Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Ethics and Legal Environment of Business Essay - 1337 Words
HOOPER V. YODER September 9, 2015 The purpose of this paper is to analyze and evaluate a civil court case between Steven J. Hooper v. David Yoder and the role ethical principles played in the case. I would like to address these important points in this paper: * Define common law * Summary of the facts that brought the parties into the courtroom * State the holding of the court * The legal rights and responsibilities of the plaintiff and defendant * The role of ethical theories including Kant and Nozick’s in this case * Propose specific, common sense business practices that may have resolved the conflict Let’s begin with a definition of common law which is applied to all corporations. â€Å"Common law is made and†¦show more content†¦Therefore, Market West accepted the corporation stock as partial debt. Hooper and Yoder agreed to add Brian Bradley who worked for Market West as the third director. Hooper colluded with Bradley and violated a fiduciary duty to Yoder by issuing 95 shares of stock to himself, 5 shares to Bradley, and none to Yoder. Furthermore, Hooper got paid $141,000 salary from the business without Yoder knowing. More importantly, Hooper and Bradly voted to force Yoder to leave the corporation. After Yoder found out that Hooper broke their agreement, violated Yoder’s rights and duties, acted dishonestly, and made unethical decisions, Yoder sued Hooper and Beautiful Daydreams in the District Court. Under the common law, with these facts, the court supported Yoder and ordered Hooper to give back one-half of the salary plus one-half of the shares o f stock to Yoder. Let’s begin the analysis with the parties’ rights and responsibilities. Since both Hooper and Yoder were on the board of directors, their rights and responsibilities included: * Right to work, to develop, and to advertise their dairy products * Right to earn and receive profits of the business * Right to receive shares of stock and salary if any * Right to authorize and make business decisions * Right to appoint new directors or officers as needed * Right to have honest and clear communications from other board of directors * Responsibility to perform their work duties *Show MoreRelatedLegal and Ethics in Business Environment800 Words  | 4 Pages Legal and Ethics in Business Environment Name: Institution: â€Æ' Legal and Ethics in Business Environment Introduction After working as an employee for Coca Cola Company for a period of 20 years, I accrued enough capital to establish my own company. The investment sector presents many challenges when one invests on a global scale. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
First Great Awakening - 2076 Words
Revival history is an interesting topic and one that can be explored at great depths. Revivals of the past, if looked at through the right lens, can awaken hope and desire for God to move again, even in the darkest times. Revivals show us that God is still very much active and interested in His people. The Father desires that we would know Him as a real Person and who loves to make Himself known through His Son Jesus. I wrote my paper on the First Great Awakening mainly because I am from New England and I have a passion to see the church set ablaze again in that area. The heritage is so rich in that land and I believe that the Lord would love to encounter His people again with a great spiritual awakening. Below, I will go over the Great†¦show more content†¦He also studied many topics and was one of the most brilliant minds to be produced on American soil. Edward’s didn’t have his actual conversion experience until January 12, 1723. Jonathan studied the bible 1 3 - 14 hours a day and wrote over 120 pieces of literature which many can still be found. Edward’s was bold in his proclamation of the truth and didn’t not shy away from it even when it was uncomfortable for the people. Edward’s desire for doctrinal purity is admirable and the dedication and devotion given to it is worth reduplicating. George Whitefield was born on December 16, 1714 in Gloucester England. George was the youngest of seven children. He was not raised in a Christian home but rather one that was dysfunctional. His father passes away when he was at the mere age of two. His mother did eventually remarry but it was indicated that the marriage was not peaceful. In 1733 Whitefield met the infamous Wesley brothers while studying at Pembroke College in Oxford. John and Charles Wesley at that time were leading what is known as the Holy Clubs and before Whitefield even had his conversion experience he was apart of the holy clubs for 3 years.The schedule was one that was very rigors and it must have been the hand of the Lord to keep him enough content to stay. It took a very serious illness to confront him on his internal state while in England. Whitefield’s accomplishments are quite amazing he pioneered open air, square and field meetings. TheShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The First Great Awakening1219 Words  | 5 Pagesfrom late 17th century to early 18th century, the First Great Awakening was a period of religious growth throughout the British American colonies from approximately 1720 to the 1740s. 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This is the reason that self-righteous people are so angry with gospel preachers, because the gospel does not spare those who will not submit to the righteousness of Jesus Christ!†(AZQuotes.com). TheRead MoreA Brief Note On The First Great Awakening 1489 Words  | 6 Pagesthe different rolls women participated in to influence change in America. The Second â€Å"Great Awakening†of the 1790’s, brought change to the New World. â€Å"inspired by the economic progress and democratic spirit of the age and by the religious optimism of the Second Great Awakening, believed that they could improve their personal lives and society as a whole†(Henretta et al, America 321). The Second â€Å"Great Awakening†created an environment in which denominations came together in cooperation. ReligiousRead MoreEssay about Great Awakening912 Words  | 4 PagesThe Great Awakening was when religion was sweeping throughout New England with more conversions and church membership. This spiritual awakening took place from 1735 up until 1745. (Brief Outline Notes on the Great Awakening, 1735-45 ) Most of this had taken place within the American Colonies, especially New England.(McCormick, pars. 9) . The Great Awakening had many causes, however the consequences benefitted many. Many people were moving farther and farther away from religion, the GreatRead MoreThe Great Awakening By Christine Leigh Heyrman1409 Words  | 6 PagesThe Great Awakening A restructuring of religious doctrine, beliefs, and social practices during the 17th and 18th centuries in England, and in North America, infused with Calvinistic religious doctrine initiated the beginning of The Great Awakening. Following this further, according to Christine Leigh Heyrman, The First Great Awakening: Divining America,†a New Age of faith rose to counter the currents of the Age of Enlightenment. Ultimately reaffirming the view that being truly religious meant trustingRead MoreReligious Doctrine, Beliefs, And Social Practices1348 Words  | 6 Pagesrestructuring of religious doctrine, beliefs, and social practices during the 17th and 18th centuries in England, and in North America, infused with Calvinistic religious doctrine initiated the beginning of The Great Awakening. Following this further, according to Christine Leigh Heyrman, The First Great Awakening: Divining America,†a New Age of faith rose to counter the currents of the Age of Enlightenment. Ultimately reaffirming the view that being truly religious meant trusting the heart rather than the headRead MoreThe Great Awakening By Theodorus Frelinghuysen884 Words  | 4 PagesBefore the Great Awakening, Theodorus Frelinghuysen, a German pastor’s son, born on November 6, 1692 in Lingen, Germany answered the call to theology. After Frelinghuysen’s education at the University of Lingen and ordination in 1717, he accepted his first pastoral commitment at Emden, then another one at East-Friesland before accepting a sub-rectorship position./At that time, his doctrine ascribed to living a Godly confessional style of piousness with heart, mind, and soul regarding the law, realizing
Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Effects of Team Dynamics on Corporate Communication Free Essays
string(209) " Feeling is an ability to deal with information on the basis of its initial energetic condition and its interactions†, people with this kind of personality \(thinking\) are more in the decision making side\." Good communication skills are one of the required skills from the human being to maintain and achieve the expected outcomes of the organization or team. An effective communicator tends to work well in a team. Working as a team in any environment is more productive and the expected outcomes tend to be more of a profitable than working alone. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Team Dynamics on Corporate Communication or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this report there will be the discussion on the effects of team dynamics on corporate communication. The topic will be divided into sub sections: developing positive team dynamics, effect of team dynamics on individual’s behaviour, personality types and team dynamics and also the author personality type will be discussed. The communication theories and the categories identified by Belbin will also be discussed. It is clear that people got deferent personalities and different ways of adapting the group dynamics, the personality type and team dynamics will be discussed. The types of personalities as described by MBTI will be discussed individually. What is Team Dynamics? â€Å"Team or group dynamics concern the fluid and on-going interaction between and among team members, their actions and reactions. Team dynamics relate to the interpersonal and interdependent process of workâ€â€how things get done by and through people, and how team members relate to their task and to each other†(Team Dynamics. n. d. ). It is clear that if team members have the shared vision, goals and objectives about the performance of the team, the team can reach it objectives and it can build healthy team dynamics. Developing a Positive Team Dynamics People are unique and got different beliefs, it is therefore very correct that you study your team mates very well and emphasis more on what is important for the group. Having well defined standards and reporting standard to a group leader that will lead to a healthy group dynamics. These standards can only be effective if the team members are committed to the positive interests of the team. After deciding on team rules or standards the team can easily develop the personal relations and develop trust to each other. This trust and personal relations became visible by the time we managed to delegate someone to represent the group on dance practise, we trusted the person the he won’t let us down. We also managed to learn the dance from him. And that has made us to bond more. Effect of Team Dynamics on individual’s behaviour Most people are more effect when working as a group than working alone, other people will find this as a problem. Working in a group of people of different cultures could lead to more tensed environment within the team, it is therefore very correct to learn or try to understand the do’s and the don’ts of other members culture and that will lead to profitable results as it stated that â€Å"Teams working together increase problem-solving skills and innovation, quality, and decrease turnover and absenteeism†(Teresa Armstrong, n. ). After developing positive team dynamics, the group will had the common goal of achieving the expected outcomes. This was shown on the camp when we were doing speed introduction, we managed to know each other better and had a chance to know the dos and don’ts of other peoples culture. This made us to perform well on the activities that were given and submit them on time. What is Personality? Hjelle and Ziegler (1987, p. ) explains that â€Å"personality refers to the overall impression that an individual makes to others†, at the same time Robbins (1979, p. 90) explains that â€Å"personality is the sum of ways in which an individual reacts and interact with others†Personality affects the performance of the entire group, and these authors agree on the definition of personality. The team need to study each member’s personality, hence that will create a healthy working environment. Personality Type and Team Dynamics The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is used to understand the personality of individual, and that can be effective in developing team dynamics. MBTI shows the following characters of personalities: Extroverted/ Introverted, Sensing/Intuitive, Thinking/ Feeling, Judging / Perceiving. Extrovert/Introverted These kinds of people are either described as people who are out spoken, work well in a group (extrovert) or people who focuses on the inner world and this kind of person likes to work individually. Introverts can sometimes frustrate the Extroverts, because of the strength of the Introverts shines when they alone and they are not more in group discussions as it stated that â€Å"Extraverted types who work best by thinking out loud and considering matters in dialogue can be frustrated by Introverted types whose best work on thinking and considering is done internally and detached from active interaction†(Personality Pathways, 2009). Even though these personalities are differing in terms of preferences, they can contribute to the team positively. Hence the introverts in a group will be treated as the knowledge source or the strategist of the group while Sensing/Intuitive Since in the team people have different personalities, here there will be a discussion on how the groups or teams benefits to people with sensing and intuitive personalities. Effective communicators they first identify the problem and then propose solution(s) to the problem, so people with this kind of personality in the sense that they are more realistic, practical and got self confidence. Psychological Types ( 2008a) explains that â€Å"Intuition is an ability to deal with the information on the basis of its hidden potential and its possible existence†, it is therefore clear that this kind of personality can effectively contribute towards the group or team. Hence they are able to foresee the possible outcomes of the task and this will help the group to effectively communicate with vision of the possible solution. This kind of personality is clearly found on someone who is the go-getter and someone who is creative. Thinking/Feeling Psychological Types ( 2008b) explains that â€Å"Thinking is an ability to deal with information on the basis of its structure and its function. Feeling is an ability to deal with information on the basis of its initial energetic condition and its interactions†, people with this kind of personality (thinking) are more in the decision making side. You read "The Effects of Team Dynamics on Corporate Communication" in category "Essay examples" Someone with thinking personality has the greater ability of doing things in logical manner and he ends to pay more attention on the bigger picture of the given task. People with the feeling personality type are more concerned about feelings of other individuals and they are more ethical, which makes them to be good in developing team dynamics. Team with good ethical rules they tend to be more effective and produce quality results. In any working environment there will be some times conflicts and sometimes conflicts can lea d a group to informed or uninformed decisions. So people with the feeling personality don’t like conflicts and that could be their weak link, because when working as team there are high probabilities of conflicts and sometimes conflicts are healthy for the survival of the team. Judging/Perceiving Judging Personality type is essential to the success of the group, because people with this kind of personality are creative in making plans, organizing tasks to be done. By having an individual with that kind of personality and the communication channels of the group or team are clearly defined, the team is advantage of achieving its objectives in expected time. The individuals with judging personality is more like the backbone of the group or team because someone with this kind of personality doesn’t give up on the given tasks and that individual can be sometimes be called the information centre of the group, because some of the possible solutions for the group might come from that individual. The other type of personality is called Perceiving. This type of personality is referred to someone who can adapt in any situation that the group find its self in. Individuals with perceiving personality is referred to as more open minded as it stated that â€Å"Perceiving is the preference outwardly displayed. Perceiving people are flexible, and they like to keep their options open and think randomly†(My Personality. Info. n. d). If an individual is described to have the perceived type of personality, the individual need the attention of the group, because the performance of this individual depends on his/her mood. And can be costly to the team performance and the team level of communication, because if the individual is not in mood then the entire team will be affected too. Having well defined ethical behaviour in the group and well established accountability standards that will lead to mutual respect mong group member, effective communication and profitable results in the given activities. The Author’s Personality Type After conducting the online personality type test, the author of this paper was described as ESTJ where E stands for Extrovert, S – Sensing, T – Thinking and J – Judging. The results of the test were exactly the author’s personalities. Even though the test results exactly explain the personality of the author, and the author is strongly agree with the fact that these results are true and also feels that these results are not fully explaining the author of this paper. The reason the author believes that is an extrovert is because of the fact the author can easily adapt to the new group and can easily get along with people of different culture and different backgrounds. This was shown on the camp when I had to be in the cabin with people that I saw for the first time. I managed to get along with my cabin mates and I made many friends from that camp. The effective communicator is not someone who speaks loud but it’s someone who can effectively convey the message to other people without any difficulties and the massage received is clear and unambiguous. The author is also having the sensing type personality, because of the self-confidence that the author has and how realistic the author is. The online personality test also sees the author of this paper as Thinking type of personality, and the author fully agrees with the test results because of the fact that when it comes to decision making for the benefit of the team or group the author excels. Every individual got its own talent and specialization area, and the author of this paper believes that clear communication channels and clear definition of roles in the team, that will healthy working environment. The online personality test has further seen the author of this paper as someone who is having Judging type of personality, and the author strongly agrees with that outcome because of the contributions that the author contribute towards the given tasks of the group and the self discipline the author has. The ESTJ type of personality is more essential towards the success of the group, because in a group there will be different personalities such as INFP. This kind of personality reacts to group dynamics differently as ompared to ESTJ type of personality. So if the group dynamics are well developed to the benefit of the team, and all different personalities are given platform to express its opinions that will lead to effect working environment. Since team dynamics are more concerned about how the group interact, how tasks are scheduled from the start to the end and also how the decision making is made, the personality type of the author of this paper allows the author to fit in any kind of working environment. Knowing what is expected of you in a group, that’s what makes team members to work effectively and deliver what is expected of them. When the team roles are divided is done according to the expertise of an individual member of the group, hence that will enhance productivity within the group. The author of this paper has the very power full mind of looking at things in a way in which will benefit the group. References http://www.personalitypathways.com/MBTI_intro.html http://www.socionics.com/main/types.htm http://www.mypersonality.info/personality-types/judging-perceiving/ How to cite The Effects of Team Dynamics on Corporate Communication, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Francis Drake Essay Example For Students
Francis Drake Essay Francis Drake was an experienced and daring seafarer. Among many adventures, thefamous voyage, his successful circumnavigation of the world between 1577 and1580 ensured that he would be one of the best remembered figures of TudorEngland. In his own lifetime, he was thought of with mixed feelings, both athome and abroad. Some English people regarded him as a hero, but he wasdistrusted by others, who saw him as having risen above his station. Althoughhe was feared and hated by the Spanish, he was also regarded by some with secretadmiration. What was England like at the time of Drake? For most of Drakeslife, Queen Elizabeth I ruled the country. It was a time when England wasgrowing in population, power and wealth, and was also becoming more outwardlooking. New markets and colonies were needed, so that English produce,especially wool, could be traded. England was also keen to gain from the hugeprofits to be made from the New World of the Americas and from the Easternspice trade, as Spain and Portugal were already doing. It was a time whenreligion was extremely important to people, especially the question of whetherEngland was to be a Protestant or a Catholic country. Arguments about religionand trade meant that England was at war with Spain for much of Drakes life. Where was Francis Drake born? Francis Drake was born in Tavistock, Devon,sometime between 1541 and 1543. What sort of family did he come from? A veryordinary family, certainly not rich or powerful. His family was a devoutlyreligious one. When Francis was still a small boy, the Catholic Queen Mary cameto the throne, and there were religious disturbances in Devon. The family left,and moved to Chatham in Kent where for a time they lived on an old, laid-upship. Drakes father became a Protestant preacher. These early experiences had aprofound effect on the young Francis. The Protestant religion was to be one ofthe most important things to him throughout his life. On his voyage around theworld he led religious services on board ship twice a day. When did Drake firstgo to sea? He first started going to sea while living in Chatham, at the age oftwelve or thirteen. He was an apprentice on a small trading ship which was leftto him when the master died. After selling this ship, he returned to D evon andsailed with his relative John Hawkins. Together, Hawkins and Drake made thefirst English slaving voyages, bringing African slaves to work in the NewWorld. Did Francis Drake marry? Yes. He married twice. When he was twenty-fivehe married Mary Newman, who died in 1583. He married again in 1585. His secondwife, Elizabeth Sydenham, came from a much more influential family. He did nothave children with either of his wives. What was Drake looking for on hisvoyages? Spanish ships, sailing back from their new conquests in South Americawere extremely attractive, as they were laden with silver. Drake attacked suchships, and if he was successful in capturing them, took their treasure forhimself and for his queen. He also raided Spanish and Portuguese ports in theNew World and the Atlantic. On Drakes voyage to Panama in 1572-3, he washelped by cimarrones. The cimarrones were former slaves, who had escaped to livein the forest and mountains as outlaws. Many were prepared to help the Engl ishas they blamed the Spanish for their position. One cimarrone in particular,named Diego, became especially close to Drake, accompanying him to England andlater around the world. How long did it take Drake to sail around the world? Thecircumnavigation took three years, from 1577 to 1580. Originally, the voyage wasprobably planned as a raid on Spanish ships and ports. Five ships, manned by 164seamen, left Plymouth, with Drake himself sailing in the Pelican. Nearly all thecrew thought they were heading for the Mediterranean. After reaching America,Drake was worried that his ships might get separated from each other, so he gaveorders for two of them to be destroyed. Then the Marigold was lost, with all hercrew, and the Elizabeth turned back and sailed home. By October 1578, as thecompany started up the western coast of South America, there were just 58 left,all on the Pelican. Drake renamed his ship the Golden Hinde. What did Drake findout on his voyage around the world? Drakes voyage helped to give a moreaccurate picture of the true geography of the world. During the course of thevoyage, Drake discovered that Tierra del Fuego, the land seen to the south ofthe Magellan Strait, was not part of a southern continent as had been believedpreviously, but an archipelago, or group of islands. Francis Fletcher, thechaplain on Drakes ship described it like this: In passing along we plainlydiscovered that same Terra Australis to be no continent, but broken islands andlarge passages amongst them. This meant that if the American continent wasnot connected to a southern continent, the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans metat Cape Horn. It should be possible to sail ships around the bottom of SouthAmerica, south of Tierra. This was the Cape Horn route, eventually discovered in1616. As Drake sailed further up the coast, he plundered Spanish ports in Chileand Peru and captured treasure ships. His biggest prize was the Cacafuego. Drakesailed further north along the coast of the Amer icas than any other Europeanuntil then. On the way he landed in what is now California, naming it NovaAlbion (New England) and claiming it for his queen. He then continued across thePacific to the East Indies, or Spice Islands. Six tons of cloves were loadedonto the ship. Later, half had to be tossed into the sea in order to free theship from a reef. His route through the East Indies lay along the unchartedsouthern coast of Java. Here Drake discovered that Java was an island, notconnected to a southern continent as the Dutch believed. Drake returned from hisvoyage around the world with the little Golden Hinde packed full of spices fromthe Indies, and plundered Spanish silver and treasure. The good health of thesurviving members of his crew was a remarkable achievement in itself. This wasin marked contrast to the dreadful condition of those who had accompaniedMagellan on the first circumnavigation of the world fifty years earlier. How wasDrake helped by others? During the Tudor perio d, it was important that eachexplorer built on the experience of those who had gone before. Portugal andSpain had been involved in ocean exploration long before England. Francis Drakeobviously recognised this, as he made use of this previous knowledge andexpertise by seizing the Portuguese pilot Nuna da Silva to guide him on hispassage to Brazil and the east coast of America. In the Pacific, he seized thecharts of two Spanish pilots bound for the Philippines. He already had a chartof the world made in Portugal, and three books on navigation. How did the Queentreat Drake when he returned after his three year voyage? Queen Elizabeth dinedon board the Golden Hinde at Deptford, on the River Thames. Afterwards, sheknighted him so that for the rest of his life he was known as Sir Francis Drake. .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa , .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa .postImageUrl , .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa , .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa:hover , .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa:visited , .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa:active { border:0!important; } .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa:active , .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u31a3779159cc5386830e5b8faad4e0aa:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Alexander Grahm Bell EssayThe king of Spain was insulted by the Queens reward to Drake. His voyage mayhave been triumphant to the English, but to the Spanish it was highlydestructive. Was the circumnavigation the end of Sir Francis Drakes career atsea? No. Drake was involved in several other battles with the Spanish. In 1585he and more than 1000 men attacked Santiago in the Cape Verde islands. As notreasure was found, he ordered the town to be burnt down. In 1586 he capturedSan Domingo in Hispaniola (now named Haiti). One of his most famous attacks wason Cadiz and Coruna in 1587. This incident is sometimes known as the singeingof the King of Spains beard. In a daring raid, between twenty and thirty shipswere sunk or captured. Perhaps of even more importance though, was thedestruction of supplies intended for King Philips planned Spanish Armada. Because of the attack, the Armada was delayed and the Spanish were short of someimportant supplies for their fleet. They were also forced to use unseasoned woodfor barrels, as Drake had destroyed the seasoned wood. Later on this resulted inthe rotting of many of their precious stocks of food for the Armada crews. Whatwas Drakes role in the battles against the Spanish Armada? Sir Francis Drakewas very active in the Armada battles of 1588. One of the most famous incidentsinvolving Drake was when the Spanish flagship, the Rosario, collided withanother ship. It lost its mast and became separated from the rest of the Spanishfleet. Drake captured it, even though he had been given the job of tracking theArmada with his stern lantern alight to guide all the other English shipsfollowing him. The prize of the Rosario must have been too difficult to resist. The ship was taken without a single shot being fired, still with the royal moneychest on board. How did Sir Francis Drake die? He died at sea on his finalvoyage, off the coast of Panama, in Nombre de Dios Bay. He had been sufferingfrom dysentery for several days and in January 1596 he finally died. His bodywas placed inside a lead casket and he was then slipped overboard. Two otherships, his most recent prizes, were sunk near his body. He was about 54 yearsold. Why is he still remembered today? His circumnavigation led to an increasedknowledge of the geography of the world, particularly to a more accurateunderstanding of the southern continent. As a navigator his skills put himin the same rank as Columbus. His claim of California, or Nova Albion, forEngland led directly to later plans to send people to live in colonies inAmerica.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Love Advices free essay sample
# 8211 ; Good Indeed Essay, Research Paper Advice 1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. 2. Memorize your favourite verse form. 3. Don # 8217 ; t believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want. 4. When you say, # 8220 ; I love you, # 8221 ; intend it. 5. When you say, # 8220 ; I # 8217 ; m sorry, # 8221 ; look the individual in the oculus. 6. Be engaged at least six months before you get married. 7. Believe in love at first sight. 8. Never laugh at anyone # 8217 ; s dreams. 9. Love deeply and passionately. You might acquire hurt but it # 8217 ; s the merely manner to populate life wholly. 10. In dissensions, fight reasonably. No name naming. 11. Don # 8217 ; t justice people by their relations. 12. Talk easy but think rapidly. 13. When person asks you a inquiry you don # 8217 ; t want to reply, smile and inquire, # 8220 ; Why do you desire to cognize? # 8221 ; 14. Remember that great love and great accomplishments involve great hazard. 15. Name your ma. 16. Say # 8220 ; bless you # 8221 ; when you hear person sneezing. We will write a custom essay sample on Love Advices or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 17. When you lose, don # 8217 ; t lose the lesson. 18. Remember the three R # 8217 ; s: Respect for ego ; Respect for others ; Duty for all your actions. 19. Don # 8217 ; t allow a small difference injure a great friendly relationship. 20. When you realize you # 8217 ; ve made a error, take immediate stairss. 21. Smile when picking up the phone. The company will hear it in your voice. 22. Marry a man/woman you love to speak to. As you get older, their colloquial accomplishments will be every bit of import as any other. 23. Spend some clip a lone. 24. Open your weaponries to alter, but don # 8217 ; t allow travel of your values. 25. Remember that silence is sometimes the best reply. 26. Read more books and ticker less Television. 27. Populate a good, honest life. Then when you get older and believe back, you # 8217 ; ll acquire to bask it a 2nd clip. 28. Trust in God but lock your auto. 29. A loving atmosphere in your place is so of import. Make all you can to make a placid harmonious place. 30. In dissensions with loved 1s, trade with the current state of affairs. Don # 8217 ; t convey up the yesteryear. 31. Read between the lines. 32. Share your cognition. It # 8217 ; s a manner to accomplish immortality. 33. Be soft with the Earth. 34. Pray. There # 8217 ; s unmeasurable power in it. 35. Never interrupt when you are being flattered. 36. Mind your ain concern. 37. Don # 8217 ; t trust a man/woman who doesn # 8217 ; t shut his/her eyes when you buss. 38. Once a twelvemonth, travel someplace you # 8217 ; ve neer been earlier. 39. If you make a batch of money, put it to utilize assisting others while you are populating. That is wealth # 8217 ; s greatest satisfaction. 40. Remember that non acquiring what you want is sometimes a shot of fortune. 41. Learn the regulations so interrupt some. 42. Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your demand for each other. 43. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to acquire it. 44. Remember that your character is your fate. 45. Approach love and cookery with foolhardy wantonness.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Basic Japanese Language Vocabulary with Audio Files
Basic Japanese Language Vocabulary with Audio Files When you are learning Japanese, it is essential to hear the words spoken. These audio words and phrases are grouped by topic and you can use them to learn to speak Japanese. Hiragana Pronunciation with Audio Files The following tables contains the 46 basic sounds found in Japanese. Click the link to listen the pronunciation of each hiragana character. (a) (i) (u) (e) (o) (ka) (ki) (ku) (ke) (ko) (sa) (shi) (su) (se) (so) (ta) (chi) (tsu) (te) (to) (na) (ni) (nu) (ne) (no) (ha) (hi) (fu) (he) (ho) (ma) (mi) (mu) (me) (mo) (ya) (yu) (yo) (ra) (ri) (ru) (re) (ro) (wa) (o) (n) Katakana Pronunciation with Audio Files  Here are the 46 basic Japanese sounds. Click the link to listen the pronunciation. (a) (i) (u) (e) (o) (ka) (ki) (ku) (ke) (ko) (sa) (shi) (su) (se) (so) (ta) (chi) (tsu) (te) (to) (na) (ni) (nu) (ne) (no) (ha) (hi) (fu) (he) (ho) (ma) (mi) (mu) (me) (mo) (ya) (yu) (yo) (ra) (ri) (ru) (re) (ro) (wa) (o) (n) Verbs Learning verbs when learning a new language is obviously very important. In the table below I have created a list of some of the most important verbs that someone new to Japanese should know.  If you are not familiar with Japanese verbs at all, follow this link to learn about verb groups and conjugations. If you would like to hear the pronunciation of each verb, click the link and small audio file will play for you. Group 1 Verbs Dictionary Form(Basic Form) English Formal Form The ~ te Form aruku to walk arukimasu aruite asobu to play asobimasu asonde au to meet aimasu atte hairu to enter hairimasu haitte hajimaru to begin hajimarimasu hajimatte iku to go ikimasu itte kaeru to return kaerimasu kaette kakaru to take kakarimasu kakatte kaku to write kakimasu kaite kau to buy kaimasu katte kiku to listen kikimasu kiite matsu to wait machimasu matte motsu to have mochimasu motte narau to learn naraimasu naratte nomu to drink nomimasu nonde okuru to send okurimasu okutte omou to think omoimasu omotte oyogu to swim oyogimasu oyoide shiru to know shirimasu shitte suwaru to sit suwarimasu suwatte tatsu to stand tachimasu tatte tomaru to stop tomarimasu tomatte tsuku to arrive tsukimasu tsuite uru to sell urimasu utte utau to sing utaimasu utatte wakaru to understand wakarimasu wakatte warau to laugh waraimasu waratte yomu to read yomimasu yonde Group 2 Verbs kangaeru to think kangaemasu kangaete miru to see mimasu mite neru to sleep nemasu nete oshieru to teach oshiemasu oshiete taberu to eat tabemasu tabete Group 3 Verbs kuru to come kimasu kite suru to do shimasu shite At the Restaurant Click the link to hear the pronunciation. ueitoresu waitress Irasshaimase. Welcome to our store. (Used as a greeting to customers in stores.) nanmei sama how many people (It is very polite way of saying how many people. Nannin is less formal.) futari two people kochira this way Sumimasen. Excuse me. menyuu menu Onegaishimasu. Please do me a favor. (A convenient phrase used when making a request.) Shou shou omachi kudasai. Please wait a moment. (formal expression) Douzo. Here you are. Doumo. Thanks. go-chuumon order boku I (informal, it is used by men only) sushi no moriawase assorted sushi hitotsu one (Native Japanese number) o-nomimono beverage Ikaga desu ka. Would you like ~? biiru beer morau to receive Kashikomarimashita. Certainly. (Literally means, I understand.) nanika anything Iie, kekkou desu. No, thank you. Rooms and Furnishings Click the link to hear the pronunciation. heya room ima living room daidokoro kitchen shinshitsu bedroom toire bathroom genkan entrance niwa garden kabe wall tenjou ceiling yaneura attic yuka floor mado window Furniture kagu furniture tsukue desk hondana book shelf isu chair tansu chest of drawers beddo bed todana cupboard Appliances reizouko refrigerator reitouko freezer sentakuki washer kansouki dryer oobun oven denshi renji microwave suihanki rice cooker soujiki vacuum cleaner terebi TV More Audio Phrases and Words by Topic Animals: From bird to zebra, heres the menagerie. Body: These words are especially useful if you need medical help. Calendar: Months, days of the week, and seasons. Colors: All colors are treated as nouns. Listen to the rainbow. Dates: These follow a basic rule of the number plus nichi. Family: Learn how to talk about your family and somebody elses family. Foods: Basics for food, meals, and phrases related to eating. Greetings: The basic phrases you will need. Introducing People: Learn how to introduce people and hear the vocabulary and expressions. Location: Dont wander about lost. You need these phrases to get directions. Numbers: How to count in Japanese. On the Phone: How to speak a phone number, plus phrases you will need for a phone call in Japanese. Tea: How to order tea and how to pronounce different types of tea. Time: How to express the time of day and ask and answer questions about time. Travel: Words and expressions youll need when youre on the move. Useful Expressions: Simple yes, no, thanks, and other basics. Weather: How to talk about what its doing outside. Adjectives: from near to far, clean to dirty, youll want to know these modifiers. Adverbs: From always to never, together to separately.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Human Resources Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Human Resources Management - Assignment Example This approach of managing the employees with the formation of definite strategies is known as strategic HRM. In other words, the strategic management of human resources implies the supervision and administration of employees according to the present and future objectives of the organization. It’s concerned with long term issues of the employees and it deals with the various macro elements of the organization that includes values, culture, structure, future needs, quality management, knowledge management and human resource development. It has a narrow objective of providing direction to the functions of the management in a chaotic environment, so that it can meet the individual needs and the collective needs of the staff through the application of suitable HR policies. The meaning of strategic human resource management implies: Use of planning A rational approach to the management and design of personnel management which is based on policies and strategies prepared in accordanc e with the philosophy of the organization. ... Figure 3.2 represents the Harvard approach while Figure 3.3 represents the Michigan approach. The Harvard approach is broader in comparison to the Michigan approach. Harvard approach deals with a situational perspective and takes into consideration the interest of the stakeholders in internal and external environment. This model doesn’t only emphasize on the performance but also pays attention towards individual and social well being. On the other hand, the Michigan approach is narrower and defines a much focused model which demonstrates a strong fit between the structure, HRM policies and strategy of the organization. This model puts more importance to the functional level of the human resource management which illustrates that the performance of an individual is dependent on selection, development, rewards and appraisal. The Harvard approach deals with a mixture of process and content theories, while Michigan approach is entirely content oriented.2 Source: Human Resource Man agement: A critical approach Importance of HRM An effective HRM framework helps the organization in3- Recruiting people through proper screening and interview techniques Developing their skills by providing them with proper training programs Motivating them with reasonable remuneration and addressing their grievances Retaining them with the introduction of various appraisal and incentive schemes Explain and analyze the HRM framework The human resource management framework is demonstrated in the following diagram The HRM framework describes all the essential function of the human resource management which has an ultimate objective of placing right kind of people in the right kind of job at the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Farid Ud-Din Attar. The Conference of the Birds Essay - 2
Farid Ud-Din Attar. The Conference of the Birds - Essay Example A good illustration of how the context of the story helps to clarify the meaning is shown in the case of when the hoopoe is telling the tale of a poor fisher boy whom King Mas’oud befriends. Later when the king upon casting the boy’s line successfully lands a sizeable catch, he then gives to the boy. The next day the king decides to make the boy a partner to his throne The story is taken from a religious allegory and can be interpreted probability to be a fable regarding God’s grace. However once we put the story into its real context the allegory gains more prominence. The hoopoe had just been asked by a bird why he is spiritually flourishing unlike the other birds that seem to be getting nowhere (Williams 49). The hoopoe explains that this is so because Solomon has glanced at him. The Hoopoe tells the birds that this glance is worth far more than prayer but continues to explain that this does not mean that an individual does not need to pray, but rather one should continue to pray continuously until Solomon glances at him. In this story of the fisher boy, we see that the boy has been unceasingly fishing (in the same spot every day, which represents the spiritual â€Å"fishing†of constant prayer (Williams 51). According to the Hoopoes previous explanation, the king’s visit is the glance of Solomon. This story is mostly demonstrative of individual effort and grace plus the reality that both are indispensable for spiritual advancement (Davis, 8). The point of a tale may at times seem rather elusive at the first reading; therefore, it is advisable to read it again or to refer to some previous text to remind you what the question being answered by the hoopoe is. This case with the stories resembles the story of the king and the fisher boy from which we got our excerpt. Throughout the poem, two themes in particular are intricately interwoven into the very fiber of the poem. These are the need to destroy the Self, and the weight
Monday, November 18, 2019
Impacts of a Borderless Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Impacts of a Borderless Society - Essay Example This is possible because of the borderless society that we are living in today. Although a borderless society makes it possible to access products all year round globally, it also has some negative impacts from economic, social and environmental perspectives. A borderless society reduces the world into a global village where it is very likely that national identities and cultural values may be lost (Reimann, 2002). Market competition has now become very stiff as a result of the concept of a borderless society. Countries that have goods of low quality and unfavorable prices do not have the chance in the global market. Some countries have taken advantage of the borderless society, and utilize cheap labor that is available in other countries. For example, many Western companies have relocated to Asian countries to take advantage of the cheap labor in these countries and the operations cost are low (Laudon & Traver, 2013). Sirloin steak refers to the steak that is cut from the back of an animal. The name ‘ sirloin’ originated from England when a certain king after having the steak liked it so much that he decided to knight it. Many people probably would only say which grocery store their sirloin comes from opposed to the geographical area in which it was produced. Most of the beef that is consumed in the United States for instance originates from the U.S with only 8-20 % originating from foreign countries (Emel & Neo, 2013). American cattle ranchers have continued to show interest in sustainable beef production practices that have minimal adverse environmental, ecological and social impacts. Research has shown that the beef industry in America has made achievements in environmental sustainability by using less water, emitting less greenhouse gas and avoiding overgrazing. America only imports beef products that have met sustainability standards set by the Global Beef Trade. It can therefore be concluded that
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Measuring the Impact of Stress on Physical Health
Measuring the Impact of Stress on Physical Health Psychologists are very interested to understand the many ways in which stress can make us unwell. Before psychologists can get to the point of very significant real-life benefits to be had from understanding this relationship, they need valid and reliable way of measuring stress first. There are two main categories of measurement that has been developed and they are self-report and physiological methods. One psychological measurement of stress is self-report scales and they include the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS). The Social Readjustment Rating Scale was developed by Thomas Holmes and Richard Rache in 1967 and is a well-known self-report method of measuring life changes that go on in an individuals life. Both Holmes and Rache studied the medical records of patients, picking out the events that occurred in the patients lives not long before they fell ill. Within the SRRS, it presents a list of 43 life changes and each one of the 43 stressful life events was given a Life Change Unit (LCU). Obviously this unit depended on how traumatic the event felt to be by a large sample of participants. The researchers calculated averages for each life event and further divided these numbers by ten. This gave the overall LCU score for each change and these changes were put into rank order from highest to lowest. It was found that if an individual has less than 150 LCU, they have a 30% chance of suffering from stress. Between 150 and 299 LCU, it equates to a 50% chance of suffering from stress, and finally over 300 LCU it means the person has an 80% chance of developing a stress related illness. The downside of this measurement of stress is that it doesnt take individual difference into consideration. The scale just assumes that each stressor affects people the same way but this is not true, for example some people may say that divorce is very stressful however for others it may even be a relief or amicable. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is the most commonly used psychological instrument for assessing the perception of stress. Items were made to assess how overloaded, uncontrollable and unpredictable respondents find their lives to be. Also within the scale, it has a number of direct queries about current levels of stress that the person experiences. The questioned asked in the (PSS) are about thoughts and feelings during the past month. In each case, people completing it are asked how often they felt a certain way. Another psychological measurement of stress is the Hassles and Uplifts Scale (HSUP). It is a self-report measure of the stress associated with everyday irritations known as hassles and of the small pleasures of daily life that are thought to partly offset the negative effects of hassles known as the uplifts. It is a more comfortable way to identify the pros and cons events that happen in each persons daily life. Also, Allen Kanner et al put forward that the combined effects of daily hassles and uplifts would be a more useful indicator of stress therefore he then developed this scale. The HSUP has three different forms: Daily Hassles Scale Daily Uplifts Scale Combined Scale The Daily Hassle Scale consists of 117 items and includes seven categories which are family, friends, work, environment, chance occurrences, health and practical considerations. Examples of hassles include disliking work colleagues, troublesome neighbours and too much responsibility. The scale measures how severe each hassle is on a three-point scale: somewhat, moderately or extremely severe. Based on the severity measure, it will reflect on the fact that the psychological meaning of each hassle to the individual is more important than how often it occurs. On the other hand, the Daily Uplifts Scale was constructed by a similar process that consisted of 135 items that were processed from the same content areas as the Hassles Scale. Examples of uplifts include relating well with friends and meeting responsibilities, liking fellow workers, and getting enough sleep. The individual identifies all of the uplifts that apply, followed by how often they have experienced them over a specific period of time. After many years of research with the Hassles and Uplifts Scale, some limitations were identified and so it was updated by Anita DeLongis et al and became the Hassle and Uplifts Questionnaire. The Skin conductance response (SCR) is a physiological measure of the degree of sweating associated with arousal of the autonomic nervous system. ANS arousal activates the bodys fight or flight response when a stressor occurs. Small increases in sweating can be detected as greater electrical conductance across the skin. To detect sweating, electrodes are attached to the index and middle fingers of one hand. A very small current that cannot be felt is applied to the electrodes in order to measure how much electricity is being conducted. Since human skin is a good conductor of electricity, the more we sweat, the more conductance there will be. There are two types of skin conductance. One is tonic conductance and this is skin conductance when we are not experiencing a stimulus. It is used as a baseline measure against which to compare phasic conductance. This type occurs when something happens like for example when someone asks you a question or we are shown a picture. The whole response can take from four to five seconds. Along with respiration, blood pressure and heart rate, the SCR makes up a polygraph, more commonly known as the lie detector test. Another physiological measurement of stress is by testing the persons blood pressure. Blood pressure is a measure of the force that exerts on the walls of blood vessels. When blood is measured by a sphygmomanometer, two numbers appear like for example 135/85mmHg. The first number, 135, represents the systolic pressure which happens when the heart pushes blood out of the arteries, whereas the second number, 85, represents the diastolic pressure, which is the pressure of the heart at rest. Salivary alpha-amylase is another physiological way of measuring stress. Alpha-amylase is an enzyme thats made under sympathetic innervations and can be collected in the individuals saliva. There is a lot of evidence suggesting that the level of salivary alpha-amylase increases with physiological stress, such as exercise.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Greek Philosophers :: essays papers
Greek Philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle had virtually the same beliefs about man's relation to the State, although Plato's political theory of the State was more rational than Socrates or Aristotle's. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all believed that man was not self-sufficient, they believed man would be most happy living in a State. They also believed that all men wanted to live the truly good life where they could be in tune with the truth and achieve their ultimate goals. Although Socrates, Plato and Aristotle's political views of the State are similar, Plato's view is more rational than Socrates and Aristotle's in the sense that he created an ideal State. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were three philosophers in ancient Greece who believed that no man was self-sufficient enough to live on his own. Plato believed "a State comes into existence because no individual is self-sufficing" (Stumph, 70). This theory of Plato's was also shared by Aristotle who said "He who is unable to live in society or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must either be a beast or a god" (Stumph, 103). These two views indicate the importance of a State to an individual according to Plato and Aristotle. All three philosophers believed that man would be much happier if he was part of a State rather than on his own. Socrates once stated "We are all more productive if we specialize in one thing rather than try to excel at many things" (Stumph, 40). Within the State Socrates believed that there would be a division of labour for the provision of food, shelter and clothing. An individual living outside of a State would have to provide thems! elves with these necessities. As Socrates stated above within the State you would specialize in one thing only, while a different individual would specialize in something else and this would allow the quality and the quantity of the product to increase. "Plato assumes that we are all born with physical and intellectual equipment that makes us suited to perform some tasks better than others" (Rice, 42). So now individuals only have to specialize in something that they are physically and intellectually suited for according to Plato. These three philosophers believed that if man could be more productive by specializing in something that they are suited for they would be happier. Aristotle made the point that "Every community is established with the view to some good; and that mankind always act in order to obtain that which they think good" (Copleston, 351). Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all believed that man needs to be
Monday, November 11, 2019
Alessandro Volta Biography
Alessandro Volta Biography Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Volta was an Italian scientist that is known for inventing the first battery. Volta was born into a noble family in Como, Italy on February 18, 1785. When Volta was twenty-nine years old he became a physics professor at the ‘Royal School’ in Como, Italy. He studied chemistry gases in the years of 1776 through 1778. By 1778, Volta managed to make an electrical spark using methane, which he discovered in 1776 by collecting the gas from marshes†¦Volta was the first person to discover and isolate the compound methane. The first battery that Alessandro Volta made was called the ‘Voltaic Pile’. The â€Å"Pile†consisted of discs of copper and zinc, stacked alternatively. In 1800, after going through extensive experimentation, Volta developed the voltaic pile. The original voltaic pile consisted of a pile of zinc and silver discs. The discs were separated by pieces of paper or cardboard and they wer e in between the alternating discs.The dividers were soaked in salt water. A copper wire connected the bottom zinc disc to the top silver disc could create frequent sparks. The top and the bottom layers had to be different metals and they were attached by a copper wire. When the circuit was closed electricity flowed through the Voltaic Pile. In 1779, Volta became a professor one again at the â€Å"University of Pavia†, for about 25 years. In 1794, he married a woman named Teresa Peregrini, who was also from Como, Italy.They both raised three sons: Giovanni, Flamino and Zanino Volta. Volta was acquired as a â€Å"count†by the French emperor, Napoleon, for his impeccable invention. He traveled to Paris, where a special gold medal was given him. Volta retired in 1819 in his hometown of Como, Italy. Alessandro Volta died on March 5, 1827, at the age of 82. He was buried in his late house, which is now called ‘Camnago Volta’.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
My hobby (listening music) Essay
What is music? Music is the art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (sometimes both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. As a teenager, I listen to music everyday. I can name almost name every song that comes on the radio. Listening to music takes the stress away from my mind. I love listening to music. Listening to music is my new hobby. I cannot go a day without listening to music. Music comes in different genres. I listen to many genres. The genre I listen to the most is R&B. I listen to R&B because it relates to my life. R&B is one of the tops ten genres listened to. Music to me is like a reading teacher reading a book. Music is just that good. The R&B singers I listen to are Keri Hilson, Trey Songz, Monica, K Michelle, and Usher. I listening to more than that but I do not want to waste my time writing all of the names. I wake up listening to music. Music is my passion. While I am writing this, I am listening to music. I cannot help myself. Some people are addicted to drugs and alcohol but my addiction is music. Music has many different meaning to it. In order for me to understand a song, I have to listen to the song over and over again. If someone gave me a pop quiz on music, I would most likely pass the pop quiz. I am not the type that does not have a life. I have a life, but in the meantime I listen to music when I am bored. I might listen to a great amount of music but I do not know how to do have of the dances that go along with them. Again, music is my passion and addiction. One more thought, I cannot sing. I just love listening to music.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Buddhism In America
E Pluribus Unum, a phrase that we hear more and more ever since September 11th. By now we all know its meaning, â€Å"From Many, One†. This phrase applies more today than ever. Today our cultural differences are magnified with the new immigration. It’s not just Swedes and Italians, Lutherans and Catholics, but Russian and Iranian Jews, Pakistani and Bengali Muslims, Trinidadi and Gujarati Hindus, Punjabi Sikhs and Sindhi Jains. Creating the unum from the pluribus is now more challenging than ever†(Eck 29). Our country is a large melting pot consisting of many different cultures, religions, and ethnicities. Buddhism, becoming popular in the 1950’s has been increasing its numbers and presence in America. â€Å"By 1997 more than a thousand Buddhist meditation and practice centers were listed in the new edition of The Complete Guide to Buddhist America†(Eck 149). Los Angeles holds many Buddhists, but Buddhism is spread across America. â€Å"Los Angeles has its fair share, to be sure, but there are also centers in Elk Rapids, Michigan, and Omaha, Nebraska. No part of the United States today is untouched bye the presence of this form of Buddhism based in meditation practice.†(Eck 149). Even though Buddhism spans all across America today, not all Americans are as accepting of Buddhism as they should be. â€Å"The very idea of a religion with no God makes for a rocky start in the nation that now prints ‘In God We Trust’ on its coins and pledges ‘One nation, under God, indivisible†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Eck 152).... Free Essays on Buddhism In America Free Essays on Buddhism In America E Pluribus Unum, a phrase that we hear more and more ever since September 11th. By now we all know its meaning, â€Å"From Many, One†. This phrase applies more today than ever. Today our cultural differences are magnified with the new immigration. It’s not just Swedes and Italians, Lutherans and Catholics, but Russian and Iranian Jews, Pakistani and Bengali Muslims, Trinidadi and Gujarati Hindus, Punjabi Sikhs and Sindhi Jains. Creating the unum from the pluribus is now more challenging than ever†(Eck 29). Our country is a large melting pot consisting of many different cultures, religions, and ethnicities. Buddhism, becoming popular in the 1950’s has been increasing its numbers and presence in America. â€Å"By 1997 more than a thousand Buddhist meditation and practice centers were listed in the new edition of The Complete Guide to Buddhist America†(Eck 149). Los Angeles holds many Buddhists, but Buddhism is spread across America. â€Å"Los Angeles has its fair share, to be sure, but there are also centers in Elk Rapids, Michigan, and Omaha, Nebraska. No part of the United States today is untouched bye the presence of this form of Buddhism based in meditation practice.†(Eck 149). Even though Buddhism spans all across America today, not all Americans are as accepting of Buddhism as they should be. â€Å"The very idea of a religion with no God makes for a rocky start in the nation that now prints ‘In God We Trust’ on its coins and pledges ‘One nation, under God, indivisible†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Eck 152)....
Monday, November 4, 2019
Being a Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Being a Manager - Essay Example Their rises through the ranks are discussed at length from their points of view as expressed during the interviews and in summary; it is found that the management escalator model fits with their career advancements. In any organizations, the role of management is crucial in ensuring the smooth running of activities and day to day operations, it is for these purpose that certain individuals; by virtue of their academic qualification, experience or both occupy management positions in most firms either formerly or informally (Reh, n.d). Specific duties of managers vary in different firms; nonetheless, managers are generally tasked with the responsibility of planning, monitoring and directing the efforts of a group of individuals place under him/her. They may direct works through supervisors or do it directly, however for one to be an effective manager, they needs must be familiar not only with the workers or supervisors, but also with the jobs, which they do. This is not to say they mus t be the best at any, or all the duties carried out by their subordinates many, who are specialists, however, they should have some understanding of the working of the different departments to be able to synchronize their activities as well as to direct the efforts. Managers specialize in is in knowing how to manage the resources at their disposal in their particular organizations and departments, and this mostly means human resource, however they also oversee the use of other resources such as money and equipment (York 2009, 185). In many organizations, managers emerge from the teams therein especially individuals who prove they have not only the requisite skills and experience but also leadership skills. Thus it is possible a specialist or technician to escalate to the top of the ranks and become a manager, they will apply not only their technical skills but acquired experience and judgment as well as familiarity with firm procedures to run their respective departments (Richard 20 01, 17). In this essay, focus will be on management and based on how the managerial escalator (Rees and Porter, 2001) applies to the career experiences of two managers who have made it to management levels from the bottom. The term managerial escalator refers to the progression of responsibilities in a firm gradually from technical or specialist to managerial positions gradually through time to help employees acquire the managerial skills while honing their technical skills. Initially, specialists spend a major fraction of their time in the organization engaged in their fields of specialization, however , the more competent specialist or those who show leadership potential gradually acquire supervisory duties, albeit informally at times. This is because leadership skills are necessary in a manager, these can be seen in their behavior and attitudes, and they are used to determine if he/she is capable of taking charge and responsibility of a team (Wilson et al, 2006, 21). The promotio n of the best performers can often be attributed to the fact that most organizations run on a reward system, however employees who gain academic credentials such as master’s degree substantial improve their chances of â€Å"escalation†. The transition from technician to management is takes time and this can be as much as 5 to 10 years or as little as one year, depending on the organization’s structure. Specialist may begin to acquire more responsibilities than their peers and even seniors based on their competence
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Human Population Explosion on a Finite Planet Essay
The Human Population Explosion on a Finite Planet - Essay Example The exponential growth of the world’s population is a fact that is undisputed by many scholars concerned with the ecological support the world can comfortably offer, which has created a growing concern about whether the world can eventually support future generations given that the population has shown no signs of declining (Hauser, 1979). Currently, the world’s population stands at more than 7 billion and it is expected to hit a higher record because the populations in the developing world are still growing at very high rates since people their people have not been exposed to family control methods that are, currently being used in the developed world. One of the reasons that have contributed to this is the lack of education that has led to higher levels of illiteracy. Therefore, it is, undoubtedly the world’s population would hit the expected 9 billion mark by 2050 (Meyer & Turner, 1992). Safety has become a major challenge today due to human encroachment on unsafe areas that have often led to the loss of life and property. For instance, human beings have encroached areas prone to floodplains and tsunamis, and this has caused a number of loss of lives whenever catastrophes have struck. Most of these areas, which were 30 years ago sparsely populated have now registered a high number of people due to human encroachment (Hauser, 1979). Moreover, because land has become a scarce resource people have now moved to occupy lands that were formerly being used for agriculture. All these has been attributed lar to population explosion, which has seen many people moving to urban areas due to rural-urban migration. This has reduced the population that was actively engaged in farming and thus leading to the food shortage in some parts of the world (Bouvier & Bertrand, 1999).
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Brazilian experience Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Brazilian experience - Research Paper Example A business organization must sell products to survive and to grow. The marketing concept states that an organization should try to provide products that satisfy customers’ needs through a coordinated set of activities. Customer satisfaction is the major aim of the marketing concept. An organization has to find out what will satisfy customers, and create satisfying products. The organization must continue to alter, adapt and develop products to keep pace with customers’ changing desires and preferences. The marketing concept stresses the importance of customers and emphasizes that marketing activities begin and end with them.2 (Jobber & Lancaster, p. 15) In the new business environment, the twenty-first century that is, it is essential to determine the new target market and the potential size. Knowing the number of people that the business is targeting as its potential customers is a primary goal of any business. Although the playing field has been significantly widened by the Internet and information technology for business organizations, still the potential market size has to be pinpointed in the planning and initial stages of the business or even when the operation is thoroughly ongoing. By having a website, an organization can have an idea how the customers respond and patronize their products. New web features enable website and customer interaction. Customers post their inquiries, product opinion and complaints living behind their ideas about the company, which in turn provides information for future business plans and strategies. Websites also ask customer preferences and data. These information inputs provide expert knowledge for target market, size and ‘characteristics’ of regular and potential customers. By knowing who their customers are, business people become creative. The company must encourage its workforce to become creative by asking their opinion, suggestions and ideas for improvement and organizational success. The p otential market size and target are important to the real estate business that our organization is planning to implement in the country Brazil. Brazil’s economy is growing fast and there is also a wide playing field. With the help of our website, we can penetrate the areas of the growing middle- and lower-classes of society, and even the rich sector. These different sectors are in need of real estate. Our product – real estate – is still in demand for the growing market. 1.2 Resources The people or employees are an asset to the organization. Commentators suggest that employees or workers are an organization’s greatest asset. They are a part of organizational knowledge and organizations have to invest much on what is called human capital. The 4Ps which is Product, Price, Place, Promotion – and a fifth which is people – are the basis of a marketing strategy employed by most firms for competitive advantage. The marketing mix variables are usual ly considered internal variables which a manager bases his/her decisions. Strategic human resource provides effective management of the staff, retention, and turnover processes, selection of employees that fit with both the organizational strategy and culture, and cost effective utilization of employees. As an outcome, the firm can have an increased performance, enhanced customer and employee satisfaction and shareholder value. Employees of international organizations hav
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
World War II Essay Example for Free
World War II Essay World War II started in 1939 and ended in 1945. It involved the countries of Japan, Germany, and Italy. Those three formed the Axis Powers. The countries that fought against them were Great Britain, France, the United States, and in part the Soviet Union. Notable names in the war were: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, (president of the United States); Adolf Hitler, (Nazi Party leader and German chancellor); Benito Mussolini, (Italian fascist dictator); Hideki Tojo, (Japanese military leader); and Joseph Stalin, (communist leader of Soviet Union). World War II was the most fatal war in history, resulting in between 40 and 50 million deaths. World War II was caused by many different reasons. It was caused psychologically by: Adolf Hitler’s actions; Anti-Semitism; and totalitarianism. Politically it was caused by: the Treaty of Versailles; the failure of the League of Nations; and failure of appeasement. Finally it was caused geographically by: imperialistic Japan; the Treaty of Versailles; and the positioning of the United States. World War II was caused psychologically by the actions of Hitler, the influence of Anti-Semitism, and the influence of totalitarianism all over Europe. Adolf Hitler was a powerful speaker. He influenced many people to support himself and the Nazi party. â€Å"All great world shaking events have been brought about not by written matter, but by the spoken word. †(Adolf Hitler Quotes). On the contrary, he published a book, Mein Kampf (my struggle). In this book he described the Nazi party. The consumer and the common man read the book. They began to believe what Hitler had preached in Mein Kampf. â€Å"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live. (Hitler and Manheim). Hitler promoted the beliefs of German expansion; that Germans were the â€Å"master race†and all others are inferior; and Anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism caused World War II in part psychologically by making people think that Jews were the cause of all their problems, and that they shouldn’t exist within the â€Å"Third Reich†or Third German Empire. During World War II between 4,869,360 and 5,894,716 Jewish were exterminated. (Holocaust Memorial Museum). This mass killing was called the Holocaust. The people that killed all of these innocents were who? People influenced by Anti-Semitism, mostly members of the Nazi Party. Anti-Semitism caused the Holocaust. â€Å"The personification of the devil as the symbol of evil assumes the living shape of the Jew. †(Adolf Hitler Quotes). The Holocaust was one reason for war. So in turn, Anti-Semitism was one psychological cause of World War II. Most of the Anti-Semitism was present in the Nazi Party, which was the German fascism. Totalitarianism was when a government has total control, and individual people have no civil rights. Before and during World War II, there were many different types of totalitarianism. There was fascism, communism, the Nazi Party, and militarism in Japan. Psychologically all of these different brands of totalitarianism influenced an abundance of the nations involved in World War II. In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin took total control by transforming his nation into an industrial communist state. People who disobeyed him were killed. In Italy, Benito Mussolini rose to power through winning the support of many discontent Italians and by fascism. â€Å"Italy wants peace, work, and calm. I will give these things with love if possible, with force if necessary. (Danzer, Klor de Alva, Krieger, Wilson, and Woloch). In Germany, Adolf Hitler influenced Germany with the German brand of fascism, the Nazi party. â€Å"The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it. †(â€Å"Adolf Hitler Quotes†). Finally in Japan, Hideki Tojo used the military to take control and use notes of fascism in his leadership. All of these dictators used totalitarianism to influence the people of their nations. In doing this, they create a psychologically influenced mass of people who believe and conform to totalitarianism. From three quarters of these nations, the Axis Powers were born. World War II was caused politically by: the Treaty of Versailles; failure of the League of Nations; and failure of appeasement. The Treaty of Versailles was a post World War I peace agreement that established new borders, nations, and war reparations. In this treaty, Germany was to take all the blame and sole responsibility for the war. They were stripped of their colonies. The Germans were angry and resentful. The Treaty of Versailles destroyed the German economy and also banned them from maintaining an army. All of these angered people. This political move aided to moving towards World War II. Some people, like Herbert Hoover, thought it not a good idea. â€Å"The economic consequences alone will pull down all Europe, and thus injure the United States. †(Danzer, Klor de Alva, Krieger, Wilson, and Woloch). The League of Nations was meant to keep world peace. Yet another world peace agreement after World War I, it was meant to settle conflicts between nations with words over fighting. However it failed because not all nations participated in the League and some countries eventually left too. Other countries still traded with the countries that withdrew. This made the League’s rules pointless. Also the League had no force behind it. They had no army. â€Å"It is a commonplace that the League of Nations is not yet what its most enthusiastic protagonists intended it to be. †(Branting). All of these reasons created a weakness within the League, causing it to fail, making it easier to start a war. Appeasement is giving in. Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier met with Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich in 1938. The four signed the Munich Agreement. This entailed that the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia would be turned over to Germany and that this would be the â€Å"last territorial demand†. â€Å"His Majesty’s government in the United Kingdom and the French Government have entered into the above agreement on the basis that they stand by the offer, contained in paragraph 6 of the Anglo-French proposals of the 19th September, relating to an international guarantee of the new boundaries of the Czechoslovak State against unprovoked aggression. †(Hitler, Daldier, Chamberlain, and Mussolini. ) Daladier and Chamberlain believed Hitler, falling victim to his lie. Obviously this was not Hitler’s last territorial demand. â€Å"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. †(Hitler). Appeasement failed, making Britain and France look weaker and Germany stronger for free basically. Germany becoming stronger was caused by failure of appeasement, in turn causing World War II. World War II was caused geographically by different factors: Japan exercising imperialism; the Treaty of Versailles’ land stripping-condition; and finally the positioning of the United States compared to Europe and Asia. Japan wanted to expand its empire. Examples would be when they invaded Manchuria and French Indochina. Another would be when Pearl Harbor was attacked, an attempt to destroy the US Naval base, in order to later take over the Hawaiian Islands and expand its imperial influence in the Pacific. â€Å"When reflecting back on it today, that the Pearl Harbor attack succeeded in achieving surprise seems [like] a blessing from heaven. †(Tojo). After Japan invaded French Indochina in 1941, the US stopped trading with them. This angered Japan military leaders. The result was then a loss of oil from the US, forcing Japan to make the decision to take over the Dutch East Indie oil fields. This contributed to the anger that started World War II. The Treaty of Versailles geographically fueled World War II because it stripped Germany of all its colonies and outlying territories. â€Å"It lost land to a number of other countries. Alsace-Lorraine was returned to France, Eupen and Malmedy were given to Belgium; North Schleswig was given to Denmark. Land was also taken from Germany and given to Czechoslovakia and Poland. The League of Nations took control of Germanys colonies. †(Wheeler). Losing all of these weakened Germany’s imperial power and created anger within the people. â€Å"In territory outside her European frontiers as fixed by the present Treaty, Germany renounces all rights, titles and privileges whatever in or over territory which belonged to her or to her allies, and all rights, titles and privileges whatever their origin which she held as against the Allied and Associated Powers. †(Treaty of Versailles: Article 118). This contributed to the start of World War II. The US is approximately 10,000 miles from Europe across the Atlantic Ocean. Japan is across the Pacific Ocean. The US is in the middle. The US didn’t get involved in the war earlier because they didn’t want to fight a war on two fronts. This lack of involvement from the US caused the Axis Powers to gain strength and leverage against the Allies with the amount of land that was taken over before the US got in the war. World War II is similar to the current conflict in North Korea. After World War I was over, time went by with tension still in Germany, as stated earlier about the Treaty of Versailles. The Korean War ended in 1953, but there is still anger present in North Korea. The anger is resulting in North Korea threatening to develop nuclear weapons. The development and potential use of those would result in worldwide damage and chaos. Tension was developed both by North Korea and Germany both after major wars, (World War I and the Korean War). Germany’s tension resulted in World War II; hopefully North Korea’s won’t result in anything similar. Another similarity between these two conflicts is the inhumane treatment and labor camps. During World War II there was concentration camps. People were tortured, overworked, malnourished, and eventually killed or died from the previous conditions. There were 24 major concentration camps spread around the â€Å"Third Reich†. Oddly enough, there are 25 active major prison camps in North Korea. In these camps, people die from disease, torture, starvation, and execution. â€Å"So far 400,000 people have died within these camps†(One Free Korea). Like the German concentration camps, there have been reports of gas chamber use and human experimentation in Korean camps. â€Å"In Auschwitz, there were a total of 1. 1 million people who entered†(One Free Korea). In Camp 14, a Korean slave labor camp, there are almost 200,00 people and it is growing. These numbers have a large difference, but in terms of the amount, they are both very high numbers. â€Å"Fundamentally, it is the same as Hitler’s Auschwitz. †(Kang, Korean War). After World War II, psychoanalyst Walter Langer studied Adolf Hitler. Recently, other scientists used his research and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is the American Psychiatric Association’s standard for official psychiatric diagnoses. They came up with an evaluation of Hitler. His consensus profile said he was very paranoid, antisocial, narcissistic, and sadistic. Hitler was predicted to be schizophrenic. The same scientists also studied Saddam Hussein. They studied Kim Jong Il too. Kim Jong Il was North Korea’s dictator from 1994 till his death in 2011. In Il’s consensus profile, he came up with the same traits as Hitler: paranoid; antisocial; narcissistic; and sadistic. (Coolidge and Segal). This proves that both of these dictators are similar in the psyche. If they are similar in their traits, then most likely their actions are similar. In conclusion World War II was caused by many factors. It was caused psychologically by Hitler’s words and actions; the idea of Anti-Semitism and its influences; and the rise in totalitarianism all over Europe. Politically: World War II was caused by the Treaty of Versailles and what it entailed; the weakness and eventual failure of the League of Nations, and appeasement not working. Geographically: it was caused by Japan’s imperialistic ideals and actions; the geographical part of the Treaty of Versailles; and the United States placement on the globe. Today, World War II is oddly similar to the conflict in North Korea. Reasons to support this would be the similarity of growing tensions over time after an initial conflict; concentration and labor camps in both conflicts; and the two dictators psychoanalysis results conforming to each other. World War II was an awful tear on the world’s pristine but painted canvas, and it has influenced a grand amount of ways, customs, and policies today. It has resulted in the creation of so many organizations, world peace efforts, and preservations of history. World War II is and always will be remembered as one of the globes greatest wars.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Case Study On Managing Cultural Diversity Management Essay
Case Study On Managing Cultural Diversity Management Essay Is diversity good for business. The awareness of benefits from managing diversity is becoming more and more explicit during daily human resource management work. The diversity management is an important strategy of the human resource management which to promote the perception, acknowledgement and implementation of diversity in organization and institutions. It may lead to a common interest between employers and employees. The conflict associated with diversity management is inevitable according to its principal. On the other hand such collide would be regarded as a generator of new methods, viewpoints, interests, creativity and way of solving issues as well. Whether diversity is a potential performance barrier or a value-added action is determined by institutions policies. In the first part of this essay, what is diversity management, why it is essential and what would benefit from by organizations will be discussed. In the last part of the essay will analysis cultural change model and present approaches to diversity from practical case before conclusion. The human resource plans and policies are designed by the management to achieve some goal (Alexander Lewer, 1998), such as attracting, retaining and effectively making use of labor resources in all kinds of organizations, from profitable companies to education facilities, from government departments to supermarkets. As a strategy of human resource management, diversity management is a daily increasing perspective of tackling with impacts from employees with different background. Diversity is defined into two dimensions from peoples social and cultural identities. It refers to the ways people differ from each other. The primary dimensions described as peoples fundamental characters, such as age, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities, race and so on. The secondary dimensions refer to persons self definition via educational background, income, marital status, religious beliefs etc. Both of the dimensions may hold the same status of daily cultural impact on a multicultural organization. Cultural diversity is a specific area in diversity, which focus on peoples characters labeled culturally, including gender, age, ethnicity, race, and also lifestyle, immigrant status and language facility. Cultural diversity management is aimed at taking advantage of staffs different cultural background to increase their motivation and creativity, further to bring a successful close to strategy. Increasing diversity management can be a double-edging sword. Although the awareness of cultural diversity in workforce is becoming day by day better recognized by organizations, it is often effectively limited due to the passively abidance of legal compliance and human rights protection. Based on theory and research, inappropriate implementations can create barrier to high performance. Firstly, diversity can increase misunderstanding and conflict among employees from different cultural background. Compared with more homogeneous group, the former group may experience lower levels of social attraction and competitiveness. Secondly, too much diverse leads to harassment and discrimination behaviors. As different managers hold different opinions of managing cultural diversity, different approaches can be implemented. One of the simplest methods is avoiding diversity. However the reality is for most multinational organizations, it is not feasible. How to take advantage of cultural diversi ty without suffering enormous disbenefit is the main issue faced by employers. Another side of the diversity sword is that well managed diversity can catalyze the performance of organizations at different aspect, which means a value-added activity. First of all, well implemented approaches create an image of fairness and respect for all people which is an ideal working environment for staff. These terms are listed in formal statements of policy in every organization in the world, but unless the company has effective and ongoing strategies, those clauses are just another meaningless and hopeful fairy tale without princess. Whats more, employees from different cultural background diversify solutions of problems, decision making, skills and allocation of resources (Gardner Plamer, 1992), which can provide a larger pool of ideas and experiences. The organization can draw from that pool to meet Business strategy and the customers needs more effectively. And also provide individual talents, creativity and experiences (e.g. languages, cultural understanding) from div erse culture. This may allows a company to provide a global service to customers and also improve their marketing strategies. In addition, opinions from diverse cultural background enhance critical analysis in decision-making groups. In a series of research studies, Charlene Nemeth found that groups subjected to minority views were better at critically analyzing decision issues and alternatives than those that were not. The essay will analysis diversity using cultural change model (Taylor Cox Jr, 2001) in the next part. Model for Cultural Change Figure attached reveals a model for organizational implementations to tackle the impacts of diversity (Taylor Cox. Jr , 2001). Every element from this model should be considered as an effective organizational change. Following the flow of the arrows suggests, every element is influenced by the diversity and continually interacts with each other in the process of self learning. Leadership Leadership is a behavior that establishes an objective for improvement which provides a sense of urgency and importance for the vision. The orientation of change is also called vision. Meanwhile it also generates motivation of others, and brings an ideal environment for achievement of the vision. At the same time, a leader should be involved in vision, establish the adequate organization design and integrate the diversity management with the companys business strategy. It is absolutely the most essential element for change. As its vital role of a diversity change effort, leadership is on the top of the list while implementing diversity. Leaders are those who have influence with other members within the organization, such as CEOs, heads of unites of organizations or divisions, HR staff members with diversity assignments and head of labor unions. In order to achieve fully effectiveness of the implementations, the change should satisfy these conditions: (1) leadership starts at the executive; (2) it takes generations of administration to make the effort work, and (3) leadership should present directly without delegate. First of all, to be fully effective, leadership on diversity must start at the top. A change of presidents would produce a noticeable slow-down in progress toward the goals that were laid out for diversity excellence. Although other members of the leadership team below the CEO level, including the head of the HR function and several engineering managers, continue to work on the diversity change effort, the effort lost momentum that was never recovered. Secondly, it takes many leaders to achieve the final goal. In Alcoa, for example, a remarkable progress of cultural diversity owe to leaders at different levels of management chain. In 1999, the executive vice president George Bergeron included an assessment of progress on the diversity goals of the company as part of the incentive compensation formula for all managers reporting to him. Partly as a result of this action, the business units under his authority were all active in working the change model and achieved remarkable progress in the first year of work (Taylor Cox, 2001). Eventually, unless there is someone taking the responsibility of making change, the effort made to diversity would doom to failure. Research Measurement Research is a method of collecting data by which people solve problems about environmental element or phenomenon (Taylor Cox Jr, 2001). In the context of organizational effort on diversity, such problems are specified as: (1) gender distribution which regarded as a question about element and (2) whether an employees job performance is influenced by age is categorized as the relationship between elements. Measurement indicates approaches to record the effectiveness of diversity change. This part of model explains several questions of using data, including how to create criteria to implementation with data, how to use data to improve awareness of diversity, how to evaluate the environment for diversity and how to critic progress has been made. Take Alcoa as an example, there was a significant meeting of managing department in both business unit and resource unit, which regarded as a watershed event in leader commitment. Data presented on diversity of this meeting based on surveys and interviews at around five different locations of the organization. Some quotations were wrote down during the interviews with employees from every grade of job, and written on board and showed around the meeting room. Then the leaders walked around and read the messages, some of which approved to run counter to companys elemental values and policies. This is just a simple experience of using internal data, which became a motivate activity for forming support of the diversity effort at A lcoa. As is shown above, research and measurement are fundamental to the diversity management process, while using data to act on improvements means using data to increase commitment, enhance training, diagnosing the climate for diversity and measure progress (Taylor Cox Jr, 2001). Education Education refers to trainings and practices of any change effort. As a core feature of way to diversity, approaches of learning must diversified to fulfill its original purpose. Employees showed great conscious of diversity during the training period, many of which would not last long after training procedure. In order to deliver a remarkable education on diversity and collect better return from investment on diversity training, an educating design should based on certain ingredients: content, format and logistics, participants, and facilitation. Firstly, the content of training on diversity should be critical hence multidimensional. Each dimension is specified into different substance, for instance, to specify the required subtopics, to indicate the relationship among topics and to illustrate the type of the content. Secondly, the format and logistics of a diversity education are determined by time and approaches of the training. The effectiveness of training is not only influenced by the length of training period, but also affected by the way of using time. For example, instead of a one-day-six-hour exhausting boredom, a two hour well sequenced training program of three days is more effective and efficient. Thirdly, in the participant perspective, how large the trainee group, how many fields and levels of the employee, and the preparation for the participants should be considered before education. For example, a two-hour diversity education practice with an objective of simply understanding the business reasons of investing in diversity improvement was held by a division of General Motors. Based on a clear and narrow objective, and presented by a one-way communication, the training process was highly effective with the large group. Lastly, facilitation is the finial main element affecting education, including way to open and close the training, to handle with sensitive topic, and to create internal expertise. Alignment of management system Management system is the intermedium of managing, such as organizational policy, implement, regulation, or process. This covers main human resource practice, like recruitment, promotion, development, and even work conditions, or the physical design of working environment. These systems must interlink with one another as an organization is a social system. Before implementing alignment assignment, three components: time, space and people should be considered. To start with, time factor is the time which is scheduled for the work performance. It contains length of working period, use of overtime, time-off policies (holiday, leave and vacation), and retirement policies. What is fundamental and simple that, if a company has flexible time-off policies, it would be better to attract, retain, and motivate diverse employees. Muslim could decide whether or not work at their prayer time in a multinational company, and Chinese workers might enjoy their reunion with their families at Spring Festival. Whats more, space factors have to do with the physical working surroundings, including the neatness of working place, the barriers between different individual employees and so on. Eventually the people factor could be expended as recruitment, promotion, bonus, performance measurement, and career trajectories development and succession planning. People factors are designed to retain human resource and achieve the employment outcomes. As described in this chapter, there are large amount of issues in these three areas must be considered under the change for diversity. Nevertheless, any of them should not be tackled independently. Follow-up This factor contains adjusting the learning loop and establishing accountability for the results, so that the action processes become more and more accurate, hence the management system becomes more and more effective on diversity. In order to maintain effective and reasonable follow-up while changing towards diversity, a series of specific activities should be contained in the follow-up procedure, including make use of plan reviews, keep record, provide motivation for good behavior ,and control knowledge retention and transfer. In reality, Alcoa has a motivate reward plan provides bonus besides the base salary. Like many companys, the bonus reward on job performance is yearly issued. For higher-level managers, the bonus from holding stock might generate a fortune of hundreds of thousands of dollars for a CEO. Even middle-level managers would have tens of thousands of dollars according to their performance under the whole organizational strategy. It is a very practical but extremely effective incentive. When efforts towards diversity failed, it would be always traced back to poor following. When the following is poor, the whole orientation would collapse. Conclusion Based on Taylors cultural change model, which indicates a process of changing effort meeting the impacts from managing cultural diversity in a company, the way towards harmonious diverse workplace is brambly. Efforts should be made in each corner of the organization, from line worker to executive of division, from sales people to technical team and marketing staff, from London branch to Delhi branch. Diversity is based on certain intentions: labor force is the most valuable resource, every employee should be treated with respect and equality, and equal opportunities for people of all groups. In order to achieve diversity in organization or even country, it takes not only moral obligation to accomplish their orientation, but also generations of unremitting endeavor, hence the demand of building diversity organization is more than a requirement of maximizing business performance.
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