigration policies and limit immigrants flow today because of the economics and the large population problem. Kofi Annan in her lecture on â€Å"International Flows of Humanity†states that we must approach the issues of immigration with the strong ethical compass. Jagdish Bhagwati asserts that while changing immigration policies we should seek benefits for all. I disagree with both of them.American government should first of all se ek benefits for native citizens and local economy; and there is no place for â€Å"ethical compass†in effective immigration policies that will benefit the economy and citizens. The new immigrants have caused economic problems in America today. Each decade of new immigrants has done worse than the last economically. According to a study released by the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, â€Å"The education levels of newly arriving immigrants have not kept pace with those of native-born Americans.As careers that require advanced education continue to drive the job market, it is no surprise that many immigrants are finding it increasingly difficult to join the economic mainstream†(Camarota). The results of the lower education ripple effect do not bode well for recent immigrants. â€Å"Those who arrived in the 1980's have remained at an economic disadvantage, and are still less likely to own homes or become citizens than the immigrants of the previous three d ecades,†says the study (Camarota).Several decades ago, many immigrants entered America as skilled workers and filled the labor shortages; however, the majority of the immigrants today are unskilled workers, and the labor market is almost full because of the machine utilization and the network development. The problem is that current immigration policies give more consideration to those unskilled workers. For example, it is easier to get a visa through a family member than through an American employer. In fact, there are only 140,000 employment-based mmigrant visas given out each year, comparing to unlimited family-based visas (Visa Types for Immigrants). Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) data show that those new arrivals usually are from the developing countries, and most of them come to join close family members. Most of those new immigrants usually have to face many troubles such as language problems and cultural adjustments when they arrive in America. Social se curity has to pay benefits to them because of their low income.Thus, the majority of them have low education there is no doubt that they will become a public burden. If the government does not change the messy immigration policies, the economic problem will get worse. So, I suggest that the American government should expand the number of employment-based immigrant visas. This will let more educated and determined people into the country, who will boost the economy by providing innovations in fields of science and technology.Then, the government should limit the number of family-based visas, so those skilled immigrant workers wouldn't be able to bring their unskilled relatives. Another economical problem that immigrants from developing countries bring is that they send large amounts of national wealth to their home countries. As Kofi Annan in her lecture on â€Å"International Flows of Humanity†states, â€Å"migrant workers in developed countries send at least $88 billion ba ck to their countries of origin-more than those same developing countries received in official development aid†(Annan).If American government won't do anything about it, the numbers will grow faster with each year. I suggest that to compensate the loss of national wealth, American government should stop sending financial aid to developing countries. Unlimited immigration will cause a large population problem. The large population in India has caused increasing unemployment, unsafe environments, and a lack of resources. Following their experience, America should be on the alert that continued rising immigrant numbers will lead to a large population one day.It is estimated that if immigration continues at a current levels, the nation's population will increase from 301 million today to 468 million in 2060 – a 167 million (56 percent) increase (Camarota). Immigrants plus their descendents will account for 105 million (63 percent) of the increase (Camarota). Kofi Annan men tions in her article: â€Å"The more we try to deal with migration simply by clamping down on it with tighter border controls, the more we find that human rights are sacrificed-on the journey, at the border, and inside host countries. Such increase in the population will cause congestion, sprawl, traffic, pollution, loss of open spaces, and greenhouse gas emissions. So, tightening border controls will heart much less people than these problems. To do that America should focus on what kind of nation it wants to be: uneducated, dependent, and unmotivated or united, skilled, and progressive. Immigration policies that exist today People that come here as+ live in closed communities Kofi Anan addresses the issue of immigrants' discrimination in U. S. a lot in her article.But in my opinion United States is the most anti-discriminative country of all already. In fact the government focuses so much on minorities that if you belong to white race and don't have any disabilities it is almost impossible to get a financial aid or any other kind of benefits.Annan, Kofi. â€Å"Lecture on International Flows of Humanity†Camarota, Steven A. â€Å"The Slowing Progress of Immigrants. †Center for Immigration Studies, March 2001, http://www. cis. org/articles/2001/back401. html â€Å"Visa Types for Immigrants. †U. S. Department of State, October 6, 2008. http://travel. state. gov/visa/immigrants/types. html
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Red Bull Case Study Essay
1. What is the case all about? 2. What created Red Bull’s success? Where is the core franchise and benefit? Has the product’s positioning changed over time? What is the role of alcohol mixing to Red Bull’s success? 3. What is Red Bull’s success formula? For which kind of product/beverage categories will this formula work? How does Red Bull know when to turn on the advertising? What metrics would you use to make this judgment? 4. Why did the first U.K launch go awry? 5. What changes were made for the U.S market? Should other changes be considered? 6. Assume tough competition is coming. How can Red Bull protect its franchise? What actions would you recommend? 7. What should Red Bull’s competitors do? Coke? Pepsi? Anheuser-Busch? 8. If you were an investor in Red Bull, would you take your money and run or stay for the long haul? Needless to say, the brand has developed an image for power, speed, and recklessness1, and dominates the energy drink market all across the globe. As can be seen in Pricing Strategies, the energy drink is marketed as a premium product. Special ingredients like taurine and alpine spring water in addition to a high concentration of caffeine in a can half the size of other energy drinks are used to differentiate Red Bull from competitors Red Bull is known primarily for its dominating position in the energy drink business, selling its Red Bull Energy Drink. In Austria, the company has also started its own TV channel, called Servus. TV, and a cell phone service called â€Å"Red Bull Mobile†2 Red Bull sponsors not only many extreme sports athletes3, but also a Formula 1 racing team that won both the constructors’ and drivers’ championship in 2010 and 20114 Red Bull CEO Dietrich Mateschitz has also created the foundation â€Å"Wings for Life†, which seeks to support people suffering from paraplegia. The ultimate goal of the foundation is to make paraplegia curable5. Red Bull product was positioned not for specific occasions, but rather for a range of occasions. With the flexible brand positioning â€Å"Revitalizes Body and Mind,†Red Bull touted itself as suitable for such occasions such as when a long day is over, and a long night starts. On long sleep – inducing motorways. During intensive working days when the date planner is filling up, and your energy reserves are emptying out.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
A Feminist Theory on Hamlet
Her father, older brother Laertes and Polonius also expect her sexual purity to maintain their royal boss's name. When Ophelia's Polonius and Laertes taught how to keep a virgin, they remind her how important it is, to keep her virgin. In fact, her brother and her father wanted to comply with her guidelines and ethical standards, but they think she is not recognized or respected. This explanation is reminiscent of Shakespeare's plays and comedy in many women. Steve Henderson agreed that this kind of negative depiction of Elizabeth women's themes is common to Shakespeare's work Did. Apply Showalter's idea to Bramga's movie version of Hamlet Elaine Shaw Alter to start her paper to start her paper representing Representative Ophelia: Shakespeare's Hamlet analysis which actually ignores Austria The character of Feria of the past to criticize. Feminist critics believe that the Ophelia itself is not Hamlet's foil, but an important person. - Leadership Milton Lost Paradise, in the hot world of Cavendish, as well as Shakespeare's Othello and Hamlet criticism, thinkers who are the most powerful people in the world - they can not only form their own opinions I can advise their best advice, but enough for those people to listen to. When they learn sometimes stubborn, flexibly - they realize the best respected grass snake who is worthy of respect, Mr. Mikayira McAuley of William  · Shakespeare Prezi What is feminist theory? Feminist theory is an extension of feminist theory and philosophical discourse. This is trying to understand the nature of gender inequality. This will examine women's social roles in all areas, experience, interests and feminist politics. In this talk I will feminist the theory of female Ophelia and the role of Gertrude. Ophelia is depicted throughout the script, Ophelia is depicted as a victim of a man character around her. Ophelia Hamlet and Ophelia Hamlet make you believe that she was the reason for his craziness Feminist theory explores inequalit y and gender composition in men and women relations. It is best understood as intellectual property and normative project. Understanding as feminist theory is often understood as a feminist movement in the mid 1970s, despite the main texts of the 19th and 20th centuries symbolizing the early feminist ideas. Feminist theory was originally intended to explain women's oppression worldwide, but after a magnificent theoretical approach similar to Marxism, problems and priorities in this area have undergone several major changes . The two main changes are (1) specialization and backgroundization from universalization to women's experiences, and (2) focusing on the female category, questioning the contents of the category and using gender as a category Conceptualizing and looking at gender-based exploration practices A Feminist Theory on Hamlet Her father, older brother Laertes and Polonius also expect her sexual purity to maintain their royal boss's name. When Ophelia's Polonius and Laertes taught how to keep a virgin, they remind her how important it is, to keep her virgin. In fact, her brother and her father wanted to comply with her guidelines and ethical standards, but they think she is not recognized or respected. This explanation is reminiscent of Shakespeare's plays and comedy in many women. Steve Henderson agreed that this kind of negative depiction of Elizabeth women's themes is common to Shakespeare's work Did. Apply Showalter's idea to Bramga's movie version of Hamlet Elaine Shaw Alter to start her paper to start her paper representing Representative Ophelia: Shakespeare's Hamlet analysis which actually ignores Austria The character of Feria of the past to criticize. Feminist critics believe that the Ophelia itself is not Hamlet's foil, but an important person. - Leadership Milton Lost Paradise, in the hot world of Cavendish, as well as Shakespeare's Othello and Hamlet criticism, thinkers who are the most powerful people in the world - they can not only form their own opinions I can advise their best advice, but enough for those people to listen to. When they learn sometimes stubborn, flexibly - they realize the best respected grass snake who is worthy of respect, Mr. Mikayira McAuley of William  · Shakespeare Prezi What is feminist theory? Feminist theory is an extension of feminist theory and philosophical discourse. This is trying to understand the nature of gender inequality. This will examine women's social roles in all areas, experience, interests and feminist politics. In this talk I will feminist the theory of female Ophelia and the role of Gertrude. Ophelia is depicted throughout the script, Ophelia is depicted as a victim of a man character around her. Ophelia Hamlet and Ophelia Hamlet make you believe that she was the reason for his craziness Feminist theory explores inequalit y and gender composition in men and women relations. It is best understood as intellectual property and normative project. Understanding as feminist theory is often understood as a feminist movement in the mid 1970s, despite the main texts of the 19th and 20th centuries symbolizing the early feminist ideas. Feminist theory was originally intended to explain women's oppression worldwide, but after a magnificent theoretical approach similar to Marxism, problems and priorities in this area have undergone several major changes . The two main changes are (1) specialization and backgroundization from universalization to women's experiences, and (2) focusing on the female category, questioning the contents of the category and using gender as a category Conceptualizing and looking at gender-based exploration practices
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Discourse Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Discourse Analysis - Case Study Example The author further illustrates ‘islandness’ as a â€Å"construct of the mind,†which facilitates the islanders a â€Å"singular way†of looking at the world (192). Thus, the Island Institute has begun to publish the Island’s Journal, to create awareness in the general public about the islanders. The article draws research evidence from a wide variety of literature published in this journal, which the author has reviewed and he also uses his personal experience with island life. The author has supported and validated his thesis through an array of evidence from the island culture as well as referring to certain island qualities that â€Å"transcend local culture†(192). This becomes apparent in his illustration of the â€Å"self-consciousness about islandness†among the inhabitants of different islands (193). He also refers to the â€Å"cellarhole melancholy†that defines the sense of loss that permeates every inch of the island space and reflects on the islanders (193). The intended audience for this type of an audience may include scholars and teachers of geography, anthropology, literature and other humanities as well as people who have an interest in these subjects. The Geography Review, in which the article has been published, is a suitable publication for an article that contains such a topic. The author has taken a judicious stance in presenting the topic and there are not apparent bias on his part, except for his specific affini ty for the Islanders and his keen interest in informing the world about them. Similarly, Conkling also identifies many attributes that are common in islanders across the archipelagos different islands such as: a sense of freedom, loyalty and honor, frugality, â€Å"polydextrous and multifaceted competence†as well as the oral traditions, canny literacy and ability to tolerate eccentricity (192). The author’s use of language and style has been appropriate to the topic
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